5,228 research outputs found

    Kulturstudien Ostmitteleuropas

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    1. Wozu Kulturstudien Ostmitteleuropas? 2. Was sind Kulturstudien Ostmitteleuropa? 3. Ostmitteleuropa – le mot et la chose 4. Kulturstudien Ost(mittel)europas in Forschung und Lehre 5. Berufsfelder fĂŒr Absolventen des Faches Kulturstudien Ostmitteleuropas 6. Zitierte Literatu

    Glimpses of the Third Millennium BC in the Carpathian Basin

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    The relative and absolute chronology of the cultural groups of the 3rd millennium BC is a particularly exciting field of prehistoric research because this period spans the assumed boundary of two major periods — the final phase of the Copper Age and the initial phase of the Early Bronze Age. The transition from one major archaeological period to the next no doubt involved major structural changes. The transition period roughly spanning the middle third of the 3rd millennium BC, i.e. the period between the close of the Late Copper Age and the Early Bronze Age 2a in Hungary, corresponds to what is known as the Late Eneolithic in Central Europe and is generally divided into three main phases: 1. the late Baden, 2. the post-Baden/Vučedol, and 3. the post-Vučedol period. The transition in the Carpathian Basin had a mosaic patterning: the rhythm of change varied from region to region and the transformation in each major region followed a different cultural trajectory (Fig. 1, Table 1). This period is here examined in the light of two recently discovered finds from Hungary (Fig. 2, Fig. 4). The finds described here offered a glimpse into the transitional period between the Copper Age and the Bronze Age, with a focus on southern Transdanubia. The more or less identical artefacts and decorative styles appearing roughly synchronously in several regions reflect the period’s cultural contacts spanning extensive territories. The mapping of these communications networks and the clarification of the period’s finer chronological details based on the growing corpus of data will no doubt remain one of the priorities of future research. | A Kr. e. 3. Ă©vezred relatĂ­v Ă©s abszolĂșt kronolĂłgiai viszonyainak kutatĂĄsa kĂŒlönösen izgalmas terĂŒlete az Ƒskor vizsgĂĄlatĂĄnak, hiszen kĂ©t nagy korszak feltĂ©telezett hatĂĄrĂĄn, a rĂ©zkor kĂ©sei Ă©s a bronzkor kezdeti fĂĄzisainak megismerĂ©sĂ©t foglalja magĂĄban. A nagy rĂ©gĂ©szeti korszak definĂ­ciĂłk azt sejtetik, hogy fontos strukturĂĄlis vĂĄltozĂĄsok ĂĄllnak mögöttĂŒk. A Kr. e. 3. Ă©vezred közĂ©psƑ harmadĂĄra tehetƑ ĂĄtmeneti idƑszakot, vagyis a magyarorszĂĄgi kĂ©sƑ rĂ©zkor vĂ©ge Ă©s kora bronzkor 2a közötti korszakot, közĂ©p-eurĂłpai szemszögbƑl tekintve a kĂ©sƑ eneolitikum idƑszakĂĄt hĂĄrom fƑbb szakaszra tagoltan vizsgĂĄlhatjuk: 1. kĂ©sƑ Baden, 2. post-Baden/ Vučedol korszak, 3. post-Vučedol korszak. A KĂĄrpĂĄt-medence tĂ©rsĂ©gĂ©ben egy mozaikos jellegƱ, fokozatos, terĂŒletenkĂ©nt vĂĄltozĂłan eltĂ©rƑ ĂŒtemƱ Ă©s tendenciĂĄjĂș ĂĄtalakulĂĄsnak lehetĂŒnk tanĂși (Fig. 1, Table 1). EzĂșttal kĂ©t magyarorszĂĄgi lelet alapjĂĄn vizsgĂĄljuk a korszakot (Fig. 2, Fig. 4). A bemutatott leletek segĂ­tsĂ©gĂ©vel a rĂ©zkor Ă©s bronzkor ĂĄtmeneti idƑszakĂĄnak nĂ©hĂĄny kĂ©rdĂ©sĂ©t tekintjĂŒk ĂĄt, kĂŒlönösen a DĂ©l-DunĂĄntĂșl terĂŒletĂ©re fĂłkuszĂĄlva. A kor nagy tĂĄvolsĂĄgokat ĂĄtfogĂł kapcsolatrendszerĂ©nek maradandĂł lenyomatĂĄt Ƒrzik azok a tĂĄrgyak/stĂ­luslemek, melyek több rĂ©giĂłban közel egyidƑben Ă©s hasonlĂł jellegben talĂĄlhatĂłk meg. Ezek alapjĂĄn fontos feladat lesz ennek/ezeknek a kommunikĂĄciĂłs hĂĄlĂłzat(ok)nak a tovĂĄbbi feltĂ©rkĂ©pezĂ©se Ă©s a folyamatosan gyarapodĂł adatok alapjĂĄn kronolĂłgiai összefĂŒggĂ©seik tisztĂĄzĂĄsa

    Regierungsbildung in Ostmitteleuropa

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    Strukturelle und kulturelle Grundlagen des Politischen in Ostmitteleuropa im 20. Jahrhundert

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    Structural and Cultural Foundations of the Political Sphere in East Central Europe in the 20th Century The cultural turn in political history challenges established notions of East Central Europe. Yet, a survey of recent studies shows that the concept of East Central Europe is still provides valid insights into specific traits of the regions within a European context. The article explores the national connotations of statehood since the late nineteenth century. It argues that not so much unsolved minority problems, but rather the need to develop coherent ideas of a national state and a national territory within the majority populations posed the most serious problems in establishing the new political order after 1918. The answer was to link national statehood to farreaching reform projects. The communist regimes took a similar approach in propagating socialist utopia within a national framework. Even today, discourses of national statehood, liberty and civil society reflect specific traditions of the historical experience of East Central Europe

    Auf dem Weg zu einer transnationalen Geschichte Ostmitteleuropas

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    Zivilisierungsmissionen Ă  la polonaise:: Polen, Europa und der Osten

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    Civilizing missions à la polonaise: Poland, Europe and the East With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the onset of the Eastern enlargement of the EU the political geography of Europe has become fluid and contested. The article investigates how Polish political actors in this context redefined Poland’s place in Europe both in relation to “the West” and with regard to their Eastern neighbors. Already before 1989 these blueprints involved transnational spaces legitimated by an interpretation of Poland’s past in the East, but also by its “Western” tradition. These spatial semantics can be interpreted as a peculiar civilizing mission. After elaborating this concept the article briefly introduces the historical narratives which were integrated into the Polish vision of EU-rope. The Eastern axis of Polish concepts of European space has remained unchallenged while discourses on modernization as a mode of ascribing spatial hierarchies were used as tools of getting access to a new “civilizational space”. As the EU was struggling with internal reforms itself the Polish position in the Union – based on a leading role in Eastern and Central Europe – strengthened

    Migration als Transnationale Geschichte.: Ostmitteleuropa um den Ersten Weltkrieg

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    Migration as Transnational History. East Central Europe around World War I. Transnational History addresses the dialectics of entanglement on the one hand and of formations of socio-political containers on the other. Migration is an obvious illustration of such processes. From this perspective, the article sketches the integration of East Central Europe into regional, continental and global migratory regimes since ca. the 1830s, and the consequences of this development for sending as well as for receiving societies, highlighting Poland and the US. In a second step, it discusses the implications of an accordingly conceived history of migration for established historiographical assumptions at hand of the caesura that World War I supposedly meant for the region. Finally, it suggests a micro-historical approach of “translocation” to supplement and potentially revise the presented findings

    Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas in vergleichender Absicht.: Einleitende Bemerkungen

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