8,711 research outputs found

    Self-calibrating d-scan: measuring ultrashort laser pulses on-target using an arbitrary pulse compressor

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    In most applications of ultrashort pulse lasers, temporal compressors are used to achieve a desired pulse duration in a target or sample, and precise temporal characterization is important. The dispersion-scan (d-scan) pulse characterization technique usually involves using glass wedges to impart variable, well-defined amounts of dispersion to the pulses, while measuring the spectrum of a nonlinear signal produced by those pulses. This works very well for broadband few-cycle pulses, but longer, narrower bandwidth pulses are much more difficult to measure this way. Here we demonstrate the concept of self-calibrating d-scan, which extends the applicability of the d-scan technique to pulses of arbitrary duration, enabling their complete measurement without prior knowledge of the introduced dispersion. In particular, we show that the pulse compressors already employed in chirped pulse amplification (CPA) systems can be used to simultaneously compress and measure the temporal profile of the output pulses on-target in a simple way, without the need of additional diagnostics or calibrations, while at the same time calibrating the often-unknown differential dispersion of the compressor itself. We demonstrate the technique through simulations and experiments under known conditions. Finally, we apply it to the measurement and compression of 27.5 fs pulses from a CPA laser.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Scientific Reports, in pres

    Domain-adaptive deep network compression

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    Deep Neural Networks trained on large datasets can be easily transferred to new domains with far fewer labeled examples by a process called fine-tuning. This has the advantage that representations learned in the large source domain can be exploited on smaller target domains. However, networks designed to be optimal for the source task are often prohibitively large for the target task. In this work we address the compression of networks after domain transfer. We focus on compression algorithms based on low-rank matrix decomposition. Existing methods base compression solely on learned network weights and ignore the statistics of network activations. We show that domain transfer leads to large shifts in network activations and that it is desirable to take this into account when compressing. We demonstrate that considering activation statistics when compressing weights leads to a rank-constrained regression problem with a closed-form solution. Because our method takes into account the target domain, it can more optimally remove the redundancy in the weights. Experiments show that our Domain Adaptive Low Rank (DALR) method significantly outperforms existing low-rank compression techniques. With our approach, the fc6 layer of VGG19 can be compressed more than 4x more than using truncated SVD alone -- with only a minor or no loss in accuracy. When applied to domain-transferred networks it allows for compression down to only 5-20% of the original number of parameters with only a minor drop in performance.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 201

    Power Laws, Highly Optimized Tolerance, and Generalized Source Coding

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    We introduce a family of robust design problems for complex systems in uncertain environments which are based on tradeoffs between resource allocations and losses. Optimized solutions yield the “robust, yet fragile” features of highly optimized tolerance and exhibit power law tails in the distributions of events for all but the special case of Shannon coding for data compression. In addition to data compression, we construct specific solutions for world wide web traffic and forest fires, and obtain excellent agreement with measured data

    Formation of Compressed Flat Electron Beams with High Transverse-Emittance Ratios

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    Flat beams -- beams with asymmetric transverse emittances -- have important applications in novel light-source concepts, advanced-acceleration schemes and could possibly alleviate the need for damping rings in lepton colliders. Over the last decade, a flat-beam-generation technique based on the conversion of an angular-momentum-dominated beam was proposed and experimentally tested. In this paper we explore the production of compressed flat beams. We especially investigate and optimize the flat-beam transformation for beams with substantial fractional energy spread. We use as a simulation example the photoinjector of the Fermilab's Advanced Superconducting Test Accelerator (ASTA). The optimizations of the flat beam generation and compression at ASTA were done via start-to-end numerical simulations for bunch charges of 3.2 nC, 1.0 nC and 20 pC at ~37 MeV. The optimized emittances of flat beams with different bunch charges were found to be 0.25 {\mu}m (emittance ratio is ~400), 0.13 {\mu}m, 15 nm before compression, and 0.41 {\mu}m, 0.20 {\mu}m, 16 nm after full compression, respectively with peak currents as high as 5.5 kA for a 3.2-nC flat beam. These parameters are consistent with requirements needed to excite wakefields in asymmetric dielectric-lined waveguides or produce significant photon flux using small-gap micro-undulators.Comment: 17