4 research outputs found

    Orthogonal Vectors Indexing

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    In the recent years, intensive research work has been dedicated to prove conditional lower bounds in order to reveal the inner structure of the class P. These conditional lower bounds are based on many popular conjectures on well-studied problems. One of the most heavily used conjectures is the celebrated Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH). It turns out that conditional hardness proved based on SETH goes, in many cases, through an intermediate problem - the Orthogonal Vectors (OV) problem. Almost all research work regarding conditional lower bound was concentrated on time complexity. Very little attention was directed toward space complexity. In a recent work, Goldstein et al.[WADS \u2717] set the stage for proving conditional lower bounds regarding space and its interplay with time. In this spirit, it is tempting to investigate the space complexity of a data structure variant of OV which is called OV indexing. In this problem n boolean vectors of size clogn are given for preprocessing. As a query, a vector v is given and we are required to verify if there is an input vector that is orthogonal to it or not. This OV indexing problem is interesting in its own, but it also likely to have strong implications on problems known to be conditionally hard, in terms of time complexity, based on OV. Having this in mind, we study OV indexing in this paper from many aspects. We give some space-efficient algorithms for the problem, show a tradeoff between space and query time, describe how to solve its reporting variant, shed light on an interesting connection between this problem and the well-studied SetDisjointness problem and demonstrate how it can be solved more efficiently on random input

    Conditional Lower Bounds for Space/Time Tradeoffs

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    In recent years much effort has been concentrated towards achieving polynomial time lower bounds on algorithms for solving various well-known problems. A useful technique for showing such lower bounds is to prove them conditionally based on well-studied hardness assumptions such as 3SUM, APSP, SETH, etc. This line of research helps to obtain a better understanding of the complexity inside P. A related question asks to prove conditional space lower bounds on data structures that are constructed to solve certain algorithmic tasks after an initial preprocessing stage. This question received little attention in previous research even though it has potential strong impact. In this paper we address this question and show that surprisingly many of the well-studied hard problems that are known to have conditional polynomial time lower bounds are also hard when concerning space. This hardness is shown as a tradeoff between the space consumed by the data structure and the time needed to answer queries. The tradeoff may be either smooth or admit one or more singularity points. We reveal interesting connections between different space hardness conjectures and present matching upper bounds. We also apply these hardness conjectures to both static and dynamic problems and prove their conditional space hardness. We believe that this novel framework of polynomial space conjectures can play an important role in expressing polynomial space lower bounds of many important algorithmic problems. Moreover, it seems that it can also help in achieving a better understanding of the hardness of their corresponding problems in terms of time

    Improved Space-Time Tradeoffs for kSUM

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    In the kSUM problem we are given an array of numbers a_1,a_2,...,a_n and we are required to determine if there are k different elements in this array such that their sum is 0. This problem is a parameterized version of the well-studied SUBSET-SUM problem, and a special case is the 3SUM problem that is extensively used for proving conditional hardness. Several works investigated the interplay between time and space in the context of SUBSET-SUM. Recently, improved time-space tradeoffs were proven for kSUM using both randomized and deterministic algorithms. In this paper we obtain an improvement over the best known results for the time-space tradeoff for kSUM. A major ingredient in achieving these results is a general self-reduction from kSUM to mSUM where m1. (iv) An algorithm for 6SUM running in O(n^4) time using just O(n^{2/3}) space. (v) A solution to 3SUM on random input using O(n^2) time and O(n^{1/3}) space, under the assumption of a random read-only access to random bits

    Data Structures Meet Cryptography: 3SUM with Preprocessing

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    This paper shows several connections between data structure problems and cryptography against preprocessing attacks. Our results span data structure upper bounds, cryptographic applications, and data structure lower bounds, as summarized next. First, we apply Fiat--Naor inversion, a technique with cryptographic origins, to obtain a data structure upper bound. In particular, our technique yields a suite of algorithms with space SS and (online) time TT for a preprocessing version of the NN-input 3SUM problem where S3⋅T=O~(N6)S^3\cdot T = \widetilde{O}(N^6). This disproves a strong conjecture (Goldstein et al., WADS 2017) that there is no data structure that solves this problem for S=N2−δS=N^{2-\delta} and T=N1−δT = N^{1-\delta} for any constant δ>0\delta>0. Secondly, we show equivalence between lower bounds for a broad class of (static) data structure problems and one-way functions in the random oracle model that resist a very strong form of preprocessing attack. Concretely, given a random function F:[N]→[N]F: [N] \to [N] (accessed as an oracle) we show how to compile it into a function GF:[N2]→[N2]G^F: [N^2] \to [N^2] which resists SS-bit preprocessing attacks that run in query time TT where ST=O(N2−ε)ST=O(N^{2-\varepsilon}) (assuming a corresponding data structure lower bound on 3SUM). In contrast, a classical result of Hellman tells us that FF itself can be more easily inverted, say with N2/3N^{2/3}-bit preprocessing in N2/3N^{2/3} time. We also show that much stronger lower bounds follow from the hardness of kSUM. Our results can be equivalently interpreted as security against adversaries that are very non-uniform, or have large auxiliary input, or as security in the face of a powerfully backdoored random oracle. Thirdly, we give non-adaptive lower bounds for 3SUM and a range of geometric problems which match the best known lower bounds for static data structure problems