1,335 research outputs found

    Radon-Gabor Barcodes for Medical Image Retrieval

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    In recent years, with the explosion of digital images on the Web, content-based retrieval has emerged as a significant research area. Shapes, textures, edges and segments may play a key role in describing the content of an image. Radon and Gabor transforms are both powerful techniques that have been widely studied to extract shape-texture-based information. The combined Radon-Gabor features may be more robust against scale/rotation variations, presence of noise, and illumination changes. The objective of this paper is to harness the potentials of both Gabor and Radon transforms in order to introduce expressive binary features, called barcodes, for image annotation/tagging tasks. We propose two different techniques: Gabor-of-Radon-Image Barcodes (GRIBCs), and Guided-Radon-of-Gabor Barcodes (GRGBCs). For validation, we employ the IRMA x-ray dataset with 193 classes, containing 12,677 training images and 1,733 test images. A total error score as low as 322 and 330 were achieved for GRGBCs and GRIBCs, respectively. This corresponds to 81%\approx 81\% retrieval accuracy for the first hit.Comment: To appear in proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2016), Cancun, Mexico, December 201

    A Hybrid Deep Learning Approach for Texture Analysis

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    Texture classification is a problem that has various applications such as remote sensing and forest species recognition. Solutions tend to be custom fit to the dataset used but fails to generalize. The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in combination with Support Vector Machine (SVM) form a robust selection between powerful invariant feature extractor and accurate classifier. The fusion of experts provides stability in classification rates among different datasets

    Color and Texture Feature Extraction Using Gabor Filter - Local Binary Patterns for Image Segmentation with Fuzzy C-Means

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    Image segmentation to be basic for image analysis and recognition process. Segmentation divides the image into several regions based on the unique homogeneous image pixel. Image segmentation classify homogeneous pixels basedon several features such as color, texture and others. Color contains a lot of information and human vision can see thousands of color combinations and intensity compared with grayscale or with black and white (binary). The method is easy to implement to segementation is clustering method such as the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) algorithm. Features to beextracted image is color and texture, to use the color vector L* a* b* color space and to texture using Gabor filters. However, Gabor filters have poor performance when the image is segmented many micro texture, thus affecting the accuracy of image segmentation. As support in improving the accuracy of the extracted micro texture used method of Local Binary Patterns (LBP). Experimental use of color features compared with grayscales increased 16.54% accuracy rate for texture Gabor filters and 14.57% for filter LBP. While the LBP texture features can help improve the accuracy of image segmentation, although small at 2% on a grayscales and 0.05% on the color space L* a* b*

    Labor Induction failure prediction using Gabor filterbanks and Center Symmetric Local Binary Patterns

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    Labor induction is defined as the artificial stimulation of uterine contractions aimed to induce vaginal birth. Occurring in about 20% of pregnancies labor induction has become one the most commonly practiced procedures in obstetrics. One of the risk related to labor induction is cesarean section which accounts about 20% of the inductions. A requirement for a successful labor is a ripe cervix (soft and distensible). Microestructural changes occurring in the cervix during the ripening process, will affect the interaction between cervical tissues and sound waves during ultrasound transvaginal scanning and will be perceived as gray level intensity variations in the echographic image. A non-invasive method using image processing of ultrasound images may help in predicting the outcome of labor induction. In this paper a set of echography images from labor induction patients is analyzed using a multiscale methodology based on Center Symmetric Local Binary Patterns and Gabor filters. Results show that it is feasible to predict the outcome of a labor induction procedure using this method with a good accuracy

    Plant Identification from Leaves using Pattern Recognition Techniques

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    Medicinal plants have been used throughout the human history. Ayurveda is one of the oldest medicine system, which is even recognized in the modern medical society, uses plants for the preparation of medicines. There are thousands of species of plants used in the preparation of medicines. The difficulty lies in the identification of plant species. An individual with deep knowledge of plants can only differentiate between these species. This makes leaf identification very difficult. A reference guide to plants identification may ease up the problems. This is where nature needs engineering. In this work, a system is being developed which helps in the identification of the plants based on the leaf. This system takes input as a leaf image and outputs the name of the species and other relevant details which are stored in the database. The system is designed using the technique of image identification using pattern recognition. The approach of shape and texture identification, both are combined for designing such a system. The segmentation of the images was done using the techniques of graph-cuts. The descriptor used for shape identification was Shape Context and textures were described using Local Binary Patterns. The classification was done using feed forward Multi-Layered Perceptron (MLP) neural network with backpropagation training algorithm. The system was tested of certain class of leaves and the performance of the system is compared with an existing system

    A computational model of texture segmentation

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    An algorithm for finding texture boundaries in images is developed on the basis of a computational model of human texture perception. The model consists of three stages: (1) the image is convolved with a bank of even-symmetric linear filters followed by half-wave rectification to give a set of responses; (2) inhibition, localized in space, within and among the neural response profiles results in the suppression of weak responses when there are strong responses at the same or nearby locations; and (3) texture boundaries are detected using peaks in the gradients of the inhibited response profiles. The model is precisely specified, equally applicable to grey-scale and binary textures, and is motivated by detailed comparison with psychophysics and physiology. It makes predictions about the degree of discriminability of different texture pairs which match very well with experimental measurements of discriminability in human observers. From a machine-vision point of view, the scheme is a high-quality texture-edge detector which works equally on images of artificial and natural scenes. The algorithm makes the use of simple local and parallel operations, which makes it potentially real-time

    A Public Fabric Database for Defect Detection Methods and Results

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    [EN] The use of image processing for the detection and classification of defects has been a reality for some time in science and industry. New methods are continually being presented to improve every aspect of this process. However, these new approaches are applied to a small, private collection of images, which makes a real comparative study of these methods very difficult. The objective of this paper was to compile a public annotated benchmark, that is, an extensive set of images with and without defects, and make these public, to enable the direct comparison of detection and classification methods. Moreover, different methods are reviewed and one of these is applied to the set of images; the results of which are also presented in this paper.The authors thank for the financial support provided by IVACE (Institut Valencia de Competitivitat Empresarial, Spain) and FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, Europe), throughout the projects: AUTOVIMOTION and INTELITEX.Silvestre-Blanes, J.; Albero Albero, T.; Miralles, I.; Pérez-Llorens, R.; Moreno, J. (2019). A Public Fabric Database for Defect Detection Methods and Results. AUTEX Research Journal. 19(4):363-374. https://doi.org/10.2478/aut-2019-0035S36337419