7 research outputs found

    Optimized Interpolation Attacks on LowMC

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    LowMC is a collection of block cipher families introduced at Eurocrypt 2015 by Albrecht et al. Its design is optimized for instantiations of multi-party computation, fully homomorphic encryption, and zero-knowledge proofs. A unique feature of LowMC is that its internal affine layers are chosen at random, and thus each block cipher family contains a huge number of instances. The Eurocrypt paper proposed two specific block cipher families of LowMC, having 80-bit and 128-bit keys. In this paper, we mount interpolation attacks (algebraic attacks introduced by Jakobsen and Knudsen) on LowMC, and show that a practically significant fraction of 2−382^{-38} of its 80-bit key instances could be broken 2232^{23} times faster than exhaustive search. Moreover, essentially all instances that are claimed to provide 128-bit security could be broken about 10001000 times faster. In order to obtain these results, we had to develop novel techniques and optimize the original interpolation attack in new ways. While some of our new techniques exploit specific internal properties of LowMC, others are more generic and could be applied, in principle, to any block cipher

    Interpolation Attacks on Round-Reduced Elephant, Kravatte and Xoofff

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    We introduce an interpolation attack using the \textsc{Moebius Transform}. This can reduce the time complexity to get a linear system of equations for specified intermediate state bits, which is general to cryptanalysis of some ciphers with update function of low algebraic degree. Along this line, we perform an interpolation attack against \textsc{Elephant-Delirium}, a round 2 submission of the ongoing NIST lightweight cryptography project. This is the first third-party cryptanalysis on this cipher. Moreover, we promote the interpolation attack by applying it to the \textbf{Farfalle} pseudo-random constructions \textsc{Kravatte} and \textsc{Xoofff}. Our attacks turn out to be the most efficient method for these ciphers thus far

    Truncated Differential Based Known-Key Attacks on Round-Reduced Simon

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    At Crypto 2015, Blondeau, Peyrin and Wang proposed a truncated-differential-based known-key attack on full PRESENT, a nibble oriented lightweight blockcipher with a SPN structure. The truncated difference they used is derived from the existing multidimensional linear characteristics. An innovative technique of their work is the design of a MITM layer added before the characteristic that covers extra rounds with a complexity lower than that of a generic construction. We notice that there are good linear hulls for bit-oriented block cipher Simon corresponding to highly qualified truncated differential characteristics. Based on these characteristics, we propose known-key distinguishers on round-reduced Simon block cipher family, which is bit oriented and has a Feistel structure. Similar to the MITM layer, we design a specific start-from-the-middle method for pre-adding extra rounds with complexities lower than generic bounds. With these techniques, we launch basic known-key attacks on round-reduced Simon. We also involve some key guessing technique and further extend the basic attacks to more rounds. Our known-key attacks can reach as many as 29/32/38/48/63-rounds of Simon32/48/64/96/128, which comes quite close to the full number of rounds. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first known-key results on the block cipher Simon

    Homomorphic Evaluation of Lattice-Based Symmetric Encryption Schemes

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    Optimizing performance of Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is nowadays an active trend of research in cryptography. One way of improvement is to use a hybrid construction with a classical symmetric encryption scheme to transfer encrypted data to the Cloud. This allows to reduce the bandwidth since the expansion factor of symmetric schemes (the ratio between the ciphertext and the plaintext length) is close to one, whereas for FHE schemes it is in the order of 1,000 to 1,000,000. However, such a construction requires the decryption circuit of the symmetric scheme to be easy to evaluate homomorphically. Several works have studied the cost of homomorphically evaluating classical block ciphers, and some recent works have suggested new homomorphic oriented constructions of block ciphers or stream ciphers. Since the multiplication gate of FHE schemes significantly increases the noise of the ciphertext, we cannot afford too many multiplication stages in the decryption circuit. Consequently, FHE-friendly symmetric encryption schemes have a decryption circuit with small multiplication depth. We aim at minimizing the cost of the homomorphic evaluation of the decryption of symmetric encryption schemes. To do so, we focus on schemes based on learning problems: Learning With Errors (LWE), Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) and Learning With Rounding (LWR). We show that they have lower multiplicative depth than usual block ciphers, and hence allow more FHE operations before a heavy bootstrapping becomes necessary. Moreover, some of them come with a security proof. Finally, we implement our schemes in HElib. Experimental evidence shows that they achieve lower amortized and total running time than previous performance from the literature: our schemes are from 10 to 10,000 more efficient for the time per bit and the total running time is also reduced by a factor between 20 to 10,000. Of independent interest, the security of our LWR-based scheme is related to LWE and we provide an efficient security proof that allows to take smaller parameters

    Out of Oddity – New Cryptanalytic Techniques Against Symmetric Primitives Optimized for Integrity Proof Systems

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    International audienceThe security and performance of many integrity proof systems like SNARKs, STARKs and Bulletproofs highly depend on the underlying hash function. For this reason several new proposals have recently been developed. These primitives obviously require an in-depth security evaluation, especially since their implementation constraints have led to less standard design approaches. This work compares the security levels offered by two recent families of such primitives, namely GMiMC and HadesMiMC. We exhibit low-complexity distinguishers against the GMiMC and HadesMiMC permutations for most parameters proposed in recently launched public challenges for STARK-friendly hash functions. In the more concrete setting of the sponge construction corresponding to the practical use in the ZK-STARK protocol, we present a practical collision attack on a round-reduced version of GMiMC and a preimage attack on some instances of HadesMiMC. To achieve those results, we adapt and generalize several cryptographic techniques to fields of odd characteristic

    AIM: Symmetric Primitive for Shorter Signatures with Stronger Security (Full Version)

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    Post-quantum signature schemes based on the MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) paradigm are recently attracting significant attention as their security solely depends on the one-wayness of the underlying primitive, providing diversity for the hardness assumption in post-quantum cryptography. Recent MPCitH-friendly ciphers have been designed using simple algebraic S-boxes operating on a large field in order to improve the performance of the resulting signature schemes. Due to their simple algebraic structures, their security against algebraic attacks should be comprehensively studied. In this paper, we refine algebraic cryptanalysis of power mapping based S-boxes over binary extension fields, and cryptographic primitives based on such S-boxes. In particular, for the Gröbner basis attack over F2\mathbb{F}_2, we experimentally show that the exact number of Boolean quadratic equations obtained from the underlying S-boxes is critical to correctly estimate the theoretic complexity based on the degree of regularity. Similarly, it turns out that the XL attack might be faster when all possible quadratic equations are found and used from the S-boxes. This refined cryptanalysis leads to more precise algebraic analysis of cryptographic primitives based on algebraic S-boxes. Considering the refined algebraic cryptanalysis, we propose a new one-way function, dubbed AIM\mathsf{AIM}, as an MPCitH-friendly symmetric primitive with high resistance to algebraic attacks. The security of AIM\mathsf{AIM} is comprehensively analyzed with respect to algebraic, statistical, quantum, and generic attacks. AIM\mathsf{AIM} is combined with the BN++ proof system, yielding a new signature scheme, dubbed AIMer\mathsf{AIMer}. Our implementation shows that AIMer\mathsf{AIMer} outperforms existing signature schemes based on symmetric primitives in terms of signature size and signing time

    Optimized Interpolation Attacks on LowMC

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    International audienceLowMC is a collection of block cipher families introduced at Eurocrypt 2015 by Albrecht et al. Its design is optimized for instantiations of multi-party computation, fully homomorphic encryption, and zero-knowledge proofs. A unique feature of LowMC is that its internal affine layers are chosen at random, and thus each block cipher family contains a huge number of instances. The Eurocrypt paper proposed two specific block cipher families of LowMC, having 80-bit and 128-bit keys.In this paper, we mount interpolation attacks (algebraic attacks introduced by Jakobsen and Knudsen) on LowMC, and show that a practically significant fraction of 2−38of its 80-bit key instances could be broken 2−23 times faster than exhaustive search. Moreover, essentially all instances that are claimed to provide 128-bit security could be broken about 1000 times faster. In order to obtain these results we optimize the interpolation attack using several new techniques. In particular, we present an algorithm that combines two main variants of the interpolation attack, and results in an attack which is more efficient than each one