11 research outputs found

    Outlier Privacy

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    We introduce a generalization of differential privacy called \emph{tailored differential privacy}, where an individual\u27s privacy parameter is ``tailored\u27\u27 for the individual based on the individual\u27s data and the data set. In this paper, we focus on a natural instance of tailored differential privacy, which we call \emph{outlier privacy}: an individual\u27s privacy parameter is determined by how much of an ``\emph{outlier}\u27\u27 the individual is. We provide a new definition of an outlier and use it to introduce our notion of outlier privacy. Roughly speaking, \emph{\eps(\cdot)-outlier privacy} requires that each individual in the data set is guaranteed ``\eps(k)-differential privacy protection\u27\u27, where kk is a number quantifying the ``outlierness\u27\u27 of the individual. We demonstrate how to release accurate histograms that satisfy \eps(\cdot)-outlier privacy for various natural choices of \eps(\cdot). Additionally, we show that \eps(\cdot)-outlier privacy with our weakest choice of \eps(\cdot)---which offers no explicit privacy protection for ``non-outliers\u27\u27---already implies a ``distributional\u27\u27 notion of differential privacy w.r.t.~a large and natural class of distributions

    SoK: Differential Privacies

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    Shortly after it was first introduced in 2006, differential privacy became the flagship data privacy definition. Since then, numerous variants and extensions were proposed to adapt it to different scenarios and attacker models. In this work, we propose a systematic taxonomy of these variants and extensions. We list all data privacy definitions based on differential privacy, and partition them into seven categories, depending on which aspect of the original definition is modified. These categories act like dimensions: variants from the same category cannot be combined, but variants from different categories can be combined to form new definitions. We also establish a partial ordering of relative strength between these notions by summarizing existing results. Furthermore, we list which of these definitions satisfy some desirable properties, like composition, post-processing, and convexity by either providing a novel proof or collecting existing ones.Comment: This is the full version of the SoK paper with the same title, accepted at PETS (Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium) 202

    Differential Privacy with Bounded Priors: Reconciling Utility and Privacy in Genome-Wide Association Studies

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    Differential privacy (DP) has become widely accepted as a rigorous definition of data privacy, with stronger privacy guarantees than traditional statistical methods. However, recent studies have shown that for reasonable privacy budgets, differential privacy significantly affects the expected utility. Many alternative privacy notions which aim at relaxing DP have since been proposed, with the hope of providing a better tradeoff between privacy and utility. At CCS’13, Li et al. introduced the membership privacy framework, wherein they aim at protecting against set membership disclosure by adversaries whose prior knowledge is captured by a family of probability distributions. In the context of this framework, we investigate a relaxation of DP, by considering prior distributions that capture more reasonable amounts of background knowledge. We show that for different privacy budgets, DP can be used to achieve membership privacy for various adversarial settings, thus leading to an interesting tradeoff between privacy guarantees and utility. We re-evaluate methods for releasing differentially private chi^2-statistics in genome-wide association studies and show that we can achieve a higher utility than in previous works, while still guaranteeing membership privacy in a relevant adversarial setting

    SoK: Differential privacies

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    Shortly after it was first introduced in 2006, differential privacy became the flagship data privacy definition. Since then, numerous variants and extensions were proposed to adapt it to different scenarios and attacker models. In this work, we propose a systematic taxonomy of these variants and extensions. We list all data privacy definitions based on differential privacy, and partition them into seven categories, depending on which aspect of the original definition is modified

    Differential privacy with bounded priors: Reconciling utility and privacy in genome-wide association studies

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    Differential privacy (DP) has become widely accepted as a rigorous definition of data privacy, with stronger privacy guarantees than traditional statistical methods. However, recent studies have shown that for reasonable privacy budgets, differential privacy significantly affects the expected utility. Many alternative privacy notions which aim at relaxing DP have since been proposed, with the hope of providing a better tradeoff between privacy and utility. At CCS'13, Li et al. introduced the membership privacy framework, wherein they aim at protecting against set membership disclosure by adversaries whose prior knowledge is captured by a family of probability distributions. In the context of this framework, we investigate a relaxation of DP, by considering prior distributions that capture more reasonable amounts of background knowledge. We show that for different privacy budgets, DP can be used to achieve membership privacy for various adversarial settings, thus leading to an interesting tradeoff between privacy guarantees and utility. We re-evaluate methods for releasing differentially private χ2-statistics in genome-wide association studies and show that we can achieve a higher utility than in previous works, while still guaranteeing membership privacy in a relevant adversarial setting. © 2015 ACM

    Data Protection in Big Data Analysis

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    "Big data" applications are collecting data from various aspects of our lives more and more every day. This fast transition has surpassed the development pace of data protection techniques and has resulted in innumerable data breaches and privacy violations. To prevent that, it is important to ensure the data is protected while at rest, in transit, in use, as well as during computation or dispersal. We investigate data protection issues in big data analysis in this thesis. We address a security or privacy concern in each phase of the data science pipeline. These phases are: i) data cleaning and preparation, ii) data management, iii) data modelling and analysis, and iv) data dissemination and visualization. In each of our contributions, we either address an existing problem and propose a resolving design (Chapters 2 and 4), or evaluate a current solution for a problem and analyze whether it meets the expected security/privacy goal (Chapters 3 and 5). Starting with privacy in data preparation, we investigate providing privacy in query analysis leveraging differential privacy techniques. We consider contextual outlier analysis and identify challenging queries that require releasing direct information about members of the dataset. We define a new sampling mechanism that allows releasing this information in a differentially private manner. Our second contribution is in the data modelling and analysis phase. We investigate the effect of data properties and application requirements on the successful implementation of privacy techniques. We in particular investigate the effects of data correlation on data protection guarantees of differential privacy. Our third contribution in this thesis is in the data management phase. The problem is to efficiently protecting the data that is outsourced to a database management system (DBMS) provider while still allowing join operation. We provide an encryption method to minimize the leakage and to guarantee confidentiality for the data efficiently. Our last contribution is in the data dissemination phase. We inspect the ownership/contract protection for the prediction models trained on the data. We evaluate the backdoor-based watermarking in deep neural networks which is an important and recent line of the work in model ownership/contract protection