8 research outputs found

    Outage detection in power distribution networks with optimally-deployed power flow sensors

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    §These authors contributed equally to this work. Abstract—An outage detection framework for power distri-bution networks is proposed. The framework combines the use of optimally deployed real-time power flow sensors and that of load estimates via Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) or load forecasting mechanisms. The distribution network is modeled as a tree network. It is shown that the outage detection problem over the entire network can be decoupled into detection within subtrees, where within each subtree only the sensors at its root and on its boundary are used. Outage detection is then formulated as a hypothesis testing problem, for which a maximum a-posteriori probability (MAP) detector is applied. Employing the maximum misdetection probability Pmaxe as the detection performance metric, the problem of finding a set of a minimum number of sensors that keeps Pmaxe below any given probability target is formulated as a combinatorial optimization. Efficient algorithms are proposed that find the globally optimal solutions for this problem, first for line networks, and then for tree networks. Using these algorithms, optimal three-way trade-offs between the number of sensors, the load estimate accuracy, and the outage detection performance are characterized for line and tree networks using the IEEE 123 node test feeder system. I

    A Survey on Energy Efficiency in Smart Homes and Smart Grids

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    Empowered by the emergence of novel information and communication technologies (ICTs) such as sensors and high-performance digital communication systems, Europe has adapted its electricity distribution network into a modern infrastructure known as a smart grid (SG). The benefits of this new infrastructure include precise and real-time capacity for measuring and monitoring the different energy-relevant parameters on the various points of the grid and for the remote operation and optimization of distribution. Furthermore, a new user profile is derived from this novel infrastructure, known as a prosumer (a user that can produce and consume energy to/from the grid), who can benefit from the features derived from applying advanced analytics and semantic technologies in the rich amount of big data generated by the different subsystems. However, this novel, highly interconnected infrastructure also presents some significant drawbacks, like those related to information security (IS). We provide a systematic literature survey of the ICT-empowered environments that comprise SGs and homes, and the application of modern artificial intelligence (AI) related technologies with sensor fusion systems and actuators, ensuring energy efficiency in such systems. Furthermore, we outline the current challenges and outlook for this field. These address new developments on microgrids, and data-driven energy efficiency that leads to better knowledge representation and decision-making for smart homes and SGsThis research was co-funded by Interreg Österreich-Bayern 2014–2020 programme project KI-Net: Bausteine fĂŒr KI-basierte Optimierungen in der industriellen Fertigung (AB 292). This work is also supported by the ITEA3 OPTIMUM project and ITEA3 SCRATCH project, all of them funded by the Centro TecnolĂłgico de Desarrollo Industrial (CDTI), Spain

    A Novel Scalable Reconfiguration Model for the Postdisaster Network Connectivity of Resilient Power Distribution Systems

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    The resilient operation of power distribution networks requires efficient optimization models to enable situational awareness. One of the pivotal tools to enhance resilience is a network reconfiguration to ensure secure and reliable energy delivery while minimizing the number of disconnected loads in outage conditions. Power outages are caused by natural hazards, e.g., hurricanes, or system malfunction, e.g., line failure due to aging. In this paper, we first propose a distribution-network optimal power flow formulation (DOPF) and define a new resilience evaluation indicator, the demand satisfaction rate (DSR). DSR is the rate of satisfied load demand in the reconfigured network over the load demand satisfied in the DOPF. Then, we propose a novel model to efficiently find the optimal network reconfiguration by deploying sectionalizing switches during line outages that maximize resilience indicators. Moreover, we analyze a multiobjective scenario to maximize the DSR and minimize the number of utilized sectionalizing switches, which provides an efficient reconfiguration model preventing additional costs associated with closing unutilized sectionalizing switches. We tested our model on a virtually generated 33-bus distribution network and a real 234-bus power distribution network, demonstrating how using the sectionalizing switches can increase power accessibility in outage conditions

    Investigating the Ability of Smart Electricity Meters to Provide Accurate Low Voltage Network Information to the UK Distribution Network Operators

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    This research presents a picture of the current status and the future developments of the LV electricity grid and the capabilities of the smart metering programme in the UK as well as investigating the major research trends and priorities in the field of Smart Grid. This work also extensively examines the literature on the crucial LV network performance indicators such as losses, voltage levels, and cable capacity percentages and the ways in which DNOs have been acquiring this knowledge as well the ways in which various LV network applications are carried out and rely on various sources of data. This work combines 2 new smart meter data sets with 5 established methods to predict a proportion of consumer’s data is not available using historical smart meter data from neighbouring smart meters. Our work shows that half-hourly smart meter data can successfully predict the missing general load shapes, but the prediction of peak demands proves to be a more challenging task. This work then investigates the impact of smart meter time resolution intervals and data aggregation levels in balanced and unbalanced three phase LV network models on the accuracy of critical LV network performance indicators and the way in which these inaccuracies affect major smart LV network application of the DNOs in the UK. This is a novel work that has not been carried out before and shows that using low time resolution and aggregated smart meter data in load flow analysis models can negatively affect the accuracy of critical low voltage network estimates

    Distributed Outage Detection in Power Distribution Networks

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