363 research outputs found

    Weyl Spreading Sequence Optimizing CDMA

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    This paper shows an optimal spreading sequence in the Weyl sequence class, which is similar to the set of the Oppermann sequences for asynchronous CDMA systems. Sequences in Weyl sequence class have the desired property that the order of cross-correlation is low. Therefore, sequences in the Weyl sequence class are expected to minimize the inter-symbol interference. We evaluate the upper bound of cross-correlation and odd cross-correlation of spreading sequences in the Weyl sequence class and construct the optimization problem: minimize the upper bound of the absolute values of cross-correlation and odd cross-correlation. Since our optimization problem is convex, we can derive the optimal spreading sequences as the global solution of the problem. We show their signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) in a special case. From this result, we propose how the initial elements are assigned, that is, how spreading sequences are assigned to each users. In an asynchronous CDMA system, we also numerically compare our spreading sequences with other ones, the Gold codes, the Oppermann sequences, the optimal Chebyshev spreading sequences and the SP sequences in Bit Error Rate. Our spreading sequence, which yields the global solution, has the highest performance among the other spreading sequences tested

    Tree-structured linear-phase Nyquist FIR filter interpolators and decimators

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    Optimizing complex queries with multiple relational instances

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    The Precision Array for Probing the Epoch of Reionization: 8 Station Results

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    We are developing the Precision Array for Probing the Epoch of Reionization (PAPER) to detect 21cm emission from the early Universe, when the first stars and galaxies were forming. We describe the overall experiment strategy and architecture and summarize two PAPER deployments: a 4-antenna array in the low-RFI environment of Western Australia and an 8-antenna array at our prototyping site in Green Bank, WV. From these activities we report on system performance, including primary beam model verification, dependence of system gain on ambient temperature, measurements of receiver and overall system temperatures, and characterization of the RFI environment at each deployment site. We present an all-sky map synthesized between 139 MHz and 174 MHz using data from both arrays that reaches down to 80 mJy (4.9 K, for a beam size of 2.15e-5 steradians at 154 MHz), with a 10 mJy (620 mK) thermal noise level that indicates what would be achievable with better foreground subtraction. We calculate angular power spectra (CC_\ell) in a cold patch and determine them to be dominated by point sources, but with contributions from galactic synchrotron emission at lower radio frequencies and angular wavemodes. Although the cosmic variance of foregrounds dominates errors in these power spectra, we measure a thermal noise level of 310 mK at =100\ell=100 for a 1.46-MHz band centered at 164.5 MHz. This sensitivity level is approximately three orders of magnitude in temperature above the level of the fluctuations in 21cm emission associated with reionization.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, submitted to AJ. Revision 2 corrects a scaling error in the x axis of Fig. 12 that lowers the calculated power spectrum temperatur

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWireless communications pervade all avenues of modern life. The rapid expansion of wireless services has increased the need for transmission schemes that are more spectrally efficient. Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) systems attempt to address this need by building a network where the spectrum is used opportunistically by all users based on local and regional measurements of its availability. One of the principal requirements in DSA systems is to initialize and maintain a control channel to link the nodes together. This should be done even before a complete spectral usage map is available. Additionally, with more users accessing the spectrum, it is important to maintain a stable link in the presence of significant interference in emergency first-responders, rescue, and defense applications. In this thesis, a new multicarrier spread spectrum (MC-SS) technique based on filter banks is presented. The new technique is called filter bank multicarrier spread spectrum (FB-MC-SS). A detailed theory of the underlying properties of this signal are given, with emphasis on the properties that lend themselves to synchronization at the receiver. Proposed algorithms for synchronization, channel estimation, and detection are implemented on a software-defined radio platform to complete an FB-MC-SS transceiver and to prove the practicality of the technique. FB-MC-SS is shown through physical experimentation to be significantly more robust to partial band interference compared to direct sequence spread spectrum. With a higher power interfering signal occupying 90% of its band, FB-MC-SS maintains a low bit error rate. Under the same interference conditions, DS-SS fails completely. This experimentation leads to a theoretical analysis that shows in a frequency selective channel with additive white noise, the FB-MC-SS system has performance that equals that obtained by a DS-SS system employing an optimal rake receiver. This thesis contains a detailed chapter on implementation and design, including lessons learned while prototyping the system. This is to assist future system designers to quickly gain proficiency in further development of this technology