966 research outputs found

    Toward a probability theory for product logic: states, integral representation and reasoning

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    The aim of this paper is to extend probability theory from the classical to the product t-norm fuzzy logic setting. More precisely, we axiomatize a generalized notion of finitely additive probability for product logic formulas, called state, and show that every state is the Lebesgue integral with respect to a unique regular Borel probability measure. Furthermore, the relation between states and measures is shown to be one-one. In addition, we study geometrical properties of the convex set of states and show that extremal states, i.e., the extremal points of the state space, are the same as the truth-value assignments of the logic. Finally, we axiomatize a two-tiered modal logic for probabilistic reasoning on product logic events and prove soundness and completeness with respect to probabilistic spaces, where the algebra is a free product algebra and the measure is a state in the above sense.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figur

    Algebras of higher operads as enriched categories

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    Rational group ring elements with kernels having irrational dimension

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    We prove that there are examples of finitely generated groups G together with group ring elements Q \in \bbQ G for which the von Neumann dimension \dim_{LG}\ker Q is irrational, so (in conjunction with other known results) answering a question of Atiyah.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure; [TDA 3/12/13:] Updated version incorporating referee's suggestion

    Geometric Algebra Techniques for General Relativity

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    Geometric (Clifford) algebra provides an efficient mathematical language for describing physical problems. We formulate general relativity in this language. The resulting formalism combines the efficiency of differential forms with the straightforwardness of coordinate methods. We focus our attention on orthonormal frames and the associated connection bivector, using them to find the Schwarzschild and Kerr solutions, along with a detailed exposition of the Petrov types for the Weyl tensor.Comment: 34 pages, 0 figures; submitted to Annals of Physic