6 research outputs found

    Just-In-Time Data Virtualization: Lightweight Data Management with ViDa

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    As the size of data and its heterogeneity increase, traditional database system architecture becomes an obstacle to data analysis. Integrating and ingesting (loading) data into databases is quickly becoming a bottleneck in face of massive data as well as increasingly heterogeneous data formats. Still, state-of-the-art approaches typically rely on copying and transforming data into one (or few) repositories. Queries, on the other hand, are often ad-hoc and supported by pre-cooked operators which are not adaptive enough to optimize access to data. As data formats and queries increasingly vary, there is a need to depart from the current status quo of static query processing primitives and build dynamic, fully adaptive architectures. We build ViDa, a system which reads data in its raw format and processes queries using adaptive, just-in-time operators. Our key insight is use of virtualization, i.e., abstracting data and manipulating it regardless of its original format, and dynamic generation of operators. ViDa's query engine is generated just-in-time; its caches and its query operators adapt to the current query and the workload, while also treating raw datasets as its native storage structures. Finally, ViDa features a language expressive enough to support heterogeneous data models, and to which existing languages can be translated. Users therefore have the power to choose the language best suited for an analysis

    From a calculus to an execution environment for stream processing

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    At one level, this paper is about River, a virtual execution environment for stream processing. Stream processing is a paradigm well-suited for many modern data processing systems that ingest high-volume data streams from the real world, such as audio/video streaming, high-frequency trading, and security monitoring. One attractive property of stream processing is that it lends itself to parallelization on multicores, and even to distribution on clusters when extreme scale is required. Stream processing has been co-evolved by several communities, leading to diverse languages with similar core concepts. Providing a common execution environment reduces language development effort and increases portability. We designed River as a practical realization of Brooklet, a calculus for stream processing. So at another level, this paper is about a journey from theory (the calculus) to practice (the execution environment). The challenge is that, by definition, a calculus abstracts away all but the most central concepts. Hence, there are several research questions in concretizing the missing parts, not to mention a significant engineering effort in implementing them. But the effort is well worth it, because using a calculus as a foundation yields clear semantics and proven correctness results. Copyright © 2012 ACM

    River: an intermediate language for stream processing

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    Summary This paper presents both a calculus for stream processing, named Brooklet, and its realization as an intermediate language, named River. Because River is based on Brooklet, it has a formal semantics that enables reasoning about the correctness of source translations and optimizations. River builds on Brooklet by addressing the real-world details that the calculus elides. We evaluated our system by implementing front-ends for three streaming languages, and three important optimizations, and a back-end for the System S distributed streaming runtime. Overall, we significantly lower the barrier to entry for new stream-processing languages and thus grow the ecosystem of this crucial style of programming. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Optimizing and Incrementalizing Higher-order Collection Queries by AST Transformation

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    In modernen, universellen Programmiersprachen sind Abfragen auf Speicher-basierten Kollektionen oft rechenintensiver als erforderlich. Während Datenbankenabfragen vergleichsweise einfach optimiert werden können, fällt dies bei Speicher-basierten Kollektionen oft schwer, denn universelle Programmiersprachen sind in aller Regel ausdrucksstärker als Datenbanken. Insbesondere unterstützen diese Sprachen meistens verschachtelte, rekursive Datentypen und Funktionen höherer Ordnung. Kollektionsabfragen können per Hand optimiert und inkrementalisiert werden, jedoch verringert dies häufig die Modularität und ist oft zu fehleranfällig, um realisierbar zu sein oder um Instandhaltung von entstandene Programm zu gewährleisten. Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit demonstriert, wie Abfragen auf Kollektionen systematisch und automatisch optimiert und inkrementalisiert werden können, um Programmierer von dieser Last zu befreien. Die so erzeugten Programme werden in derselben Kernsprache ausgedrückt, um weitere Standardoptimierungen zu ermöglichen. Teil I entwickelt eine Variante der Scala API für Kollektionen, die Staging verwendet um Abfragen als abstrakte Syntaxbäume zu reifizieren. Auf Basis dieser Schnittstelle werden anschließend domänenspezifische Optimierungen von Programmiersprachen und Datenbanken angewandt; unter anderem werden Abfragen umgeschrieben, um vom Programmierer ausgewählte Indizes zu benutzen. Dank dieser Indizes kann eine erhebliche Beschleunigung der Ausführungsgeschwindigkeit gezeigt werden; eine experimentelle Auswertung zeigt hierbei Beschleunigungen von durchschnittlich 12x bis zu einem Maximum von 12800x. Um Programme mit Funktionen höherer Ordnung durch Programmtransformation zu inkrementalisieren, wird in Teil II eine Erweiterung der Finite-Differenzen-Methode vorgestellt [Paige and Koenig, 1982; Blakeley et al., 1986; Gupta and Mumick, 1999] und ein erster Ansatz zur Inkrementalisierung durch Programmtransformation für Programme mit Funktionen höherer Ordnung entwickelt. Dabei werden Programme zu Ableitungen transformiert, d.h. zu Programmen die Eingangsdifferenzen in Ausgangdifferenzen umwandeln. Weiterhin werden in den Kapiteln 12–13 die Korrektheit des Inkrementalisierungsansatzes für einfach-getypten und ungetypten λ-Kalkül bewiesen und Erweiterungen zu System F besprochen. Ableitungen müssen oft Ergebnisse der ursprünglichen Programme wiederverwenden. Um eine solche Wiederverwendung zu ermöglichen, erweitert Kapitel 17 die Arbeit von Liu and Teitelbaum [1995] zu Programmen mit Funktionen höherer Ordnung und entwickeln eine Programmtransformation solcher Programme im Cache-Transfer-Stil. Für eine effiziente Inkrementalisierung ist es weiterhin notwendig, passende Grundoperationen auszuwählen und manuell zu inkrementalisieren. Diese Arbeit deckt einen Großteil der wichtigsten Grundoperationen auf Kollektionen ab. Die Durchführung von Fallstudien zeigt deutliche Laufzeitverbesserungen sowohl in Praxis als auch in der asymptotischen Komplexität.In modern programming languages, queries on in-memory collections are often more expensive than needed. While database queries can be readily optimized, it is often not trivial to use them to express collection queries which employ nested data and first-class functions, as enabled by functional programming languages. Collection queries can be optimized and incrementalized by hand, but this reduces modularity, and is often too error-prone to be feasible or to enable maintenance of resulting programs. To free programmers from such burdens, in this thesis we study how to optimize and incrementalize such collection queries. Resulting programs are expressed in the same core language, so that they can be subjected to other standard optimizations. To enable optimizing collection queries which occur inside programs, we develop a staged variant of the Scala collection API that reifies queries as ASTs. On top of this interface, we adapt domain-specific optimizations from the fields of programming languages and databases; among others, we rewrite queries to use indexes chosen by programmers. Thanks to the use of indexes we show significant speedups in our experimental evaluation, with an average of 12x and a maximum of 12800x. To incrementalize higher-order programs by program transformation, we extend finite differencing [Paige and Koenig, 1982; Blakeley et al., 1986; Gupta and Mumick, 1999] and develop the first approach to incrementalization by program transformation for higher-order programs. Base programs are transformed to derivatives, programs that transform input changes to output changes. We prove that our incrementalization approach is correct: We develop the theory underlying incrementalization for simply-typed and untyped λ-calculus, and discuss extensions to System F. Derivatives often need to reuse results produced by base programs: to enable such reuse, we extend work by Liu and Teitelbaum [1995] to higher-order programs, and develop and prove correct a program transformation, converting higher-order programs to cache-transfer-style. For efficient incrementalization, it is necessary to choose and incrementalize by hand appropriate primitive operations. We incrementalize a significant subset of collection operations and perform case studies, showing order-of-magnitude speedups both in practice and in asymptotic complexity

    Optimizing Queries with Object Updates

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    Object-oriented databases (OODBs) provide powerful data abstractions and modeling facilities but they usually lack a suitable framework for query processing and optimization. Even though there is an increasing number of recent proposals on OODB query optimization, only few of them are actually focused on query optimization in the presence of object identity and destructive updates, features often supported by most realistic OODB languages. This paper presents a formal framework for optimizing object-oriented queries in the presence of side effects. These queries may contain object updates at any place and in any form. We present a language extension to the monoid comprehension calculus to express these object-oriented features and we give a formal meaning to these extensions. Our method is based on denotational semantics, which is often used to give a formal meaning to imperative programming languages. The semantics of our language extensions is expressed in terms of our monoid calculu..