830 research outputs found

    Sparsity-Based Super Resolution for SEM Images

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    The scanning electron microscope (SEM) produces an image of a sample by scanning it with a focused beam of electrons. The electrons interact with the atoms in the sample, which emit secondary electrons that contain information about the surface topography and composition. The sample is scanned by the electron beam point by point, until an image of the surface is formed. Since its invention in 1942, SEMs have become paramount in the discovery and understanding of the nanometer world, and today it is extensively used for both research and in industry. In principle, SEMs can achieve resolution better than one nanometer. However, for many applications, working at sub-nanometer resolution implies an exceedingly large number of scanning points. For exactly this reason, the SEM diagnostics of microelectronic chips is performed either at high resolution (HR) over a small area or at low resolution (LR) while capturing a larger portion of the chip. Here, we employ sparse coding and dictionary learning to algorithmically enhance LR SEM images of microelectronic chips up to the level of the HR images acquired by slow SEM scans, while considerably reducing the noise. Our methodology consists of two steps: an offline stage of learning a joint dictionary from a sequence of LR and HR images of the same region in the chip, followed by a fast-online super-resolution step where the resolution of a new LR image is enhanced. We provide several examples with typical chips used in the microelectronics industry, as well as a statistical study on arbitrary images with characteristic structural features. Conceptually, our method works well when the images have similar characteristics. This work demonstrates that employing sparsity concepts can greatly improve the performance of SEM, thereby considerably increasing the scanning throughput without compromising on analysis quality and resolution.Comment: Final publication available at ACS Nano Letter

    Real-time ECG Monitoring using Compressive sensing on a Heterogeneous Multicore Edge-Device

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.In a typical ambulatory health monitoring systems, wearable medical sensors are deployed on the human body to continuously collect and transmit physiological signals to a nearby gateway that forward the measured data to the cloud-based healthcare platform. However, this model often fails to respect the strict requirements of healthcare systems. Wearable medical sensors are very limited in terms of battery lifetime, in addition, the system reliance on a cloud makes it vulnerable to connectivity and latency issues. Compressive sensing (CS) theory has been widely deployed in electrocardiogramme ECG monitoring application to optimize the wearable sensors power consumption. The proposed solution in this paper aims to tackle these limitations by empowering a gatewaycentric connected health solution, where the most power consuming tasks are performed locally on a multicore processor. This paper explores the efficiency of real-time CS-based recovery of ECG signals on an IoT-gateway embedded with ARM’s big.littleTM multicore for different signal dimension and allocated computational resources. Experimental results show that the gateway is able to reconstruct ECG signals in real-time. Moreover, it demonstrates that using a high number of cores speeds up the execution time and it further optimizes energy consumption. The paper identifies the best configurations of resource allocation that provides the optimal performance. The paper concludes that multicore processors have the computational capacity and energy efficiency to promote gateway-centric solution rather than cloud-centric platforms

    Shift invariant sparse coding ensemble and its application in rolling bearing fault diagnosis

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    This paper proposes an automatic diagnostic scheme without manual feature extraction or signal pre-processing. It directly handles the original data from sensors and determines the condition of the rolling bearing. With proper application of the new technique of shift invariant sparse coding (SISC), it is much easier to recognize the fault. Yet, this SISC, though being a powerful machine learning algorithm to train and test the original signals, is quite demanding computationally. Therefore, this paper proposes a highly efficient SISC which has been proved by experiments to be capable of representing signals better and making converges faster. For better performance, the AdaBoost algorithm is also combined with SISC classifier. Validated by the fault diagnosis of bearings and compared with other methods, this algorithm has higher accuracy rate and is more robust to load as well as to certain variation of speed

    Compressive Mining: Fast and Optimal Data Mining in the Compressed Domain

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    Real-world data typically contain repeated and periodic patterns. This suggests that they can be effectively represented and compressed using only a few coefficients of an appropriate basis (e.g., Fourier, Wavelets, etc.). However, distance estimation when the data are represented using different sets of coefficients is still a largely unexplored area. This work studies the optimization problems related to obtaining the \emph{tightest} lower/upper bound on Euclidean distances when each data object is potentially compressed using a different set of orthonormal coefficients. Our technique leads to tighter distance estimates, which translates into more accurate search, learning and mining operations \textit{directly} in the compressed domain. We formulate the problem of estimating lower/upper distance bounds as an optimization problem. We establish the properties of optimal solutions, and leverage the theoretical analysis to develop a fast algorithm to obtain an \emph{exact} solution to the problem. The suggested solution provides the tightest estimation of the L2L_2-norm or the correlation. We show that typical data-analysis operations, such as k-NN search or k-Means clustering, can operate more accurately using the proposed compression and distance reconstruction technique. We compare it with many other prevalent compression and reconstruction techniques, including random projections and PCA-based techniques. We highlight a surprising result, namely that when the data are highly sparse in some basis, our technique may even outperform PCA-based compression. The contributions of this work are generic as our methodology is applicable to any sequential or high-dimensional data as well as to any orthogonal data transformation used for the underlying data compression scheme.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figures, accepted in VLD

    Diagnosis of inter-turn short circuit fault in IPMSMs based on the combined use of greedy tracking and random forest

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    Inter-turn short circuit (ITSC) is a frequent fault of interior permanent magnet synchronous motors (IPMSM). If ITSC faults are not promptly monitored, it may result in secondary faults or even cause extensive damage to the entire motor. To enhance the reliability of IPMSMs, this paper introduces a fault diagnosis method specifically designed for identifying ITSC faults in IPMSMs. The sparse coefficients of phase current and torque are solved by clustering shrinkage stage orthogonal matching tracking (CcStOMP) in the greedy tracking algorithm.The CcStOMP algorithm can extract multiple target atoms at one time, which greatly improves the iterative efficiency. The multiple features are utilized as input parameters for constructing the random forest classifier. The constructed random forest model is used to diagnose ITSC faults with the results showing that the random forest model has a diagnostic accuracy of 98.61% using all features, and the diagnostic accuracy of selecting three of the most important features is still as high as 97.91%. The random forest classification model has excellent robustness that maintains high classification accuracy despite the reduction of feature vectors, which is a great advantage compared to other classification algorithms. The combination of greedy tracing and the random forest is not only a fast diagnostic model but also a model with good generalisation and anti-interference capability. This non-invasive method is applicable to monitoring and detecting failures in industrial PMSMs

    Induction motors fault diagnosis using machine learning and advanced signal processing techniques

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    In this thesis, induction motors fault diagnosis are investigated using machine learning and advanced signal processing techniques considering two scenarios: 1) induction motors are directly connected online; and 2) induction motors are fed by variable frequency drives (VFDs). The research is based on experimental data obtained in the lab. Various single- and multi- electrical and/or mechanical faults were applied to two identical induction motors in experiments. Stator currents and vibration signals of the two motors were measured simultaneously during experiments and were used in developing the fault diagnosis method. Signal processing techniques such as Matching Pursuit (MP) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) are chosen for feature extraction. Classification algorithms, including decision trees, support vector machine (SVM), K-nearest neighbors (KNN), and Ensemble algorithms are used in the study to evaluate the performance and suitability of different classifiers for induction motor fault diagnosis. Novel curve or surface fitting techniques are implemented to obtain features for conditions that have not been tested in experiments. The proposed fault diagnosis method can accurately detect single- or multi- electrical and mechanical faults in induction motors either directly online or fed by VFDs. In addition to the machine learning method, a threshold method using the stator current signal processed by DWT is also proposed in the thesis