197,356 research outputs found

    Organizational behavior - 6/E.

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    Did you ever notice that most textnooks are boring? Me too! Maybe thatā€™s the way it has to be in subjects like calculus or geology. But it certainly doesnā€™t have to be true in a text books on organizational behavior. Why? Because organizational behavior (OB) is concerned with understanding the behavior of people at work. Since almost all of us are interatest in human behavior and expect to work at least part of our adult lives, OB has the potential to be a very interesting and relevant subject. When the first edition of this text came to life, in the late 1970s, i was determined to write a book that would capture the excitement of the OB discipline. Based on responses from students to that first and subsequent editions, i think Iā€™ve achieved those objective. In the following pages, iā€™ll tell you a bit about this book and why you will find it interseting and relevant. Let me begin by explaning to you why itā€™s organized as it is

    Organizational Behavior : Concept, Controversier, Applications - 7/E

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    Did you ever notice that most textnooks are boring? Me too! Maybe thatā€™s the way it has to be in subjects like calculus or geology. But it certainly doesnā€™t have to be true in a text books on organizational behavior. Why? Because organizational behavior (OB) is concerned with understanding the behavior of people at work. Since almost all of us are interatest in human behavior and expect to work at least part of our adult lives, OB has the potential to be a very interesting and relevant subject. When the first edition of this text came to life, in the late 1970s, i was determined to write a book that would capture the excitement of the OB discipline. Based on responses from students to that first and subsequent editions, i think Iā€™ve achieved those objective. In the following pages, iā€™ll tell you a bit about this book and why you will find it interseting and relevant. Let me begin by explaning to you why itā€™s organized as it is

    Organizational Behavior

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    A survey method was designed to collect data from 334 non-management level public servant employees working in a public sector organization, specifically a local government entity. Employee motivation is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, and the findings of this study identified a positive link in the relationship between Organizational Behavior and employee motivation within a public sector organization. The findings recognized that while staff levels, expertise, and knowledge are all fundamental in public service, they are not enough to secure desirable organizational performance. Employee and organizational performance rely heavily on organizational actions, behaviors, information management processes, and employee commitment. These factors are all critical determinants that can cultivate exceptionally enhanced levels of employee performance within a public sector organization

    Organizational Behavior

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    Organizational Behavior bridges the gap between theory and practice with a distinct experiential approach. On average, a worker in the USA will change jobs 10 times in 20 years. In order to succeed in this type of career situation, individuals need to be armed with the tools necessary to be life-long learners. To that end, this book is not be about giving students all the answers to every situation they may encounter when they start their first job or as they continue up the career ladder. Instead, this book gives students the vocabulary, framework, and critical thinking skills necessary to diagnose situations, ask tough questions, evaluate the answers received, and to act in an effective and ethical manner regardless of situational characteristics. Often, students taking OB either do not understand how important knowledge of OB can be to their professional careers, or they DO understand and they want to put that knowledge into practice. Organizational Behavior takes a more experiential angle to the material to meet both of those needs. The experiential approach can be incorporated in the classroom primarily through the OB Toolbox. This feature brings life to the concepts and allows students to not only see how the OB theories unfold, but to practice them, as well

    Understanding Diversity

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    Daan van Knippenberg is Professor of Organizational Behavior at RSM Erasmus University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. His research interests include work group performance, especially work group diversity and group decision making, leadership, in particular the roles of self and identity, and of emotions, and social identity processes in organizations. In his inaugural address he argues that the effects of work group diversity on group performance should be understood in terms of two processes that have independent and interactive effects: elaboration of task-relevant information and social categorization. He outlines how an integrative model of these processes may explain inconsistent findings in diversity research and provide clear directions for the management of diverse groups. In this respect, he advocates in particular attention for group membersĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢ understanding of work group diversity. Daan van Knippenberg is co-founder of the Erasmus Centre for Leadership Studies, and Associate Editor of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes and of Journal of Organizational Behavior. His research is published in such academic outlets as Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Annual Review of Psychology.Diversity;group performance;group composition;team performance;team composition;social categorization;group decision making;information elaboration

    Organizational Behavior in the Knowledge Based Society, a Practical Research in the Romanian Business Environment

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    The paper contains the results of a special research developed by the author on the organizational behavior in some multinational companies with branches in Romania. This research is confirming the fact that the organizational behavior is very much influenced by the core organizational values and is answering to the questions about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations and why. The research demonstrated how the core values of an organization are influencing the organizational behavior of the human resources from different organizational levels. The final section of the paper is presenting and is explaining some steps for building a new organizational behaviour model adapted to the knowledge based society, taking into account that the core organizational values are the key elements which should be considered by an effective management team in a modern society.core values, organizational behaviour, knowledge based society, behaviour models.

    The Shape of Utility Functions and Organizational Behavior

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    Based on measurements with 332 owner-managers, the global shape of the utility function (i.e., S-shaped versus concave or convex over the total range of outcomes) appears to discriminate organizational behavior. Whereas the degree of risk aversion, based on the local shape of the utility function, may be important in explaining owner-manager's trading behavior, the global shape of the utility function appears to drive more structural organizational behavior.utility theory;prospect theory;risk aversion;organizational behavior

    Conflict Management in Organization

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    Every organization encounters conflicts on a daily basis. The conflicts cannot be avoided, but it is possible to manage them in a way that we recognize them on time. It is necessary to continuously track the organizational signals which point to their existence. If we do not react duly, this can lead to the situation that the conflict itself manages the organization. One of the more important determinants of productivity, efficiency and performance, and finally job contentment is also the conflict as an independent variable of organizational behavior. By systematic research of organizational behavior we want to make a positive influence on dependent variables, but first we have to understand and get a good insight into individual elements of organizational behavior. By this paper we want to brighten the meaning of conflict on the organization, the conflict process and possible conflict management styles. We will show the relationship between the level of conflict and the impact on the organiational performance. The here mentioned facts are also tested on the research of conflict management styles, which are used by the employees in the four monitored Slavonija-Baranja organizations, and we will also present their view on conflict and how much does the same have influence on successful course of business of their organization.conflict, management styles, organization, organizational behavior.

    Working for God? Evidence form a Change in Financing of not-for-profit Health Care Providers in Uganda

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    What motivates religious not-for-profit health care providers? This paper uses a change in financing of not-for-profit health care providers in Uganda to test two theories of organizational behavior. We show that financial aid leads to more laboratory testing, lower user charges, and increased utilization. These findings are consistent with the view that religious not-for-profit providers are intrinsically motivated to serve (poor) people and that these preferences matter quantitatively.not-for-profit organizations; health care provision; organizational behavior; Uganda

    Images of Person-Organization Fit: Elements Affecting Employee Organizational Behavior

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    The purpose of the paper is to build upon the existing literature a new approach to personorganization fit, in particular, employeesā€™ perception of the P-O fit, taking into consideration two main criteria: 1) the level of formalization as a companyā€™s characteristics and 2) an employeeā€™s certainty orientation as a personā€™s characteristics. The congruence between the situational factor (level of formalization) and personal traits (certainty orientation) influence individual organizational behavior. A two-dimension model illustrated by a four-element matrix is created by the author to present the concept and describe employeesā€™ organizational behaviors. There are four images of P-O fit developed in the paper: 1) a kayak on a stormy ocean 2) ferries on a lake, 3) a cruise ship in a pond and 4) yacht on friendly seas
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