2,678 research outputs found

    DeepMatching: Hierarchical Deformable Dense Matching

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    We introduce a novel matching algorithm, called DeepMatching, to compute dense correspondences between images. DeepMatching relies on a hierarchical, multi-layer, correlational architecture designed for matching images and was inspired by deep convolutional approaches. The proposed matching algorithm can handle non-rigid deformations and repetitive textures and efficiently determines dense correspondences in the presence of significant changes between images. We evaluate the performance of DeepMatching, in comparison with state-of-the-art matching algorithms, on the Mikolajczyk (Mikolajczyk et al 2005), the MPI-Sintel (Butler et al 2012) and the Kitti (Geiger et al 2013) datasets. DeepMatching outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms and shows excellent results in particular for repetitive textures.We also propose a method for estimating optical flow, called DeepFlow, by integrating DeepMatching in the large displacement optical flow (LDOF) approach of Brox and Malik (2011). Compared to existing matching algorithms, additional robustness to large displacements and complex motion is obtained thanks to our matching approach. DeepFlow obtains competitive performance on public benchmarks for optical flow estimation

    A performance analysis of dense stereo correspondence algorithms and error reduction techniques

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    Abstract: Dense stereo correspondence has been intensely studied and there exists a wide variety of proposed solutions in the literature. Different datasets have been constructed to test stereo algorithms, however, their ground truth formation and scene types vary. In this paper, state-of-the-art algorithms are compared using a number of datasets captured under varied conditions, with accuracy and density metrics forming the basis of a performance evaluation. Pre- and post-processing disparity map error reduction techniques are quantified

    Context-based urban terrain reconstruction from uav-videos for geoinformation applications

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    Urban terrain reconstruction has many applications in areas of civil engineering, urban planning, surveillance and defense research. Therefore the needs of covering ad-hoc demand and performing a close-range urban terrain reconstruction with miniaturized and relatively inexpensive sensor platforms are constantly growing. Using (miniaturized) unmanned aerial vehicles, (M) UAVs, represents one of the most attractive alternatives to conventional large-scale aerial imagery. We cover in this paper a four-step procedure of obtaining georeferenced 3D urban models from video sequences. The four steps of the procedure - orientation, dense reconstruction, urban terrain modeling and geo-referencing - are robust, straight-forward, and nearly fully-automatic. The two last steps - namely, urban terrain modeling from almost-nadir videos and co-registration of models - represent the main contribution of this work and will therefore be covered with more detail. The essential substeps of the third step include digital terrain model (DTM) extraction, segregation of buildings from vegetation, as well as instantiation of building and tree models. The last step is subdivided into quasi-intrasensorial registration of Euclidean reconstructions and intersensorial registration with a geo-referenced orthophoto. Finally, we present reconstruction results from a real data-set and outline ideas for future work

    Comparative Study of Model-Based and Learning-Based Disparity Map Fusion Methods

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    Creating an accurate depth map has several, valuable applications including augmented/virtual reality, autonomous navigation, indoor/outdoor mapping, object segmentation, and aerial topography. Current hardware solutions for precise 3D scanning are relatively expensive. To combat hardware costs, software alternatives based on stereoscopic images have previously been proposed. However, software solutions are less accurate than hardware solutions, such as laser scanning, and are subject to a variety of irregularities. Notably, disparity maps generated from stereo images typically fall short in cases of occlusion, near object boundaries, and on repetitive texture regions or texture-less regions. Several post-processing methods are examined in an effort to combine strong algorithm results and alleviate erroneous disparity regions. These methods include basic statistical combinations, histogram-based voting, edge detection guidance, support vector machines (SVMs), and bagged trees. Individual errors and average errors are compared between the newly introduced fusion methods and the existing disparity algorithms. Several acceptable solutions are identified to bridge the gap between 3D scanning and stereo imaging. It is shown that fusing disparity maps can result in lower error rates than individual algorithms across the dataset while maintaining a high level of robustness

    Combined Learned and Classical Methods for Real-Time Visual Perception in Autonomous Driving

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    Autonomy, robotics, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are among the main defining themes of next-generation societies. Of the most important applications of said technologies is driving automation which spans from different Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) to full self-driving vehicles. Driving automation is promising to reduce accidents, increase safety, and increase access to mobility for more people such as the elderly and the handicapped. However, one of the main challenges facing autonomous vehicles is robust perception which can enable safe interaction and decision making. With so many sensors to perceive the environment, each with its own capabilities and limitations, vision is by far one of the main sensing modalities. Cameras are cheap and can provide rich information of the observed scene. Therefore, this dissertation develops a set of visual perception algorithms with a focus on autonomous driving as the target application area. This dissertation starts by addressing the problem of real-time motion estimation of an agent using only the visual input from a camera attached to it, a problem known as visual odometry. The visual odometry algorithm can achieve low drift rates over long-traveled distances. This is made possible through the innovative local mapping approach used. This visual odometry algorithm was then combined with my multi-object detection and tracking system. The tracking system operates in a tracking-by-detection paradigm where an object detector based on convolution neural networks (CNNs) is used. Therefore, the combined system can detect and track other traffic participants both in image domain and in 3D world frame while simultaneously estimating vehicle motion. This is a necessary requirement for obstacle avoidance and safe navigation. Finally, the operational range of traditional monocular cameras was expanded with the capability to infer depth and thus replace stereo and RGB-D cameras. This is accomplished through a single-stream convolution neural network which can output both depth prediction and semantic segmentation. Semantic segmentation is the process of classifying each pixel in an image and is an important step toward scene understanding. Literature survey, algorithms descriptions, and comprehensive evaluations on real-world datasets are presented.Ph.D.College of Engineering & Computer ScienceUniversity of Michiganhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153989/1/Mohamed Aladem Final Dissertation.pdfDescription of Mohamed Aladem Final Dissertation.pdf : Dissertatio
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