40,112 research outputs found

    Clustering and Community Detection in Directed Networks: A Survey

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    Networks (or graphs) appear as dominant structures in diverse domains, including sociology, biology, neuroscience and computer science. In most of the aforementioned cases graphs are directed - in the sense that there is directionality on the edges, making the semantics of the edges non symmetric. An interesting feature that real networks present is the clustering or community structure property, under which the graph topology is organized into modules commonly called communities or clusters. The essence here is that nodes of the same community are highly similar while on the contrary, nodes across communities present low similarity. Revealing the underlying community structure of directed complex networks has become a crucial and interdisciplinary topic with a plethora of applications. Therefore, naturally there is a recent wealth of research production in the area of mining directed graphs - with clustering being the primary method and tool for community detection and evaluation. The goal of this paper is to offer an in-depth review of the methods presented so far for clustering directed networks along with the relevant necessary methodological background and also related applications. The survey commences by offering a concise review of the fundamental concepts and methodological base on which graph clustering algorithms capitalize on. Then we present the relevant work along two orthogonal classifications. The first one is mostly concerned with the methodological principles of the clustering algorithms, while the second one approaches the methods from the viewpoint regarding the properties of a good cluster in a directed network. Further, we present methods and metrics for evaluating graph clustering results, demonstrate interesting application domains and provide promising future research directions.Comment: 86 pages, 17 figures. Physics Reports Journal (To Appear

    Steinitz Theorems for Orthogonal Polyhedra

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    We define a simple orthogonal polyhedron to be a three-dimensional polyhedron with the topology of a sphere in which three mutually-perpendicular edges meet at each vertex. By analogy to Steinitz's theorem characterizing the graphs of convex polyhedra, we find graph-theoretic characterizations of three classes of simple orthogonal polyhedra: corner polyhedra, which can be drawn by isometric projection in the plane with only one hidden vertex, xyz polyhedra, in which each axis-parallel line through a vertex contains exactly one other vertex, and arbitrary simple orthogonal polyhedra. In particular, the graphs of xyz polyhedra are exactly the bipartite cubic polyhedral graphs, and every bipartite cubic polyhedral graph with a 4-connected dual graph is the graph of a corner polyhedron. Based on our characterizations we find efficient algorithms for constructing orthogonal polyhedra from their graphs.Comment: 48 pages, 31 figure

    Markov Chain Methods For Analyzing Complex Transport Networks

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    We have developed a steady state theory of complex transport networks used to model the flow of commodity, information, viruses, opinions, or traffic. Our approach is based on the use of the Markov chains defined on the graph representations of transport networks allowing for the effective network design, network performance evaluation, embedding, partitioning, and network fault tolerance analysis. Random walks embed graphs into Euclidean space in which distances and angles acquire a clear statistical interpretation. Being defined on the dual graph representations of transport networks random walks describe the equilibrium configurations of not random commodity flows on primary graphs. This theory unifies many network concepts into one framework and can also be elegantly extended to describe networks represented by directed graphs and multiple interacting networks.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Schnyder decompositions for regular plane graphs and application to drawing

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    Schnyder woods are decompositions of simple triangulations into three edge-disjoint spanning trees crossing each other in a specific way. In this article, we define a generalization of Schnyder woods to dd-angulations (plane graphs with faces of degree dd) for all d≥3d\geq 3. A \emph{Schnyder decomposition} is a set of dd spanning forests crossing each other in a specific way, and such that each internal edge is part of exactly d−2d-2 of the spanning forests. We show that a Schnyder decomposition exists if and only if the girth of the dd-angulation is dd. As in the case of Schnyder woods (d=3d=3), there are alternative formulations in terms of orientations ("fractional" orientations when d≥5d\geq 5) and in terms of corner-labellings. Moreover, the set of Schnyder decompositions on a fixed dd-angulation of girth dd is a distributive lattice. We also show that the structures dual to Schnyder decompositions (on dd-regular plane graphs of mincut dd rooted at a vertex v∗v^*) are decompositions into dd spanning trees rooted at v∗v^* such that each edge not incident to v∗v^* is used in opposite directions by two trees. Additionally, for even values of dd, we show that a subclass of Schnyder decompositions, which are called even, enjoy additional properties that yield a reduced formulation; in the case d=4, these correspond to well-studied structures on simple quadrangulations (2-orientations and partitions into 2 spanning trees). In the case d=4, the dual of even Schnyder decompositions yields (planar) orthogonal and straight-line drawing algorithms. For a 4-regular plane graph GG of mincut 4 with nn vertices plus a marked vertex vv, the vertices of G\vG\backslash v are placed on a (n−1)×(n−1)(n-1) \times (n-1) grid according to a permutation pattern, and in the orthogonal drawing each of the 2n−22n-2 edges of G\vG\backslash v has exactly one bend. Embedding also the marked vertex vv is doable at the cost of two additional rows and columns and 8 additional bends for the 4 edges incident to vv. We propose a further compaction step for the drawing algorithm and show that the obtained grid-size is strongly concentrated around 25n/32×25n/3225n/32\times 25n/32 for a uniformly random instance with nn vertices
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