388 research outputs found

    Existential questions in (relatively) hyperbolic groups {\it and} Finding relative hyperbolic structures

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    This arXived paper has two independant parts, that are improved and corrected versions of different parts of a single paper once named "On equations in relatively hyperbolic groups". The first part is entitled "Existential questions in (relatively) hyperbolic groups". We study there the existential theory of torsion free hyperbolic and relatively hyperbolic groups, in particular those with virtually abelian parabolic subgroups. We show that the satisfiability of systems of equations and inequations is decidable in these groups. In the second part, called "Finding relative hyperbolic structures", we provide a general algorithm that recognizes the class of groups that are hyperbolic relative to abelian subgroups.Comment: Two independant parts 23p + 9p, revised. To appear separately in Israel J. Math, and Bull. London Math. Soc. respectivel

    F-sets and finite automata

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    The classical notion of a k-automatic subset of the natural numbers is here extended to that of an F-automatic subset of an arbitrary finitely generated abelian group Γ\Gamma equipped with an arbitrary endomorphism F. This is applied to the isotrivial positive characteristic Mordell-Lang context where F is the Frobenius action on a commutative algebraic group G over a finite field, and Γ\Gamma is a finitely generated F-invariant subgroup of G. It is shown that the F-subsets of Γ\Gamma introduced by the second author and Scanlon are F-automatic. It follows that when G is semiabelian and X is a closed subvariety then X intersect Γ\Gamma is F-automatic. Derksen's notion of a k-normal subset of the natural numbers is also here extended to the above abstract setting, and it is shown that F-subsets are F-normal. In particular, the X intersect Γ\Gamma appearing in the Mordell-Lang problem are F-normal. This generalises Derksen's Skolem-Mahler-Lech theorem to the Mordell-Lang context.Comment: The final section is revised following an error discovered by Christopher Hawthorne; it is no longer claimed that an F-normal subset has a finite symmetric difference with an F-subset. The main theorems of the paper remain unchange

    On Sloane's persistence problem

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    We investigate the so-called persistence problem of Sloane, exploiting connections with the dynamics of circle maps and the ergodic theory of Zd\mathbb{Z}^d actions. We also formulate a conjecture concerning the asymptotic distribution of digits in long products of finitely many primes whose truth would, in particular, solve the persistence problem. The heuristics that we propose to complement our numerical studies can be thought in terms of a simple model in statistical mechanics.Comment: 5 figure

    On Sushchansky p-groups

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    We study Sushchansky p-groups. We recall the original definition and translate it into the language of automata groups. The original actions of Sushchansky groups on p-ary tree are not level-transitive and we describe their orbit trees. This allows us to simplify the definition and prove that these groups admit faithful level-transitive actions on the same tree. Certain branch structures in their self-similar closures are established. We provide the connection with, so-called, G groups that shows that all Sushchansky groups have intermediate growth and allows to obtain an upper bound on their period growth functions.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Bethe Ansatz, Inverse Scattering Transform and Tropical Riemann Theta Function in a Periodic Soliton Cellular Automaton for A^{(1)}_n

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    We study an integrable vertex model with a periodic boundary condition associated with U_q(A_n^{(1)}) at the crystallizing point q=0. It is an (n+1)-state cellular automaton describing the factorized scattering of solitons. The dynamics originates in the commuting family of fusion transfer matrices and generalizes the ultradiscrete Toda/KP flow corresponding to the periodic box-ball system. Combining Bethe ansatz and crystal theory in quantum group, we develop an inverse scattering/spectral formalism and solve the initial value problem based on several conjectures. The action-angle variables are constructed representing the amplitudes and phases of solitons. By the direct and inverse scattering maps, separation of variables into solitons is achieved and nonlinear dynamics is transformed into a straight motion on a tropical analogue of the Jacobi variety. We decompose the level set into connected components under the commuting family of time evolutions and identify each of them with the set of integer points on a torus. The weight multiplicity formula derived from the q=0 Bethe equation acquires an elegant interpretation as the volume of the phase space expressed by the size and multiplicity of these tori. The dynamical period is determined as an explicit arithmetical function of the n-tuple of Young diagrams specifying the level set. The inverse map, i.e., tropical Jacobi inversion is expressed in terms of a tropical Riemann theta function associated with the Bethe ansatz data. As an application, time average of some local variable is calculated