4 research outputs found

    Bibliometrics and scientometrics in India: An overview of studies during 1995-2014Part II: Contents of the articles in terms of disciplines and their bibliometric aspects

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    This part of the study highlights the contents of the published articles in terms of various disciplines or sub-disciplines and the bibliometric aspects discussed in these articles. The analysis of 902 papers published by Indian scholars during1995-2014 indicates that the main focus of bibliometrics/scientometrics is on assessment of science and technology in India in different sub-disciplines including contributions by Indian states and other individual countries followed by bibliometric analysis of individual journals. Papers dealing with bibliometric laws received a low priority as compared to other subdisciplines of bibliometrics/scientometrics. The analysis of data indicates that the share of theoretical studies using mathematical and statistical techniques which were missing in the earlier period (1970-1994) has increased during 1995-2014. The field of medicine as a discipline received the highest attention as compared to other disciplines

    An examination of the role of scientists motivations and the influence of the organisational environment on scientific research effectiveness

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    This study examines the influence of scientists motivations and the organisational environment in which they work, on scientific research effectiveness. The study presents relevant literature on existing perspectives of scientific effectiveness as well as literature on the organisation of scientific research and motivation theory. Building on existing literature in these areas a new model of scientific effectiveness is presented that attempts to explain scientific effectiveness through the interaction of scientists motivations and the organisational environment in which they work. The study describes the selection and development of new measurement instruments used to operationalise the variables contained withm this model Results of data collected from 330 research active scientists in 20 UK universities are analysed. Results are discussed in relation to the model under examination, and the new measurement instruments developed during the course of the study. Limitations of the current study are presented and recommendations for future research are made

    Unapređenje sistema za e-učenje semantičkom nadgradnjom

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    Within this doctoral dissertation an enhancement to e-learning systems has been proposed and the evaluation of its impact in the context of real learning was performed. The proposed enhancement is based on coupling a notion-relation graph, in the RDF format, with the textual learning material, to enable semantic queries over the graph by dragging and droping the words in the text, in cases when the relation between two notions is unclear and still required for the student to continue learning, with the aim of reducing the need for notion definition searches (distractions). To evaluate the poposed enhancement efficiency an e-learning system simulation, learning text and questions were developed. 191 Faculty of Electronic Engineering students took part in the main experiment and 27 took part in the verification experiment that followed. The key results proved the basic hypotheses: the proposed enhancement significantly reduced the participants' need for searching within the text and their completion time, while it raised their preparedness to proceed with learning. Additional results gave insight into other effects of the proposed enhancement and will be used as guidelines for further development. All key results were confirmed by the verification experiment