4 research outputs found

    Hybrid of multi-car elevator system and double-deck elevator system

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    Multi-car elevator system is a new breakthrough in an elevator system in 2001. It has broken the traditional concept of developing only one elevator car in an elevator shaft. Multi-car elevator system can have more than one elevator car moving in an elevator shaft and it has improved a lot in minimizing the waiting time of passengers if compared with only one elevator car in an elevator shaft. The main advantage of multi-car elevator system is to reduce the construction cost where 30% of the core-tube area of the elevator system is made up of shaft. By developing multi-car elevator system, many of elevator shafts need not to be developed and it still can perform about the same efficiency in serving passengers. However, it is still not able to transport a large number of passengers efficiently if the passengers are calling from the same floor, especially during the up-peak traffic. For that reason, the feature of double-deck elevator system is integrated into multi-car elevator system to develop a new hybridized elevator system called “Hybrid of multi-car elevator system and double-deck elevator system” to solve the limited car capacity problem. The performance of both systems, the hybridized elevator system and the multi-car elevator system is simulated. The result shows that the average journey time of the hybridized elevator system is shorter than the multicar elevator system in all the three traffic modes, i.e. up-peak, down-peak and inter-floor traffics. For the up-peak traffic mode of the hybridized elevator system, it manages to achieve the best result of 33.5% shorter of the average journey time compared to the multi-car elevator system

    Optimization of waiting and journey time in group elevator system using genetic algorithm

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    Improvement of the control and energy characteristics of the elevatormechatronic system power drive

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    Сваки мехатронички систем лифта (МСЛ) садржи механички подсистем који је карактерисан својом резонантном фреквенцијом. У дисертацији је представљен оригинални метод за подешавање антирезонантног филтера базиран на примјени Герцеловог алгоритма и Киферовог алгоритма претраживања. Предложен је јединствени генерализовани модел референце брзине у функцији трзаја. Кроз експерименталне провјере, верификовано је да само синергијски ефекат контроле трзаја и филтрирања референтног момента може елиминисати резонантне вибрације. Предложени су поступци и развијени алгоритми за повећање енергетске ефикасности погона МСЛ. Предложени алгоритми су у интеракцији са планираном трајекторијом брзине и антирезонантном управљачком шемом. Сви предложени алгоритми су имплементирани на дигиталном сигнал процесору.Svaki mehatronički sistem lifta (MSL) sadrži mehanički podsistem koji je karakterisan svojom rezonantnom frekvencijom. U disertaciji je predstavljen originalni metod za podešavanje antirezonantnog filtera baziran na primjeni Gercelovog algoritma i Kiferovog algoritma pretraživanja. Predložen je jedinstveni generalizovani model reference brzine u funkciji trzaja. Kroz eksperimentalne provjere, verifikovano je da samo sinergijski efekat kontrole trzaja i filtriranja referentnog momenta može eliminisati rezonantne vibracije. Predloženi su postupci i razvijeni algoritmi za povećanje energetske efikasnosti pogona MSL. Predloženi algoritmi su u interakciji sa planiranom trajektorijom brzine i antirezonantnom upravljačkom šemom. Svi predloženi algoritmi su implementirani na digitalnom signal procesoru.Each elevator mechatronic system (EMS) contains a mechanical subsystem which is characterized by its resonant frequencies. The original method for band-stop filter tuning based on Goertzel algorithm and Kiefer search algorithm is proposed in dissertation. In order to generate the speed reference trajectory which can be defined by different shapes and amplitudes of jerk, a unique generalized model is proposed. Through experimental verifications, it has been verified that only synergistic effect of controlling jerk and filtrating the reference torque can eliminate resonant vibrations. The dissertation proposes procedures and developed algorithms for increasing the energy efficiency of the EMS power drive. The proposed algorithms are in interaction with the planned speed reference trajectory and the proposed anti-resonant control scheme. The all proposed algorithms are implemented on the digital signal processor