6 research outputs found

    A Tutorial on Coding Methods for DNA-based Molecular Communications and Storage

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    Exponential increase of data has motivated advances of data storage technologies. As a promising storage media, DeoxyriboNucleic Acid (DNA) storage provides a much higher data density and superior durability, compared with state-of-the-art media. In this paper, we provide a tutorial on DNA storage and its role in molecular communications. Firstly, we introduce fundamentals of DNA-based molecular communications and storage (MCS), discussing the basic process of performing DNA storage in MCS. Furthermore, we provide tutorials on how conventional coding schemes that are used in wireless communications can be applied to DNA-based MCS, along with numerical results. Finally, promising research directions on DNA-based data storage in molecular communications are introduced and discussed in this paper

    Identification of non-enterococci microbes carrying the transposon Tn1549 using CRISPR-Cas9 enrichment for selective long-read sequencing

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    Masteroppgave i molekylærbiologiMOL399MAMN-MO

    Decoding the microbial signature in the formation of Hells Bells underwater speleothems on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

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    In Zusammenhang mit steigenden Temperaturen ist in Zukunft mit einer verstärkten Eutrophierung und Stratifizierung zu rechnen, was zur Ausbreitung von Sauerstoffminimumzonen führt. Sauerstoffminimumzonen bilden wiederum die Grundlage für das verstärkte Aufkommen von sulfidischen Wasserzonen. Mikroben können eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entgiftung von Schwefelwasserstoff spielen. Pelagische Redoxklinen als biogeochemische Transformationszonen stellen ideale Umgebungen dar, um die komplexe Rolle von Mikroorganismen in diesem Prozess und die entsprechenden wichtigen Kontrollfaktoren zu untersuchen. In dieser Arbeit wurde die mikrobielle Ökologie der Redoxkline der Cenote El Zapote auf der Yucatán Halbinsel untersucht. In der Cenote El Zapote wurden die größten Unterwasser-Speläotheme der Welt, die sogenannten Hells Bells, entdeckt. Frühere Studien zur Hydrogeochemie der Cenote deuteten darauf hin, dass die Entwicklung der Kalzitformationen höchstwahrscheinlich auf mikrobieller Aktivität in der Redoxkline beruht. Um zu klären, ob diese enigmatischen Kalkstrukturen durch mikrobiell induzierte Mineralisierung entstehen, wurde die funktionelle Vielfalt der verschiedenen Subbiotope (Süßwasser, Halokline, Redoxkline, Biofilm auf den Speläothemen) mittels 16S rRNA-Amplikonsequenzierung bestimmt und mit einem metagenomischen und -transkriptomischen Profiling der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft verbunden, um die mikrobiellen Hauptakteure und ihre vielfältigen Stoffwechselaktivitäten zu identifizieren. Diese Studie konnte aufdecken, dass chemolithoautotrophe Hydrogenophilales in dieser elektronenakzeptorlimitierten Umgebung eine unvollständige nitratgetriebene Sulfidoxidation mit elementarem Schwefel als Hauptprodukt anstelle von Sulfat katalysieren. Dieser protonenverbrauchende Prozess ist für eine leichte lokale pH-Verschiebung ins Alkalische verantwortlich, welche wiederum Kalzitfällung und schließlich die Bildung der Trübeschicht und das Wachstum der Hells Bells fördert. Auf Grundlage dieser Schlussfolgerung wurde Kalzitfällung durch diese Stoffwechselaktivität mit Hilfe von mikrofluidischen Chip-Systemen im Labormaßstab untersucht und erfolgreich bestätigt. Folglich konnten die Kernaussagen vorrausgehender hydrogeochemischer Studien beleget werden. Ein Teilprojekt, das auf den metatranskriptomischen Daten basierte, ermöglichte es sogar, die Grundlage für eine antikörperbasierte Isolierungsmethode zur Anreicherung von Thaumarchaeota aus der Redoxkline von El Zapote zu schaffen. Um den Ursprung von Hells Bells besser zu verstehen, wurde als Nächstes die mikrobielle Ökologie der Redoxkline von Cenote Angelita untersucht, die keine Speläotheme aufweist. Metatranskriptomische Analysen zeigten, dass photolithoautotrophe Chlorobiales und chemolithoautotrophe Campylobacterales eine zentrale Rolle spielen. Die anoxygene Photosynthese und anaerobe Sulfidoxidation mit dem Hauptprodukt Sulfat bewirken in dem weniger elektronenakzeptorlimitierten Redoxregime eine pH-Absenkung, die wiederum zu einer Kalzituntersättigung und Hemmung der Kalzitfällung führt. Mit dieser Studie konnten die mikrobiellen Hauptakteure, ihre komplexen Stoffwechselwege und Schlüsselgene, die am biogeochemischen Kreislauf in diesen Redoxklinen beteiligt sind, aufgedeckt und damit das Verständnis des Wachstums von Hells Bells auf eine molekularbiologische Ebene gehoben werden

    Evaluation of identification and molecular characterization of foodborne pathogens by whole genome sequencing through Illumina and Nanopore

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    As next-generation sequencing (NGS) costs has dropped in recent years, whole genome sequencing (WGS) has been adopted as the primary typing method for pathogens of interest in outbreak surveillance in the U.S. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the performance of Nanopore sequencing for rapid identification and molecular characterization of E. coli and Salmonella, two major foodborne bacterial pathogens. Eleven E. coli and ten Salmonella isolates obtained from pecan orchards were sequenced using MinION and Illumina NextSeq 500. As MinION allows real-time reads analysis, the reads were time-based subsampled to determine the earliest identification turnaround time for each isolate. Species level identification was achieved at 15 mins of sequencing run. Complete antigenic profile and variants of major virulence genes were detected in 16 and 25 hours using assemblies obtained from the subsampled-reads of E. coli and Salmonella, respectively. Additionally, comparisons of the Nanopore-based assemblies against hybrid assemblies from the combined reads of MinION and Illumina showed that the best values of continuity were obtained at 4 and 8 hours; whereas, the best value of annotated features were obtained in 16 and 25 hours for E. coli and Salmonella, respectively (p < 0.05). By using these assemblies as input in a stringent BLASTn search (percentage of identity of 95 % and query coverage of 85 %) against the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD), we could find significantly similar results to those obtained from the hybrid assemblies of Salmonella but not for E. coli isolates. However, the hits obtained from the search against the Virulence Factor Database (VFDB) were not sufficient to generate results significantly similar for both species. Finally, the results of phylogeny analysis obtained from assemblies created with reads produced in 3 hours of sequencing process from both species, were significantly similar to those of the results with hybrid genomes (p < 0.05). These results demonstrated that Nanopore can offer an effective sequencing platform for the rapid identification of E. coli and Nontyphoidal Salmonella isolates, with certain capabilities for their molecular characterization

    Airway Microbiome in Chronic Lung Disease

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    Chronic lung disease is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The recent discovery of the lung microbiome has transformed our understanding of the pathophysiology of respiratory infections and chronic lung disease. In the presented PhD thesis, the hypothesis that the composition of the whole microbial community rather than individual pathogens, is critical in the pathogenesis of chronic lung disease has been investigated. The airway microbiome was studied in a spectrum of chronic lung diseases: non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) in adult survivors of extremely preterm birth and early pulmonary changes in people living with HIV (PLW-HIV) using culture independent approaches: next generation sequencing and quantitative polymerase chain reactions (qPCR). In all forms of the chronic lung diseases studied, a characteristic pattern of bacterial dysbiosis was identified. This was characterised by a significant decline in the bacterial community biodiversity and a shift in the bacterial community composition away from phylum Bacteroidetes; particularly genus Prevotella whose relative abundance was correlated with an important lung function parameter: FEV1% predicted. In PLW-HIV, some potential respiratory pathogens and gut bacteria were enriched in the airway microbiome which may place this population at higher risk to respiratory morbidities and pneumonia. Chronic lung disease is a sector employing extensive antibiotic prescription practices either to treat acute exacerbations, or as prophylaxis therapy. Substantial scientific evidence currently supports the clinical usefulness of macrolide prophylaxis therapy in managing chronic respiratory conditions. In this thesis, I investigated the effect of antibiotics on the homeostasis of the bacterial communities in the airways and how it contributed to the of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) among microbiota. The airway was found to harbour a rich source of AMR determinants and resistant microbiota. The AMR determinants were more related to the antibiotics used as rescue packs for prompt initiation of self-treatment of exacerbations. Antibiotic prophylaxis therapy was associated with lower total bacterial load and suppressed recognised pathogenic bacteria in the airways with minimal effect on the homeostasis of the respiratory microbiota. The airway bacterial community was resilient towards the disturbances caused by antibiotics use. No definite directional shift in the microbiome compositions associated with prophylactic antibiotics was identified at the group level