27,797 research outputs found

    Structural positions and risk budgeting : quantifying the impact of structural positions and deriving implications for active portfolio management

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    Structural positions are very common in investment practice. A structural position is defined as a permanent overweighting of a riskier asset class relative to a prespecified benchmark portfolio. The most prominent example for a structural position is the equity bias in a balanced fund that arises by consistently overweighting equities in tactical asset allocation. Another example is the permanent allocation of credit in a fixed income portfolio with a government benchmark. The analysis provided in this article shows that whenever possible, structural positions should be avoided. Graphical illustrations based on Pythagorean theorem are used to make a connection between the active risk/return and the total risk/return framework. Structural positions alter the risk profile of the portfolio substantially, and the appeal of active management – to provide active returns uncorrelated to benchmark returns and hence to shift the efficient frontier outwards – gets lost. The article demonstrates that the commonly used alpha – tracking error criterion is not sufficient for active management. In addition, structural positions complicate measuring managers’ skill. The paper also develops normative implications for active portfolio management. Tactical asset allocation should be based on the comparison of expected excess returns of an asset class to the equilibrium risk premium of the same asset class and not to expected excess returns of other asset classes. For the cases, where structural positions cannot be avoided, a risk budgeting approach is introduced and applied to determine the optimal position size. Finally, investors are advised not to base performance evaluation only on simple manager rankings because this encourages managers to take structural positions and does not reward efforts to produce alpha. The same holds true for comparing managers’ information ratios. Information ratios, in investment practice defined as the ratio of active return to active risk, do not uncover structural positions

    Liability-driven investment in longevity risk management

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    This paper studies optimal investment from the point of view of an investor with longevity-linked liabilities. The relevant optimization problems rarely are analytically tractable, but we are able to show numerically that liability driven investment can significantly outperform common strategies that do not take the liabilities into account. In problems without liabilities the advantage disappears, which suggests that the superiority of the proposed strategies is indeed based on connections between liabilities and asset returns

    Optimization of factorial portfolio of trade enterprises in the conditions of the non-payment crisis

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    The economic mechanism for factoring management of trade enterprises was improved by applying a tool for refinancing receivables involving third parties, which will contribute to the effective management of fundraising processes from the standpoint of the income approach. The instruments for the implementation of the economic mechanism of factoring management of commercial enterprises, consisting of five blocks were improved (analysis of commercial enterprise debtors’ solvency in order to transfer them to factoring services; analysis of accounts receivable and assessment of its real value; planning of cash flows from factoring operations; factoring implementation assessment; monitoring and control of the repayment of receivables in the process of factoring services), that allows substantiating practical recommendations for improving the level of factoring management. Based on the concept of a portfolio of investments, a factoring model was built to optimize the debtors of the enterprise

    Hedging the exchange rate risk in international portfolio diversification : currency forwards versus currency options

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    As past research suggest, currency exposure risk is a main source of overall risk of international diversified portfolios. Thus, controlling the currency risk is an important instrument for controlling and improving investment performance of international investments. This study examines the effectiveness of controlling the currency risk for international diversified mixed asset portfolios via different hedge tools. Several hedging strategies, using currency forwards and currency options, were evaluated and compared with each other. Therefore, the stock and bond markets of the, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, and the U.S, in the time period of January 1985 till December 2002, are considered. This is done form the point of view of a German investor. Due to highly skewed return distributions of options, the application of the traditional mean-variance framework for portfolio optimization is doubtful when options are considered. To account for this problem, a mean-LPM model is employed. Currency trends are also taken into account to check for the general dependence of time trends of currency movements and the relative potential gains of risk controlling strategies

    Multiple defaults and contagion risks

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    We study multiple defaults where the global market information is modelled as progressive enlargement of filtrations. We shall provide a general pricing formula by establishing a relationship between the enlarged filtration and the reference default-free filtration in the random measure framework. On each default scenario, the formula can be interpreted as a Radon-Nikodym derivative of random measures. The contagion risks are studied in the multi-defaults setting where we consider the optimal investment problem in a contagion risk model and show that the optimization can be effectuated in a recursive manner with respect to the default-free filtration

    Hedging bond portfolios versus infinitely many ranked factors of risk

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    The paper considers bond portfolios affected by both interest-rate- and default-risk. In order to guarantee a correct performance of our analysis we will hedge against an infinite number of factors. Hence we do not have to impose and do not depend on any assumption concerning the dynamic behavior of the term structure of interest rates. On the other hand, since a complete hedging is not feasible unless some ideal situations hold, we rank the factors according to the empirical evidence. Thus, we make the most important risks vanish and we minimize the effect of those kinds of risk less usual in practice

    A novel dynamic asset allocation system using Feature Saliency Hidden Markov models for smart beta investing

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    The financial crisis of 2008 generated interest in more transparent, rules-based strategies for portfolio construction, with Smart beta strategies emerging as a trend among institutional investors. While they perform well in the long run, these strategies often suffer from severe short-term drawdown (peak-to-trough decline) with fluctuating performance across cycles. To address cyclicality and underperformance, we build a dynamic asset allocation system using Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). We test our system across multiple combinations of smart beta strategies and the resulting portfolios show an improvement in risk-adjusted returns, especially on more return oriented portfolios (up to 50%\% in excess of market annually). In addition, we propose a novel smart beta allocation system based on the Feature Saliency HMM (FSHMM) algorithm that performs feature selection simultaneously with the training of the HMM, to improve regime identification. We evaluate our systematic trading system with real life assets using MSCI indices; further, the results (up to 60%\% in excess of market annually) show model performance improvement with respect to portfolios built using full feature HMMs