10 research outputs found

    Optimizing Implementations of Lightweight Building Blocks

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    We study the synthesis of small functions used as building blocks in lightweight cryptographic designs in terms of hardware implementations. This phase most notably appears during the ASIC implementation of cryptographic primitives. The quality of this step directly affects the output circuit, and while general tools exist to carry out this task, most of them belong to proprietary software suites and apply heuristics to any size of functions. In this work, we focus on small functions (4- and 8-bit mappings) and look for their optimal implementations on a specific weighted instructions set which allows fine tuning of the technology. We propose a tool named LIGHTER, based on two related algorithms, that produces optimized implementations of small functions. To demonstrate the validity and usefulness of our tool, we applied it to two practical cases: first, linear permutations that define diffusion in most of SPN ciphers; second, non-linear 4-bit permutations that are used in many lightweight block ciphers. For linear permutations, we exhibit several new MDS diffusion matrices lighter than the state-of-the-art, and we also decrease the implementation cost of several already known MDS matrices. As for non-linear permutations, LIGHTER outperforms the area-optimized synthesis of the state-of-the-art academic tool ABC. Smaller circuits can also be reached when ABC and LIGHTER are used jointly

    Minimization of Bitsliced Representation of 4×4 S-Boxes based on Ternary Logic Instruction

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    The article is devoted to methods and tools for generating software-oriented bit-sliced descriptions of bijective 4×4 S-Boxes with a reduced number of instructions based on a ternary logical instruction. Bitsliced descriptions generated by the proposed method make it possible to improve the performance and security of software implementations of crypto-algorithms using 4×4 S-Boxes on various processor architectures. The paper develops a heuristic minimization method that uses a ternary logical instruction, which is available in ×86–64 processors with AVX-512 support and some GPU processors. Thanks to the combination of various heuristic techniques (preliminary calculations, exhaustive search to a certain depth, refinement search) in the method, it was possible to reduce the number of gates in bit-sliced descriptions of S-Boxes compared to other known methods. The corresponding software in the form of a utility in the Python language was developed and its operation was tested on 225 S-Boxes of various crypto-algorithms. It was established that the developed method generates a bit-sliced description with a smaller number of ternary instructions in 90.2% of cases, compared to the best-known method implemented in the sboxgates utility

    Three Input Exclusive-OR Gate Support For Boyar-Peralta\u27s Algorithm (Extended Version)

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    The linear layer, which is basically a binary non-singular matrix, is an integral part of cipher construction in a lot of private key ciphers. As a result, optimising the linear layer for device implementation has been an important research direction for about two decades. The Boyar-Peralta\u27s algorithm (SEA\u2710) is one such common algorithm, which offers significant improvement compared to the straightforward implementation. This algorithm only returns implementation with XOR2 gates, and is deterministic. Over the last couple of years, some improvements over this algorithm has been proposed, so as to make support for XOR3 gates as well as make it randomised. In this work, we take an already existing improvement (Tan and Peyrin, TCHES\u2720) that allows randomised execution and extend it to support three input XOR gates. This complements the other work done in this direction (Banik et al., IWSEC\u2719) that also supports XOR3 gates with randomised execution. Further, noting from another work (Maximov, Eprint\u2719), we include one additional tie-breaker condition in the original Boyar-Peralta\u27s algorithm. Our work thus collates and extends the state-of-the-art, at the same time offers a simpler interface. We show several results that improve from the lastly best-known results

    Towards the Reverse-Engineering of the CaveTable

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    International audienceThis report focuses on the S-Box used in CMEA . The purpose is to find the generation process of this S-Box. Such knowledge is important since a weak design process usually results in vulnerability against attacks. Many of them have already been published against CMEA. The attackers used the statistical bias in the S-Box to develop their attack. We want to know what caused such a statistical bias, so that this methodmay be avoided later on. In order to find a structure in this S-Box, we first recall the high level structure that has already been found before. We then look at several properties, such as the linear and differential properties and the hardware related properties, and finally, the relations with other cryptographic algorithms. Our results show that the TU structure is likely just a consequence of the S-Box being generated from thirty-two4×4 permutations being concatenated. The properties of the tables components involved in the structure are all consistent with those of pseudo-random permutations. Hence, the S-Box might just be constructed using thirty-two pseudo- randomly generated4×4 permutations

    Low Complexity MDS Matrices Using GF(2n)GF(2^n) SPB or GPB

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    While GF(2n)GF(2^n) polynomial bases are widely used in symmetric-key components, e.g. MDS matrices, we show that even low time/space complexities can be achieved by using GF(2n)GF(2^n) shifted polynomial bases (SPB) or generalized polynomial bases (GPB)

    Bit-Sliding: A Generic Technique for Bit-Serial Implementations of SPN-based Primitives -- Applications to AES, PRESENT and SKINNY

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    Area minimization is one of the main efficiency criterion for lightweight encryption primitives. While reducing the implementation data path is a natural strategy for achieving this goal, Substitution-Permutation Network (SPN) ciphers are usually hard to implement in a bit-serial way (1-bit data path). More generally, this is hard for any data path smaller than its Sbox size, since many scan flip-flops would be required for storage, which are more area-expensive than regular flip-flops. In this article, we propose the first strategy to obtain extremely small bit-serial ASIC implementations of SPN primitives. Our technique, which we call bit-sliding, is generic and offers many new interesting implementation trade-offs. It manages to minimize the area by reducing the data path to a single bit, while avoiding the use of many scan flip-flops. Following this general architecture, we could obtain the first bit-serial and the smallest implementation of AES-128 to date (1563 GE for encryption only, and 1744 GE for encryption and decryption with IBM 130nm standard-cell library), greatly improving over the smallest known implementations (about 30% decrease), making AES-128 competitive to many ciphers specifically designed for lightweight cryptography. To exhibit the generality of our strategy, we also applied it to the PRESENT and SKINNY block ciphers, again offering the smallest implementations of these ciphers thus far, reaching an area as low as 1054 GE for a 64-bit block 128-bit key cipher. It is also to be noted that our bit-sliding seems to obtain very good power consumption figures, which makes this implementation strategy a good candidate for passive RFID tags

    GIFT: A Small Present Towards Reaching the Limit of Lightweight Encryption

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    In this article, we revisit the design strategy of PRESENT, leveraging all the advances provided by the research community in construction and cryptanalysis since its publication, to push the design up to its limits. We obtain an improved version, named GIFT, that provides a much increased efficiency in all domains (smaller and faster), while correcting the well-known weakness of PRESENT with regards to linear hulls. GIFT is a very simple and clean design that outperforms even SIMON or SKINNY for round-based implementations, making it one of the most energy efficient ciphers as of today. It reaches a point where almost the entire implementation area is taken by the storage and the Sboxes, where any cheaper choice of Sbox would lead to a very weak proposal. In essence, GIFT is composed of only Sbox and bit-wiring, but its natural bitslice data flow ensures excellent performances in all scenarios, from area-optimised hardware implementations to very fast software implementation on high-end platforms. We conducted a thorough analysis of our design with regards to state-of-the-art cryptanalysis, and we provide trong bounds with regards to differential/linear attacks

    BAKSHEESH: Similar Yet Different From GIFT

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    We propose a lightweight block cipher named BAKSHEESH, which follows up on the popular cipher GIFT-128 (CHES\u2717). BAKSHEESH runs for 35 rounds, which is 12.50 percent smaller compared to GIFT-128 (runs for 40 rounds) while maintaining the same security claims against the classical attacks. The crux of BAKSHEESH is to use a 4-bit SBox that has a non-trivial Linear Structure (LS). An SBox with one or more non-trivial LS has not been used in a cipher construction until DEFAULT (Asiacrypt\u2721). DEFAULT is pitched to have inherent protection against the Differential Fault Attack (DFA), thanks to its SBox having 3 non-trivial LS. BAKSHEESH, however, uses an SBox with only 1 non-trivial LS; and is a traditional cipher just like GIFT-128, with no claims against DFA. The SBox requires a low number of AND gates, making BAKSHEESH suitable for side channel countermeasures (when compared to GIFT-128) and other niche applications. Indeed, our study on the cost of the threshold implementation shows that BAKSHEESH offers a few-fold advantage over other lightweight ciphers. The design is not much deviated from its predecessor (GIFT-128), thereby allowing for easy implementation (such as fix-slicing in software). However, BAKSHEESH opts for the full-round key XOR, compared to the half-round key XOR in GIFT. Thus, when taking everything into account, we show how a cipher construction can benefit from the unique vantage point of using 1 LS SBox, by combining the state-of-the-art progress in classical cryptanalysis and protection against device-dependent attacks. We, therefore, create a new paradigm of lightweight ciphers, by adequate deliberation on the design choice, and solidify it with appropriate security analysis and ample implementation/benchmark

    Automated Design Space Exploration and Datapath Synthesis for Finite Field Arithmetic with Applications to Lightweight Cryptography

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    Today, emerging technologies are reaching astronomical proportions. For example, the Internet of Things has numerous applications and consists of countless different devices using different technologies with different capabilities. But the one invariant is their connectivity. Consequently, secure communications, and cryptographic hardware as a means of providing them, are faced with new challenges. Cryptographic algorithms intended for hardware implementations must be designed with a good trade-off between implementation efficiency and sufficient cryptographic strength. Finite fields are widely used in cryptography. Examples of algorithm design choices related to finite field arithmetic are the field size, which arithmetic operations to use, how to represent the field elements, etc. As there are many parameters to be considered and analyzed, an automation framework is needed. This thesis proposes a framework for automated design, implementation and verification of finite field arithmetic hardware. The underlying motif throughout this work is “math meets hardware”. The automation framework is designed to bring the awareness of underlying mathematical structures to the hardware design flow. It is implemented in GAP, an open source computer algebra system that can work with finite fields and has symbolic computation capabilities. The framework is roughly divided into two phases, the architectural decisions and the automated design genera- tion. The architectural decisions phase supports parameter search and produces a list of candidates. The automated design generation phase is invoked for each candidate, and the generated VHDL files are passed on to conventional synthesis tools. The candidates and their implementation results form the design space, and the framework allows rapid design space exploration in a systematic way. In this thesis, design space exploration is focused on finite field arithmetic. Three distinctive features of the proposed framework are the structure of finite fields, tower field support, and on the fly submodule generation. Each finite field used in the design is represented as both a field and its corresponding vector space. It is easy for a designer to switch between fields and vector spaces, but strict distinction of the two is necessary for hierarchical designs. When an expression is defined over an extension field, the top-level module contains element signals and submodules for arithmetic operations on those signals. The submodules are generated with corresponding vector signals and the arithmetic operations are now performed on the coordinates. For tower fields, the submodules are generated for the subfield operations, and the design is generated in a top-down fashion. The binding of expressions to the appropriate finite fields or vector spaces and a set of customized methods allow the on the fly generation of expressions for implementation of arithmetic operations, and hence submodule generation. In the light of NIST Lightweight Cryptography Project (LWC), this work focuses mainly on small finite fields. The thesis illustrates the impact of hardware implementation results during the design process of WAGE, a Round 2 candidate in the NIST LWC standardization competition. WAGE is a hardware oriented authenticated encryption scheme. The parameter selection for WAGE was aimed at balancing the security and hardware implementation area, using hardware implementation results for many design decisions, for example field size, representation of field elements, etc. In the proposed framework, the components of WAGE are used as an example to illustrate different automation flows and demonstrate the design space exploration on a real-world algorithm

    Optimizing Implementations of Lightweight Building Blocks

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    We study the synthesis of small functions used as building blocks in lightweight cryptographic designs in terms of hardware implementations. This phase most notably appears during the ASIC implementation of cryptographic primitives. The quality of this step directly affects the output circuit, and while general tools exist to carry out this task, most of them belong to proprietary software suites and apply heuristics to any size of functions. In this work, we focus on small functions (4- and 8-bit mappings) and look for their optimal implementations on a specific weighted instructions set which allows fine tuning of the technology. We propose a tool named LIGHTER, based on two related algorithms, that produces optimized implementations of small functions. To demonstrate the validity and usefulness of our tool, we applied it to two practical cases: first, linear permutations that define diffusion in most of SPN ciphers; second, non-linear 4-bit permutations that are used in many lightweight block ciphers. For linear permutations, we exhibit several new MDS diffusion matrices lighter than the state-of-the-art, and we also decrease the implementation cost of several already known MDS matrices. As for non-linear permutations, LIGHTER outperforms the area-optimized synthesis of the state-of-the-art academic tool ABC. Smaller circuits can also be reached when ABC and LIGHTER are used jointly