2,628 research outputs found

    On the Capacity Region of the Two-user Interference Channel with a Cognitive Relay

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    This paper considers a variation of the classical two-user interference channel where the communication of two interfering source-destination pairs is aided by an additional node that has a priori knowledge of the messages to be transmitted, which is referred to as the it cognitive relay. For this Interference Channel with a Cognitive Relay (ICCR) In particular, for the class of injective semi-deterministic ICCRs, a sum-rate upper bound is derived for the general memoryless ICCR and further tightened for the Linear Deterministic Approximation (LDA) of the Gaussian noise channel at high SNR, which disregards the noise and focuses on the interaction among the users' signals. The capacity region of the symmetric LDA is completely characterized except for the regime of moderately weak interference and weak links from the CR to the destinations. The insights gained from the analysis of the LDA are then translated back to the symmetric Gaussian noise channel (GICCR). For the symmetric GICCR, an approximate characterization (to within a constant gap) of the capacity region is provided for a parameter regime where capacity was previously unknown. The approximately optimal scheme suggests that message cognition at a relay is beneficial for interference management as it enables simultaneous over the air neutralization of the interference at both destinations

    Capacity Bounds for a Class of Interference Relay Channels

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    The capacity of a class of Interference Relay Channels (IRC) -the Injective Semideterministic IRC where the relay can only observe one of the sources- is investigated. We first derive a novel outer bound and two inner bounds which are based on a careful use of each of the available cooperative strategies together with the adequate interference decoding technique. The outer bound extends Telatar and Tse's work while the inner bounds contain several known results in the literature as special cases. Our main result is the characterization of the capacity region of the Gaussian class of IRCs studied within a fixed number of bits per dimension -constant gap. The proof relies on the use of the different cooperative strategies in specific SNR regimes due to the complexity of the schemes. As a matter of fact, this issue reveals the complex nature of the Gaussian IRC where the combination of a single coding scheme for the Gaussian relay and interference channel may not lead to a good coding scheme for this problem, even when the focus is only on capacity to within a constant gap over all possible fading statistics.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (revised version

    Cooperative Strategies for Simultaneous and Broadcast Relay Channels

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    Consider the \emph{simultaneous relay channel} (SRC) which consists of a set of relay channels where the source wishes to transmit common and private information to each of the destinations. This problem is recognized as being equivalent to that of sending common and private information to several destinations in presence of helper relays where each channel outcome becomes a branch of the \emph{broadcast relay channel} (BRC). Cooperative schemes and capacity region for a set with two memoryless relay channels are investigated. The proposed coding schemes, based on \emph{Decode-and-Forward} (DF) and \emph{Compress-and-Forward} (CF) must be capable of transmitting information simultaneously to all destinations in such set. Depending on the quality of source-to-relay and relay-to-destination channels, inner bounds on the capacity of the general BRC are derived. Three cases of particular interest are considered: cooperation is based on DF strategy for both users --referred to as DF-DF region--, cooperation is based on CF strategy for both users --referred to as CF-CF region--, and cooperation is based on DF strategy for one destination and CF for the other --referred to as DF-CF region--. These results can be seen as a generalization and hence unification of previous works. An outer-bound on the capacity of the general BRC is also derived. Capacity results are obtained for the specific cases of semi-degraded and degraded Gaussian simultaneous relay channels. Rates are evaluated for Gaussian models where the source must guarantee a minimum amount of information to both users while additional information is sent to each of them.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures, To appear in IEEE Trans. on Information Theor

    On Two-Pair Two-Way Relay Channel with an Intermittently Available Relay

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    When multiple users share the same resource for physical layer cooperation such as relay terminals in their vicinities, this shared resource may not be always available for every user, and it is critical for transmitting terminals to know whether other users have access to that common resource in order to better utilize it. Failing to learn this critical piece of information may cause severe issues in the design of such cooperative systems. In this paper, we address this problem by investigating a two-pair two-way relay channel with an intermittently available relay. In the model, each pair of users need to exchange their messages within their own pair via the shared relay. The shared relay, however, is only intermittently available for the users to access. The accessing activities of different pairs of users are governed by independent Bernoulli random processes. Our main contribution is the characterization of the capacity region to within a bounded gap in a symmetric setting, for both delayed and instantaneous state information at transmitters. An interesting observation is that the bottleneck for information flow is the quality of state information (delayed or instantaneous) available at the relay, not those at the end users. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first result regarding how the shared intermittent relay should cooperate with multiple pairs of users in such a two-way cooperative network.Comment: extended version of ISIT 2015 pape

    The Multi-way Relay Channel

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    The multiuser communication channel, in which multiple users exchange information with the help of a relay terminal, termed the multi-way relay channel (mRC), is introduced. In this model, multiple interfering clusters of users communicate simultaneously, where the users within the same cluster wish to exchange messages among themselves. It is assumed that the users cannot receive each other's signals directly, and hence the relay terminal in this model is the enabler of communication. In particular, restricted encoders, which ignore the received channel output and use only the corresponding messages for generating the channel input, are considered. Achievable rate regions and an outer bound are characterized for the Gaussian mRC, and their comparison is presented in terms of exchange rates in a symmetric Gaussian network scenario. It is shown that the compress-and-forward (CF) protocol achieves exchange rates within a constant bit offset of the exchange capacity independent of the power constraints of the terminals in the network. A finite bit gap between the exchange rates achieved by the CF and the amplify-and-forward (AF) protocols is also shown. The two special cases of the mRC, the full data exchange model, in which every user wants to receive messages of all other users, and the pairwise data exchange model which consists of multiple two-way relay channels, are investigated in detail. In particular for the pairwise data exchange model, in addition to the proposed random coding based achievable schemes, a nested lattice coding based scheme is also presented and is shown to achieve exchange rates within a constant bit gap of the exchange capacity.Comment: Revised version of our submission to the Transactions on Information Theor
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