81 research outputs found

    Optimization of Multimedia Embedded Applications using Parallel Genetic Algorithms

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    Energy-efficient design of multimedia embedded systems demands optimizations in both hardware and software. Software optimization has no received much attention, although modern multimedia applications exhibit high resource utilization. In order to efficiently run this kind of applications in embedded systems, the dynamic memory subsystem needs to be optimized. A key role in this optimization is played by the Dynamic Data Types (DDTs) that reside in every reallife application. It would be desirable to organize this set of DDTs to achieve the best performance in the target embedded system. This problem is NP-complete, and cannot be fully explored. In these cases the use of parallel processing can be very usefull because it allows not only to explore more solutions spending the same time, but also to implement new algorithms. In this work, we propose a method that uses parallel processing and evolutionary computation to explore DDTs in the design of embedded applications. We propose a parallel Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) which combines NSGA-II and SPEA2. We use Discrete Event Systems Specification (DEVS) to implement this parallel evolutionary algorithm over Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Parallelism improves the solutions found by the corresponding sequential algorithms, and it allows system designers to reach better solutions than previous approximation

    Parallel and Distributed Optimization of Dynamic Data Structures for Multimedia Embedded Systems

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    Energy-efficient design of multimedia embedded systems demands optimizations in both hardware and software. Software optimization has no received much attention, although modern multimedia applications exhibit high resource utilization. In order to efficiently run this kind of applications in embedded systems, the dynamic memory subsystem needs to be optimized. A key role in this optimization is played by the Dynamic Data Types (DDTs) that reside in every reallife application. It would be desirable to organize this set of DDTs to achieve the best performance in the target embedded system. This problem is NP-complete, and cannot be fully explored. In these cases the use of parallel processing can be very useful because it allows not only to explore more solutions spending the same time, but also to implement new algorithms. In this work, we propose a method that uses parallel processing and evolutionary computation to explore DDTs in the design of embedded applications. We propose a parallel Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) which combines NSGA-II and SPEA2. We use Discrete Event Systems Specification (DEVS) to implement this parallel evolutionary algorithm over Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Parallelism improves the solutions found by the corresponding sequential algorithms, and it allows system designers to reach better solutions than previous approximation

    A Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm to Optimize Dynamic Memory Managers in Embedded Systems

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    For the last 30 years, several dynamic memory managers (DMMs) have been proposed. Such DMMs include first fit, best fit, segregated fit and buddy systems. Since the performance, memory usage and energy consumption of each DMM differs, software engineers often face difficult choices in selecting the most suitable approach for their applications. This issue has special impact in the field of portable consumer embedded systems, that must execute a limited amount of multimedia applications (e.g., 3D games, video players, signal processing software, etc.), demanding high performance and extensive memory usage at a low energy consumption. Recently, we have developed a novel methodology based on genetic programming to automatically design custom DMMs, optimizing performance, memory usage and energy consumption. However, although this process is automatic and faster than state-of-the-art optimizations, it demands intensive computation, resulting in a time-consuming process. Thus, parallel processing can be very useful to enable to explore more solutions spending the same time, as well as to implement new algorithms. In this paper we present a novel parallel evolutionary algorithm for DMMs optimization in embedded systems, based on the Discrete Event Specification (DEVS) formalism over a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) framework. Parallelism significantly improves the performance of the sequential exploration algorithm. On the one hand, when the number of generations are the same in both approaches, our parallel optimization framework is able to reach a speed-up of 86.40% when compared with other state-of-the-art approaches. On the other, it improves the global quality (i.e., level of performance, low memory usage and low energy consumption) of the final DMM obtained in a 36.36% with respect to two well-known general-purpose DMMs and two state-of-the-art optimization methodologies

    Simulation Software as a Service and Service-Oriented Simulation Experiment

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    Simulation software is being increasingly used in various domains for system analysis and/or behavior prediction. Traditionally, researchers and field experts need to have access to the computers that host the simulation software to do simulation experiments. With recent advances in cloud computing and Software as a Service (SaaS), a new paradigm is emerging where simulation software is used as services that are composed with others and dynamically influence each other for service-oriented simulation experiment on the Internet. The new service-oriented paradigm brings new research challenges in composing multiple simulation services in a meaningful and correct way for simulation experiments. To systematically support simulation software as a service (SimSaaS) and service-oriented simulation experiment, we propose a layered framework that includes five layers: an infrastructure layer, a simulation execution engine layer, a simulation service layer, a simulation experiment layer and finally a graphical user interface layer. Within this layered framework, we provide a specification for both simulation experiment and the involved individual simulation services. Such a formal specification is useful in order to support systematic compositions of simulation services as well as automatic deployment of composed services for carrying out simulation experiments. Built on this specification, we identify the issue of mismatch of time granularity and event granularity in composing simulation services at the pragmatic level, and develop four types of granularity handling agents to be associated with the couplings between services. The ultimate goal is to achieve standard and automated approaches for simulation service composition in the emerging service-oriented computing environment. Finally, to achieve more efficient service-oriented simulation, we develop a profile-based partitioning method that exploits a system’s dynamic behavior and uses it as a profile to guide the spatial partitioning for more efficient parallel simulation. We develop the work in this dissertation within the application context of wildfire spread simulation, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our work based on this application

    SCS: 60 years and counting! A time to reflect on the Society's scholarly contribution to M&S from the turn of the millennium.

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    The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS) is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. Since its inception, the Society has widely disseminated the advancements in the field of modeling and simulation (M&S) through its peer-reviewed journals. In this paper we profile research that has been published in the journal SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International from the turn of the millennium to 2010; the objective is to acknowledge the contribution of the authors and their seminal research papers, their respective universities/departments and the geographical diversity of the authors' affiliations. Yet another objective is to contribute towards the understanding of the overall evolution of the discipline of M&S; this is achieved through the classification of M&S techniques and its frequency of use, analysis of the sectors that have seen the predomination application of M&S and the context of its application. It is expected that this paper will lead to further appreciation of the contribution of the Society in influencing the growth of M&S as a discipline and, indeed, in steering its future direction

    The DEVStone Metric: Performance Analysis of DEVS Simulation Engines

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    The DEVStone benchmark allows us to evaluate the performance of discrete-event simulators based on the DEVS formalism. It provides model sets with different characteristics, enabling the analysis of specific issues of simulation engines. However, this heterogeneity hinders the comparison of the results among studies, as the results obtained on each research work depend on the chosen subset of DEVStone models. We define the DEVStone metric based on the DEVStone synthetic benchmark and provide a mechanism for specifying objective ratings for DEVS-based simulators. This metric corresponds to the average number of times that a simulator can execute a selection of 12 DEVStone models in one minute. The variety of the chosen models ensures we measure different particularities provided by DEVStone. The proposed metric allows us to compare various simulators and to assess the impact of new features on their performance. We use the DEVStone metric to compare some popular DEVS-based simulators

    Testability of a swarm robot using a system of systems approach and discrete event simulation

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    A simulation framework using discrete event system specification (DEVS) and data encoded with Extensible Markup Language (XML) is presented to support agent-in-the-loop (AIL) simulations for large, complex, and distributed systems. A System of Systems (SoS) approach organizes the complex systems hierarchically. AIL simulations provide a necessary step in maintaining model continuity methods to achieve a greater degree of accuracy in systems analysis. The proposed SoS approach enables the simulation and analysis of these independent and cooperative systems by concentrating on the data transferred among systems to achieve interoperability instead of requiring the software modeling of global state spaces. The information exchanged is wrapped in XML to facilitate system integration and interoperability. A Groundscout is deployed as a real agent working cooperatively with virtual agents to form a robotic swarm in an example threat detection scenario. This scenario demonstrates the AIL framework\u27s ability to successfully test a swarm robot for individual performance and swarm behavior. Results of the testing process show an increase of robot team size increases the rate of successfully investigating a threat while critical violations of the algorithm remained low despite packet loss
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