83 research outputs found

    Towards a compendium of process technologies: The jBPT library for process model analysis

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    This paper presents the idea of a compendium of process technologies, i.e., a concise but comprehensive collection of techniques for process model analysis that support research on the design, execution, and evaluation of processes. The idea originated from observations on the evolution of process-related research disciplines. Based on these observations, we derive design goals for a compendium. Then, we present the jBPT library, which addresses these goals by means of an implementation of common analysis techniques in an open source codebase

    RALph: A Graphical Notation for Resource Assignments in Business Processes

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    The business process (BP) resource perspective deals with the management of human as well as non-human resources throughout the process lifecycle. Although it has received increasing attention recently, there exists no graphical notation for it up until now that is both expressive enough to cover well-known resource selection conditions and independent of the BP modelling language. In this paper, we introduce RALph, a graphical notation for the assignment of human resources to BP activities. We define its semantics by mapping this notation to a language that has been formally defined in description logics, which enables its automated analysis. Although we show how RALph can be seamlessly integrated with BPMN, it is noteworthy that the notation is independent of the BP modelling language. Altogether, RALph will foster the visual modelling of the resource perspective in BP

    CRISTAL: Collection of Resource-Centric Supporting Tools and Languages

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    In this demo, we introduce CRISTAL (Collection of ResourcecentrIc Supporting Tools and Languages), a tool suite aimed at improving the human resource management capabilities of current Business Process Management Systems (BPMSs), covering the design and enactment phases of the business process (BP) life cycle. The central element is Resource Assignment Language (RAL), a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for specifying resource assignments in process models. RAL’s strong analysis capabilities enable the automated resolution of resource assignment expressions both (i) at design time, serving for post-design analysis to find and correct potential problems prior to execution, and (ii) at run time, in order to execute the BP in an existing BPMS considering the RAL assignments for resource allocation. The resource assignments can be directly modelled in a Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) diagram, or specified by means of a RACI matrix. in the latter case, CRISTAL can take all the RACI information automatically and introduce it into a resource-unaware BPMN model at any moment, resulting in a RACI-aware BP model (and, thus, a resource-aware BP model)

    PPINOT Tool Suite: a Performance Management Solution for Process-Oriented Organisations

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    A key aspect in any process-oriented organisation is the measurement of process performance for the achievement of its strategic and operational goals. Process Performance Indicators (PPIs) are a key asset to carry out this evaluation, and, therefore, the management of these PPIs throughout the whole BP lifecycle is crucial. in this demo we present PPINOT Tool Suite, a set of tools aimed at facilitating and automating the PPI management. The support includes their definition using either a graphical or a template-based textual notation, their automated analysis at design-time, and their automated computation based on the instrumentation of a Business Process Management System

    PPINOT: a Tool for the Definition and Analysis of Process Performance Indicators

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    A key aspect in any process-oriented organisation is the evaluation of process performance for the achievement of its strategic and operational goals. Process Performance Indicators (PPIs) are a key asset to carry out this evaluation, and, therefore, having an appropriate definition of these PPIs is crucial. After a careful review of the literature related and a study of the current picture in different real organisations, we conclude that there not exists any proposal that allows to define PPIs in a way that is unambiguous and highly expressive, understandable by technical and non-technical users and traceable with the business process (BP). Furthermore, it is also increasingly important to provide these PPI definitions with support to automated analysis allowing to extract implicit information from them and their relationships with the BP. in this work we present PPINOT, a tool that allows the graphical definition of PPIs together with their corresponding business processes, and their subsequent automated analysis

    RAL Solver: a Tool to Facilitate Resource Management in Business Process Models

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    Business process (BP) modelling notations tend to stray their attention from resource management, unlike other aspects such as control flow or even data flow. On the one hand, the languages they offer to assign resources to BP activities are usually either little expressive, or hard to use for non-technical users. On the other hand, they barely care about the subsequent analysis of resource assignments, which would enable the detection of problems and/or inefficiency in the use of the resources available in a company. We present RAL Solver, a tool that addresses the two aforementioned issues, and thus: (i) allows the specification of assignments of resources to BP activities in a reasonably simple way; and (ii) provides capabilities to automatically analyse resource assignments at design time, which allows extracting information from BP models, and detecting inconsistencies and assignment conflicts

    Collaborative Development of Informal Processes

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    Combination usage of process mining and adaptive case management

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    Process mining performs well on structured processes like BPM. In recent years, Adaptive Case Management (ACM) was introduced to support knowledge workers by giving them the permission to define processes on the fly in unpredictable situations. By doing so, processes seem to be unstructured and hard to be enhanced. The goal of this thesis is to analyze how process mining can improve and benefit unstructured processes and to develop a prototype for a potential application. The scenario analysis focuses on (1) supporting knowledge workers with process mining, (2) transiting from unstructured to structured processes through process mining, and (3) compliance regulations in unstructured processes through process mining. One scenario is selected based on the analysis for implementing a prototype. Due to the importance of compliance regulations and rare researches on compliance regulations in unstructured processes, the scenario (3) is selected and an approach of compliance checking for unstructured processes using process mining is proposed. The prototype of the approach leverages process mining to discover hidden structured in unstructured processes and implements compliance checking functionalities consisting of graphical rule definition, rule creation and rule checking on a log in Oryx platform. The prototype visualizes violating paths on the process model and reports all violating process instances. The evaluation proves that the prototype is indeed capable of compliance checking with a large real-life data log

    Designing Business Processes with History-Aware Resource Assignments

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    Human resources are actively involved in business process management (BPM), due to their participation in the execution of the work developed within business process (BP) activities. They, thus, constitute a crucial aspect in BP design. Different approaches have been recently introduced aiming at extending existing BP modelling notations to improve their capabilities for human resource management. However, the scope of the proposals is usually quite limited, and most of them provide ad-hoc solutions for specific scenarios. Resource Assignment Language (RAL) was developed just to overcome such shortcomings, being independent of the modelling notation in which it is used, and providing interesting resource analysis mechanisms. Still, RAL is currently focused on a single BP instance and, thus, resource assignments cannot contain constraints between two process instances. in this paper, we introduce a complete (i.e. syntactical and semantical) extension for RAL to provide it with history-aware expressions. These expressions will, in turn, be able to be automatically resolved and analysed along with the other RAL expressions, thanks to RAL’s semantics based on Description Logics (DLs)