48,489 research outputs found

    Optimum Linear Codes with Support Constraints over Small Fields

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    The problem of designing a linear code with the largest possible minimum distance, subject to support constraints on the generator matrix, has recently found several applications. These include multiple access networks [3], [5] as well as weakly secure data exchange [4], [8]. A simple upper bound on the maximum minimum distance can be obtained from a sequence of Singleton bounds (see (3) below) and can further be achieved by randomly choosing the nonzero elements of the generator matrix from a field of a large enough size

    Optimum Linear Codes with Support Constraints over Small Fields

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    We consider the problem of designing optimal linear codes (in terms of having the largest minimum distance) subject to a support constraint on the generator matrix. We show that the largest minimum distance can be achieved by a subcode of a Reed-Solomon code of small field size. As a by-product of this result, we settle the GM-MDS conjecture of Dau et. al. in the affirmative

    Optimum Linear Codes with Support Constraints over Small Fields

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    The problem of designing a linear code with the largest possible minimum distance, subject to support constraints on the generator matrix, has recently found several applications. These include multiple access networks [3], [5] as well as weakly secure data exchange [4], [8]. A simple upper bound on the maximum minimum distance can be obtained from a sequence of Singleton bounds (see (3) below) and can further be achieved by randomly choosing the nonzero elements of the generator matrix from a field of a large enough size

    Support Constrained Generator Matrices of Gabidulin Codes in Characteristic Zero

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    Gabidulin codes over fields of characteristic zero were recently constructed by Augot et al., whenever the Galois group of the underlying field extension is cyclic. In parallel, the interest in sparse generator matrices of Reed–Solomon and Gabidulin codes has increased lately, due to applications in distributed computations. In particular, a certain condition pertaining to the intersection of zero entries at different rows, was shown to be necessary and sufficient for the existence of the sparsest possible generator matrix of Gabidulin codes over finite fields. In this paper we complete the picture by showing that the same condition is also necessary and sufficient for Gabidulin codes over fields of characteristic zero.Our proof builds upon and extends tools from the finite-field case, combines them with a variant of the Schwartz–Zippel lemma over automorphisms, and provides a simple randomized construction algorithm whose probability of success can be arbitrarily close to one. In addition, potential applications for low-rank matrix recovery are discussed

    Gabidulin Codes with Support Constrained Generator Matrices

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    Gabidulin codes are the first general construction of linear codes that are maximum rank distant (MRD). They have found applications in linear network coding, for example, when the transmitter and receiver are oblivious to the inner workings and topology of the network (the so-called incoherent regime). The reason is that Gabidulin codes can be used to map information to linear subspaces, which in the absence of errors cannot be altered by linear operations, and in the presence of errors can be corrected if the subspace is perturbed by a small rank. Furthermore, in distributed coding and distributed systems, one is led to the design of error correcting codes whose generator matrix must satisfy a given support constraint. In this paper, we give necessary and sufficient conditions on the support of the generator matrix that guarantees the existence of Gabidulin codes and general MRD codes. When the rate of the code is not very high, this is achieved with the same field size necessary for Gabidulin codes with no support constraint. When these conditions are not satisfied, we characterize the largest possible rank distance under the support constraints and show that they can be achieved by subcodes of Gabidulin codes. The necessary and sufficient conditions are identical to those that appear for MDS codes which were recently proven by Yildiz et al. and Lovett in the context of settling the GM-MDS conjecture

    A system for aerodynamic design and analysis of supersonic aircraft. Part 3: Computer program description

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    The computer program documentation for the design and analysis of supersonic configurations is presented. Schematics and block diagrams of the major program structure, together with subroutine descriptions for each module are included
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