324 research outputs found

    Novel Complex Adaptive Signal Processing Techniques Employing Optimally Derived Time-varying Convergence Factors With Applicatio

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    In digital signal processing in general, and wireless communications in particular, the increased usage of complex signal representations, and spectrally efficient complex modulation schemes such as QPSK and QAM has necessitated the need for efficient and fast-converging complex digital signal processing techniques. In this research, novel complex adaptive digital signal processing techniques are presented, which derive optimal convergence factors or step sizes for adjusting the adaptive system coefficients at each iteration. In addition, the real and imaginary components of the complex signal and complex adaptive filter coefficients are treated as separate entities, and are independently updated. As a result, the developed methods efficiently utilize the degrees of freedom of the adaptive system, thereby exhibiting improved convergence characteristics, even in dynamic environments. In wireless communications, acceptable co-channel, adjacent channel, and image interference rejection is often one of the most critical requirements for a receiver. In this regard, the fixed-point complex Independent Component Analysis (ICA) algorithm, called Complex FastICA, has been previously applied to realize digital blind interference suppression in stationary or slow fading environments. However, under dynamic flat fading channel conditions frequently encountered in practice, the performance of the Complex FastICA is significantly degraded. In this dissertation, novel complex block adaptive ICA algorithms employing optimal convergence factors are presented, which exhibit superior convergence speed and accuracy in time-varying flat fading channels, as compared to the Complex FastICA algorithm. The proposed algorithms are called Complex IA-ICA, Complex OBA-ICA, and Complex CBC-ICA. For adaptive filtering applications, the Complex Least Mean Square algorithm (Complex LMS) has been widely used in both block and sequential form, due to its computational simplicity. However, the main drawback of the Complex LMS algorithm is its slow convergence and dependence on the choice of the convergence factor. In this research, novel block and sequential based algorithms for complex adaptive digital filtering are presented, which overcome the inherent limitations of the existing Complex LMS. The block adaptive algorithms are called Complex OBA-LMS and Complex OBAI-LMS, and their sequential versions are named Complex HA-LMS and Complex IA-LMS, respectively. The performance of the developed techniques is tested in various adaptive filtering applications, such as channel estimation, and adaptive beamforming. The combination of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and the Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) technique is being increasingly employed for broadband wireless systems operating in frequency selective channels. However, MIMO-OFDM systems are extremely sensitive to Intercarrier Interference (ICI), caused by Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) between local oscillators in the transmitter and the receiver. This results in crosstalk between the various OFDM subcarriers resulting in severe deterioration in performance. In order to mitigate this problem, the previously proposed Complex OBA-ICA algorithm is employed to recover user signals in the presence of ICI and channel induced mixing. The effectiveness of the Complex OBA-ICA method in performing ICI mitigation and signal separation is tested for various values of CFO, rate of channel variation, and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)

    A gradient-based optimum block adaptation ICA technique for interference suppression in highly dynamic communication channels

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    The fast fixed-point independent component analysis (ICA) algorithm has been widely used in various applications because of its fast convergence and superior performance. However, in a highly dynamic environment, real-time adaptation is necessary to track the variations of the mixing matrix. In this scenario, the gradient-based online learning algorithm performs better, but its convergence is slow, and depends on a proper choice of convergence factor. This paper develops a gradient-based optimum block adaptive ICA algorithm (OBA/ICA) that combines the advantages of the two algorithms. Simulation results for telecommunication applications indicate that the resulting performance is superior under time-varying conditions, which is particularly useful in mobile communications. Copyright (C) 2006 Hindawi Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved

    Hybrid solutions to instantaneous MIMO blind separation and decoding: narrowband, QAM and square cases

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    Future wireless communication systems are desired to support high data rates and high quality transmission when considering the growing multimedia applications. Increasing the channel throughput leads to the multiple input and multiple output and blind equalization techniques in recent years. Thereby blind MIMO equalization has attracted a great interest.Both system performance and computational complexities play important roles in real time communications. Reducing the computational load and providing accurate performances are the main challenges in present systems. In this thesis, a hybrid method which can provide an affordable complexity with good performance for Blind Equalization in large constellation MIMO systems is proposed first. Saving computational cost happens both in the signal sep- aration part and in signal detection part. First, based on Quadrature amplitude modulation signal characteristics, an efficient and simple nonlinear function for the Independent Compo- nent Analysis is introduced. Second, using the idea of the sphere decoding, we choose the soft information of channels in a sphere, and overcome the so- called curse of dimensionality of the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm and enhance the final results simultaneously. Mathematically, we demonstrate in the digital communication cases, the EM algorithm shows Newton -like convergence.Despite the widespread use of forward -error coding (FEC), most multiple input multiple output (MIMO) blind channel estimation techniques ignore its presence, and instead make the sim- plifying assumption that the transmitted symbols are uncoded. However, FEC induces code structure in the transmitted sequence that can be exploited to improve blind MIMO channel estimates. In final part of this work, we exploit the iterative channel estimation and decoding performance for blind MIMO equalization. Experiments show the improvements achievable by exploiting the existence of coding structures and that it can access the performance of a BCJR equalizer with perfect channel information in a reasonable SNR range. All results are confirmed experimentally for the example of blind equalization in block fading MIMO systems

    General Interference Suppression Technique For Diversity Wireless Rece

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    The area of wireless transceiver design is becoming increasingly important due to the rapid growth of wireless communications market as well as diversified design specifications. Research efforts in this area concentrates on schemes that are capable of increasing the system capacity, providing reconfigurability/reprogrammability and reducing the hardware complexity. Emerging topics related to these goals include Software Defined Radio, Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) Systems, Code Division Multiple Access, Ultra-Wideband Systems, etc. This research adopts space diversity and statistical signal processing for digital interference suppression in wireless receivers. The technique simplifies the analog front-end by eliminating the anti-aliasing filters and relaxing the requirements for IF bandpass filters and A/D converters. Like MIMO systems, multiple antenna elements are used for increased frequency reuse. The suppression of both image signal and Co-Channel Interference (CCI) are performed in DSP simultaneously. The signal-processing algorithm used is Independent Component Analysis (ICA). Specifically, the fixed-point Fast-ICA is adopted in the case of static or slow time varying channel conditions. In highly dynamic environment that is typically encountered in cellular mobile communications, a novel ICA algorithm, OBAI-ICA, is developed, which outperforms Fast-ICA for both linear and abrupt time variations. Several practical implementation issues are also considered, such as the effect of finite arithmetic and the possibility of reducing the number of antennas

    Complex-valued Adaptive Digital Signal Enhancement For Applications In Wireless Communication Systems

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    In recent decades, the wireless communication industry has attracted a great deal of research efforts to satisfy rigorous performance requirements and preserve high spectral efficiency. Along with this trend, I/Q modulation is frequently applied in modern wireless communications to develop high performance and high data rate systems. This has necessitated the need for applying efficient complex-valued signal processing techniques to highly-integrated, multi-standard receiver devices. In this dissertation, novel techniques for complex-valued digital signal enhancement are presented and analyzed for various applications in wireless communications. The first technique is a unified block processing approach to generate the complex-valued conjugate gradient Least Mean Square (LMS) techniques with optimal adaptations. The proposed algorithms exploit the concept of the complex conjugate gradients to find the orthogonal directions for updating the adaptive filter coefficients at each iteration. Along each orthogonal direction, the presented algorithms employ the complex Taylor series expansion to calculate time-varying convergence factors tailored for the adaptive filter coefficients. The performance of the developed technique is tested in the applications of channel estimation, channel equalization, and adaptive array beamforming. Comparing with the state of the art methods, the proposed techniques demonstrate improved performance and exhibit desirable characteristics for practical use. The second complex-valued signal processing technique is a novel Optimal Block Adaptive algorithm based on Circularity, OBA-C. The proposed OBA-C method compensates for a complex imbalanced signal by restoring its circularity. In addition, by utilizing the complex iv Taylor series expansion, the OBA-C method optimally updates the adaptive filter coefficients at each iteration. This algorithm can be applied to mitigate the frequency-dependent I/Q mismatch effects in analog front-end. Simulation results indicate that comparing with the existing methods, OBA-C exhibits superior convergence speed while maintaining excellent accuracy. The third technique is regarding interference rejection in communication systems. The research on both LMS and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) based techniques continues to receive significant attention in the area of interference cancellation. The performance of the LMS and ICA based approaches is studied for signals with different probabilistic distributions. Our research indicates that the ICA-based approach works better for super-Gaussian signals, while the LMS-based method is preferable for sub-Gaussian signals. Therefore, an appropriate choice of interference suppression algorithms can be made to satisfy the ever-increasing demand for better performance in modern receiver design

    Recent Advances in Signal Processing

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    The signal processing task is a very critical issue in the majority of new technological inventions and challenges in a variety of applications in both science and engineering fields. Classical signal processing techniques have largely worked with mathematical models that are linear, local, stationary, and Gaussian. They have always favored closed-form tractability over real-world accuracy. These constraints were imposed by the lack of powerful computing tools. During the last few decades, signal processing theories, developments, and applications have matured rapidly and now include tools from many areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. This book is targeted primarily toward both students and researchers who want to be exposed to a wide variety of signal processing techniques and algorithms. It includes 27 chapters that can be categorized into five different areas depending on the application at hand. These five categories are ordered to address image processing, speech processing, communication systems, time-series analysis, and educational packages respectively. The book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Blind source separation for interference cancellation in CDMA systems

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    Communication is the science of "reliable" transfer of information between two parties, in the sense that the information reaches the intended party with as few errors as possible. Modern wireless systems have many interfering sources that hinder reliable communication. The performance of receivers severely deteriorates in the presence of unknown or unaccounted interference. The goal of a receiver is then to combat these sources of interference in a robust manner while trying to optimize the trade-off between gain and computational complexity. Conventional methods mitigate these sources of interference by taking into account all available information and at times seeking additional information e.g., channel characteristics, direction of arrival, etc. This usually costs bandwidth. This thesis examines the issue of developing mitigating algorithms that utilize as little as possible or no prior information about the nature of the interference. These methods are either semi-blind, in the former case, or blind in the latter case. Blind source separation (BSS) involves solving a source separation problem with very little prior information. A popular framework for solving the BSS problem is independent component analysis (ICA). This thesis combines techniques of ICA with conventional signal detection to cancel out unaccounted sources of interference. Combining an ICA element to standard techniques enables a robust and computationally efficient structure. This thesis proposes switching techniques based on BSS/ICA effectively to combat interference. Additionally, a structure based on a generalized framework termed as denoising source separation (DSS) is presented. In cases where more information is known about the nature of interference, it is natural to incorporate this knowledge in the separation process, so finally this thesis looks at the issue of using some prior knowledge in these techniques. In the simple case, the advantage of using priors should at least lead to faster algorithms.reviewe

    An Analysis of the Unmanned Aerial Systems-to-Ground Channel and Joint Sensing and Communications Systems Using Software Defined Radio

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    abstract: Software-defined radio provides users with a low-cost and flexible platform for implementing and studying advanced communications and remote sensing applications. Two such applications include unmanned aerial system-to-ground communications channel and joint sensing and communication systems. In this work, these applications are studied. In the first part, unmanned aerial system-to-ground communications channel models are derived from empirical data collected from software-defined radio transceivers in residential and mountainous desert environments using a small (< 20 kg) unmanned aerial system during low-altitude flight (< 130 m). The Kullback-Leibler divergence measure was employed to characterize model mismatch from the empirical data. Using this measure the derived models accurately describe the underlying data. In the second part, an experimental joint sensing and communications system is implemented using a network of software-defined radio transceivers. A novel co-design receiver architecture is presented and demonstrated within a three-node joint multiple access system topology consisting of an independent radar and communications transmitter along with a joint radar and communications receiver. The receiver tracks an emulated target moving along a predefined path and simultaneously decodes a communications message. Experimental system performance bounds are characterized jointly using the communications channel capacity and novel estimation information rate.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201
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