1,376,603 research outputs found

    Optimum filtering for optimum currency areas criteria

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    This study aims to analyze Turkey and the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) countries in the light of criteria suggested by the optimum currency areas (OCA) theory and to compare the criteria obtained by an application of Hodrick-Prescott (H-P) and Baxter-King (B-K) filters. To this end, we follow a novel technique, fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering with upper and lower levels of fuzziness. The results show that the application of the H-P filtering technique with appropriate smoothing parameter values produces sensible clusters.

    Optimum imaging for mucoceles

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    A mucocele is an epithelial lined mucus-containing sac completely filling a paranasal sinus and capable of expansion. They are relatively unusual, occurring most frequently in the fronto-ethmoidal region. The imaging features on plain X-ray, computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are relatively characteristic allowing distinction of the lesion from other pathologies in this area although the mucoceles may occur in association with other pathologies such as nasal polyposis and neoplasia

    Optimum nonuniform transmultiplexer design

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    This paper considers an optimum nonuniform FIR transmultiplexer design subject to specifications in the frequency domain. Our objective is to minimize the sum of the ripple energy for all the individual filters, subject to the specifications on amplitude and aliasing distortions, and to the passband and stopband specifications for the individual filters. This optimum nonuniform transmultiplexer design problem can be formulated as a quadratic semi-infinite programming problem. The dual parametrization algorithm is extended to the design of this nonuniform transmultiplexer problem. If the lengths of the filters are sufficiently long and the set of decimation integers is compatible, then our algorithm guarantees that the solution obtained will give rise to the global minimum, and the required specifications are satisfied

    Optimum Multi-Impulse Rendezvous Program

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    OMIRPROGRAM determines optimal n-impulse rendezvous trajectories under the restrictions of two-body motion in free space. Lawden's primer vector theory is applied to determine optimum number of midcourse impulse applications. Global optimality is not guaranteed
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