4 research outputs found

    Optimization of a feed-forward controller using a CW-lidar system on the CART3

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    This work presents results from a new field-testing campaign conducted on the three-bladed Controls Advanced Research Turbine (CART3) at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in 2014. Tests were conducted using a commercially available, nacelle-mounted continuous-wave lidar system from ZephIR Lidar for the implementation of a lidar-based collective pitch feed-forward controller. During the campaign, the data processing of the lidar system was optimized for higher availability. Furthermore, the optimal scan distance was investigated for the CART3 by means of a spectra-based analytical model and found to match the lidar's capabilities well. Throughout the campaign the predicted correlation between the lidar measurements and the turbine's reaction was confirmed from the measured data. Additionally, the baseline feedback controller's gains were tuned based on a simulation study that included the lidar system to achieve further load reductions. This led to some promising first results, which are presented at the end of this paper

    Correlation-model of rotor-effective wind shears and wind speed for lidar-based individual pitch control

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    In this work the spectra based model of the correlation between lidar systems and wind turbines is extended from rotor-effective wind speed only, to rotor-effective wind speed and linear horizontal and vertical shear components. This is achieved by the incorporation of a model based wind field reconstruction method solving a set of linear equations with the least-squares method. The model allows to optimize a lidar system’s measurement configuration for a specific wind turbine a-priori by means of direct and fast spectra calculations. Furthermore, it allows to assess the filter parameters to be expected and needed for the application of lidar-assisted control. By extending the model to rotor-effective linear shears, the results can be used for lidar-assisted individual pitch control

    Sistem Navigasi Robot Quadruped Pemadam Api Menggunakan Lidar

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    Robot quadruped adalah robot yang memiliki empat buah kaki untuk berjalan. Pada setiap kaki robot terdapat tiga DoF (Degree of Freedom). Sistem navigasi robot quadruped pada umumnya menggunakan metode telusur dinding dengan menggunakan sensor ultrasonik dan sensor infrared sharp gp2y0a21, namun kedua sensor tersebut memiliki kelemahan untuk sistem navigasi karena terlalu lebarnya daerah pembacaan sensor ultrasonik dan sensor infrared sharp gp2y0a21 yang hanya fokus terhadap satu titik pembacaan sehingga terdapat titik buta ketika robot bernavigasi sehingga dibutuhkan sistem navigasi dengan sensor yang efektif sebagai solusi dari permasalahan tersebut. CO2 adalah senyawa kimia yang terbentuk dari dua atom oksigen dengan sebuah atom karbon, memiliki sifat tidak terbakar dan lebih berat dari udara sehingga sangat efektif dan ramah lingkungan untuk memadamkan api. Robot quadruped pemadam api dirancang untuk memadamkan api lilin yang mengikuti aturan dari Kontes Robot Pemadam Api dengan sistem navigasi menggunakan sensor LIDAR. Robot ini memiliki dimensi 24 cm x 24 cm x 26 cm dan menggunakan CO2 untuk memadamkan api. Alat ini menggunakan mikrokontroler STM32F4 sebagai main controller dan kontrol PID ditanamkan pada mikrokontroler STM32F4 untuk mengatur sistem navigasi pada robot. Pengujian alat ini dilakukan dengan robot bernavigasi dari satu ruang ke ruang yang terdapat api lilin kemudian memadamkannya, didapatkan rata-rata waktu yang dibutuhkan robot dalam memadamkan api adalah 21.65 detik, dengan kecepatan robot yang paling efektif adalah 20 cm/s. =============================================================================================================================== Quadruped robot is the robot that has four legs to walk. One each of the robot’s leg there are three DoF (Degree of Freedom). The navigation system of quadruped robot usually uses wall following method using ultrasonic sensor and sharp gp2y0a21 infrared sensor. But both of those sensors have the weakness for the navigation system because the reading area of ultrasonic sensor is too wide and sharp gp2y0a21 infrared sensor only focuses on one reading point so there is a blind spot when the robot navigates so we need an effective navigation system with sensor as a solution to these problems. CO2 is a chemical compound that is formed from two oxygen atoms with a carbon atom, CO2 has a non-flamable nature and it is heavier than air, so it is very effective and eco friendly for fire extinguishing. Fire extinguishing quadruped robot is designed to extinguish the candle fire which based on the rule of fire extinguishing robot contest with the navigation system using LIDAR. The robot’s dimension is 24 cm x 24 cm x 26 cm and robot uses CO2 to extinguish the fire. This tool uses STM32F4 as the main controller and the PID control is embedded in the STM32F4 microcontroller to control the navigation system on the robot. The testing of this tool is carried out by the robot navigates from one room to the room where there is the fire candle than robot extingushes it. The average time of robot to extinguish the fire is 21.65 seconds, with the most effective of robot speed is 20 cm/s