4 research outputs found

    Morphological and Optical Properties of Porous Silicon

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    In this work photo-electrochemical etching was used to synthesize uniform and non-uniform macro porous silicon from n-type with orientation (100). Specimens were anodized in a sol of 25% HF: C2H2OH at 1:1 rate. Morphology and porosity of the samples were studied. Optical characteristics (reflection and photoluminescence) of PS samples by changing current density (10, 12, 14 and 16 mA/cm2 ) for fixed etching time (8min) and power density (17mW/cm2 ) by using red laser illumination wavelength (645nm) were investigated. Porous silicon samples imaged via scanning electron microscope (SEM), which showed the topography of silicon surface and pores distribution

    Producci贸n y caracterizaci贸n optoel茅ctrica de pel铆culas delgadas de ZnSe preparadas por evaporaci贸n en alto vac铆o

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    En este trabajo se depositaron muestras de Seleniuro de Zinc (ZnSe) sobre vidrio, utilizando la t茅cnica de evaporaci贸n en alto vac铆o. Las muestras fueron caracterizadas optoel茅ctricamente con medidas de transmitancia y fotoconductividad. Los espectros de transmitancia se simularon te贸ricamente y de la simulaci贸n se determin贸 el 铆ndice de refracci贸n, el coeficiente de absorci贸n y el gap 贸ptico del material (alrededor de 2.66 eV). En las medidas de fotoconductividad se encontr贸 una respuesta espectral amplia del material principalmente en el rango visible del espectro electromagn茅tico (300-800 nm). Finalmente, se propone un modelo te贸rico para la fotoconductividad con el fin de analizar c贸mo afectan los distintos par谩metros involucrados en este fen贸meno al ser modificados. Para la aplicaci贸n del modelo se utilizaron los coeficientes de absorci贸n calculados a partir de las medidas de transmitancia y se variaron otros par谩metros como la longitud de difusi贸n, la velocidad de recombinaci贸n, la movilidad o el tiempo de vida.In this work samples of Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) were deposited on glass, using the technique of high vacuum evaporation. The samples were characterized optoelectrically by means of measurements of transmittance and photoconductivity. The transmittance spectra was theoretically simulated and, from the simulation, the refractive index, the absorption coefficient and the optical gap of the material (about 2.66 eV) were determined. In the photoconductivity measurements, a wide spectral response of the material was found mainly in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum (300-800 nm). Finally, a theoretical model for photoconductivity is proposed in order to analyze how they affect the different parameters involved in this phenomenon when they are modified. For the application of the model, the absorption coefficients calculated from the transmittance measurements were used and other parameters were varied such as diffusion length, recombination speed, mobility or life time.Maestr铆

    Huokoisten piikalvojen kehitys solujen geeninkuljetusalustaksi

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    Propiedades optoel茅ctricas de pel铆culas delgadas de compuestos II-VI producidas por evaporaci贸n coaxial en alto vac铆o

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    En este trabajo se prepararon pel铆culas delgadas de ZnSe, ZnTe y del material ternario ZnSe1-xTex con diferentes composiciones. Adem谩s de realizar un estudio de los materiales preparados por esta t茅cnica, se pretend铆a preparar materiales 贸 construir estructuras que tuvieran respuestas espectrales amplias de fotoconductividad o fotoluminiscencia en el espectro visible, esto se logr贸 utilizando materiales ternarios o estructuras en las que se incluyeron muestras de silicio poroso. Las pel铆culas delgadas de los compuestos II-VI se fabricaron por evaporaci贸n t茅rmica en alto vac铆o, utilizando un sistema de evaporaci贸n coaxial de grafito que permite evaporar los materiales binarios o los materiales ternarios con composici贸n controlada. Las muestras de silicio poroso se fabricaron por anodizaci贸n electroqu铆mica. Para el soporte de las pel铆culas se emplearon sustratos de vidrio, silicio y silicio poroso. Se determin贸 la influencia de los par谩metros de dep贸sito sobre la composici贸n, propiedades estructurales, morfol贸gicas, 贸pticas y opto-el茅ctricas de los materiales, utilizando t茅cnicas de caracterizaci贸n como EDX, difracci贸n de rayos X, SEM, transmitancia 贸ptica en el visible, fotoluminiscencia y fotoconductividad espectral. Utilizando un proceso de simulaci贸n de los espectros de transmitancia Se determin贸 la variaci贸n espectral del 铆ndice de refracci贸n del coeficiente de extinci贸n y adicionalmente se determin贸 la brecha de energ铆a prohibida de los materiales. Se encontr贸 que los materiales crecen con estructura c煤bica, tienen brechas de energ铆a prohibida o gap del semiconductor de 2.60 eV y 2.25 eV para los materiales binarios ZnSe y ZnTe respectivamente y en los materiales ternarios se encontr贸 que dependiendo de la composici贸n de la muestra, el gap se puede variar controladamente durante el proceso de evaporaci贸n entre 3.03 eV y 3.28 eV. Se encontraron respuestas espectrales amplias en el visible en los espectros de fotoconductividad comprendidos entre 320 y 900 nm para los materiales ternarios y en la estructuras con silicio poroso comprendidos entre 300 y 900 nm. El ancho y posici贸n de la se帽al fotoconductora se puede controlar en este intervalo espectral durante el proceso de preparaci贸n de los materiales. Los espectros de fotoluminiscencia abarcan la regi贸n comprendida entre 350 y 700 nm a temperatura ambiente.Abstract. ZnSe, ZnTe and the ternary material ZnSe1-xTex with different composition x were prepared in this work in the form of thin films. The purposes of this work was to study the materials from the physical point of view and to obtain materials or build structures with wide spectral responses of photoconductivity or photoluminescence. This was done using the ternary materials and structures in which were included the ternary material and porous silicon thin films. The II - VI thin films were prepared by high vacuum thermal evaporation. The evaporation source used in this work allows to depositing the binary or the ternary material with the suitable composition using a single evaporator. The porous silicon thin films were prepared by electro-chemical anodization. For the support of the thin films were used common glass, silicon and porous silicon substrates. The influence of the deposition parameters on the composition and over the structural, morphological, optical and opt electrical properties was study. This was done using EDS, XRD, SEM, transmittance at the visible range and spectral photoconductivity and photoluminescence measurements. Using a simulation process of the transmittance spectra, the spectral variation of the refractive index and extinction coefficient were determined. The material gaps values were also obtained in the process. It was found that the materials has cubic structure and gap values of 2.60 eV and 2.25 eV for the binary materials ZnSe and ZnTe respectively and in the ternary materials it was found that depending on the sample composition the gap could be has values between 3.03 and 3.28 eV. Wide spectral regions of the photoconductivity signal between 320 and 900 nm were found for the ternary materials and in the fabricated structures with porous silicon between 300 and 900 nm. The signal wide and position could be controlled through the deposition conditions. Room photoluminescence signals were obtained between 350 and 700 nm in the ternary material.Doctorad