8 research outputs found

    Метод коррекции для параллелизации численных моделей гидродинамики водоемов со свободной поверхностью

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    В роботi запропоновано метод перетворення послiдовних алгоритмiв моделей гiдродинамiки резервуарiв з вiльною поверхнею в паралельнi, використовуючи MPI та розбивку розрахункової областi на пiдобластi, перевагою якого є відносна простота реалізації, обумовлена потребою тільки у додаткових процедурах корекції замість значних перетворень існуючих програм послідовного розрахунку. Дослiджується вплив рiзноманiтних факторiв на ефективнiсть методу в термінах зменшення тривалості розрахунків зі збільшенням числа застосованих процесорів.В работе предложен метод преобразования последовательных алгоритмов моделей гидродинамики резервуаров со свободной поверхностью в параллельные, используя MPI и разбивку расчётной области на подобласти, преимуществом метода является относительная простота реализации, обусловленная потребностью только в дополнительных процедурах коррекции вместо значительных преобразований существующих программ последовательного расчёта. Исследуется влияние различных факторов на эффективность метода в терминах уменьшения длительности параллельных расчётов с увеличением числа используемых процессоров.This paper proposes a technique using MPI and domain decomposition to transform serial algorithms of numerical models for hydrodynamics simulations in the water reservoirs with free surface into parallel algorithms. The advantage of the proposed technique is a comparatively simple realization due to the necessity of only additional correction procedures instead of significant transformations of existing serial program code. The impacts of various factors on the method of efficiency are studied in terms of the speedup of computations with the increase of number of utilized processors

    An 11-year validation of wave-surge modelling in the Irish Sea, using a nested POLCOMS-WAM modelling system

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    In the future it is believed that extreme coastal flooding events will increase (in frequency and intensity) as a result of climate change. We are investigating the flood risks in the eastern Irish Sea posed by extreme storm events. Here, an 11-year simulation (01/01/1996–01/01/2007) including wave–current interaction has been validated. These data can then be used to investigate the potential for coastal flooding in the study area. To accurately model a storm event in the eastern Irish Sea both wave effects and the influence of the external surge need to be considered. To simulate the waves, we have set up a one-way nested approach from a 1° North Atlantic model, to a 1.85 km Irish Sea model, using the state-of-the-art 3rd-generation spectral WAve Model (WAM). This allows the influence of swell to be correctly represented. The Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Coastal-Ocean Modelling System (POLCOMS) has been used to model the tide–surge interaction. To include the external surge we have set up a one-way nested approach from the 1/9° by 1/6° operational Continental Shelf surge model, to a 1.85 km Irish Sea model. For the high resolution Irish Sea model we use a POLCOMS–WAM coupled model, to allow for the effects of wave–current interaction on the prediction of surges at the coast. Using two classification schemes the coupled model is shown to be good and often very good at predicting the surge, total water elevation and wave conditions. We also find the number of low level surge events has increased in the study area over the past decade. However, this time period is too short to determine any long-term trends in the wave and surge levels

    Forcing ocean model with atmospheric model outputs to simulate storm surge in the Bangladesh coast

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    Tropical cyclones are devastating hazards and have been a major problem for the coastal population of Bangladesh. Among the advancements in atmospheric and oceanic prediction, accurate forecasting of storm surges is of specific interest due to their great potential to inflict loss of life and property. For decades, the numerical model based storm surge prediction systems have been an important tool to reduce the loss of human lives and property damage. In order to improve the accuracy in predicting storm surge and coastal inundation, recent model development efforts tended to include more modeling components, such as meteorology model and surface wave model in storm surge modeling. In this study, we used the outputs of an atmospheric model to force the ocean model for simulating storm surges in the Bay of Bengal with particular focus on the Bangladesh coast. The ability of the modeling system was investigated simulating water levels in the Bangladesh coast of two tropical cyclones Sidr (2007) and Aila (2009). The effectiveness of the model was verified through comparing the obtained computational outputs against tide gauge data. The cyclone tracks and intensities reproduced by the atmospheric model were reasonable, though the model had a tendency to overestimate the cyclone intensity during peaks and also close to coast. The water levels are reproduced fairly well by the ocean model, although errors still exist. The root mean square errors in water level at different gauges range from 0.277 to 0.419 m with coefficient of correlation (R2) between 0.64 to 0.97 in case of Sidr and 0.209 to 0.581 m with R2 0.62 to 0.98 for Aila. The overall coupled modeling system is found to be useful with reasonable accuracy and precision, though there are spaces for improvement. Higher-resolution modeling approaches are recommended to gain more skills

    Optimization of the POLCOMS Hydrodynamic Code for Terascale High-Performance Computers

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    Advances in computational science are closely tied to developments in highperformance computing. We consider the case of shelf sea modelling where models have been growing in complexity and where model domains have been growing and grid resolutions shrinking in pace with the increasing storage capacity and computing power of high-end systems. Terascale systems are now readily available with performance levels measurable in TeraFlop/s and memories counted in TeraBytes. The scientific case is now being made for regional models at 1km resolution, allowing the accurate representation of eddies, fronts and other regions containing steep gradients. The hydrodynamic model is increasingly being coupled with other models in multidisciplinary studies e.g. ecosystem modelling and wave modelling. We show that the performance attainable from the POLCOMS hydrodynamic code is measurable at about 0.5 TeraFlop/s on an IBM p690 cluster with 1024 processors. The scalability on this system and others is excellent up to 1000 processors. We describe a wide range of optimisations which have together enabled this code to reach these performance levels. This is a Technical Report from the HPCx Consortium. Report available fro

    Optimization of the POLCOMS Hydrodynamic Code for Terascale High-Performance Computers

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    Advances in computational science are closely tied to developments in high-performance computing. We consider the case of shelf sea modelling where models have been growing in complexity and where model domains have been growing and grid resolutions shrinking in pace with the increasing storage capacity and computing power of high-end systems. Terascale systems are now readily available with performance levels measurable in TeraFlop/s and memories counted in TeraBytes. The scientific case is now being made for regional models at 1km resolution, allowing the accurate representation of eddies, fronts and other regions containing steep gradients. The hydrodynamic model is increasingly being coupled with other models in multidisciplinary studies e.g. ecosystem modelling and wave modelling. We show that the performance attainable from the POLCOMS hydrodynamic code is measurable at about 0.5 TeraFlop/s on an IBM p690 cluster with 1024 processors. The scalability on this system and others is excellent up to 1000 processors. We describe a wide range of optimisations which have together enabled this code to reach these performance levels