20 research outputs found

    Análisis de la optimización de sentencias SQL del Lenguaje de Consulta Estructurado usando grandes volúmenes de datos

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    Este trabajo examina la importancia de la optimización de sentencias del Lenguaje de Consulta Estructurado (SQL) bajo la condición de operar con millones de datos. Se pretende dilucidar si una sola etapa de optimización es suficiente para mejorar el tiempo de respuesta ante el cambio del volumen de datos. Para el efecto, se utiliza la estructura de una base de datos real y en servicio, que se pobló con uno y cinco millones de registros. Después, se plantearon consultas complejas a ser resueltas por el script que contení­a sentencias SELECT y medir el tiempo de respuesta de su ejecución. Luego de optimizar dos veces las sentencias se encontró que es posible reducir el tiempo de respuesta en t/10 segundos. Estos resultados confirman que las sentencias SQL complejas deben ser optimizadas de acuerdo al gestor de bases de datos donde se ejecutan para los diferentes rangos de millones de registros

    Decorrelation of User Defined Function Invocations in Queries

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    Queries containing user-defined functions (UDFs) are widely used, since they allow queries to be written using a mix of imperative language constructs and SQL, thereby increasing the expressive power of SQL; further, they encourage modularity, and make queries easier to understand. However, not much attention has been paid to their optimization, except for simple UDFs without imperative constructs. Queries invoking UDFs with imperative constructs are executed using iterative invocation of the UDFs, leading to poor performance, especially if the UDF contains queries. Such poor execution has been a major deterrent to the wider usage of complex UDFs

    Let a Single FLWOR Bloom

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    To globally optimize execution plans for XQuery expressions, a plan generator must generate and compare plan alternatives. In proven compiler architectures, the unit of plan generation is the query block. Fewer query blocks mean a larger search space for the plan generator and lead to a generally higher quality of the execution plans. The goal of this paper is to provide a toolkit for developers of XQuery evaluators to transform XQuery expressions into expressions with as few query blocks as possible. Our toolkit takes the form of rewrite rules merging the inner and outer FLWOR expressions into single FLWORs. We focus on previously unpublished rewrite rules and on inner FLWORs occurring in the For, Let, and Return clauses in the outer FLWOR

    Nested Queries and Quantifiers in an Ordered Context

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    We present algebraic equivalences that allow to unnest nested algebraic expressions for order-preserving algebraic operators. We illustrate how these equivalences can be applied successfully to unnest nested queries given in the XQuery language. Measurements illustrate the performance gains possible by our approach

    Improved query plans for unnesting SQL nested queries

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    The SQL language allows users to express queries that have nested subqueries in them. Optimization of nested queries has received considerable attention over the last few years. The first algorithm for unnesting nested queries was Kim's algorithm, but this technique had a COUNT bug for JA type queries. Later few researchers gave more general strategies to avoid the COUNT bug. Finally to all this M. Muralikrishna modified Kim's algorithm so that it avoids the COUNT bug. The modified algorithm may be used when it is more e±cient than the general strategy. In addition, he presented a couple of enhancements that pre-compute aggregates and evaluate joins and outer joins in a top down order. These enhancements eliminated Cartesian products when certain correlation predicates are absent and enabled us to employ Kim's method for more blocks. Apart from this he proposed the Integrated algorithm for generating query plans for a given input query. In this thesis we have given a new solution for implementing the Kim's modified algorithm of unnesting nested queries and this also avoids the COUNT bug convincingly. Integrated algorithm generates °aws query plans, which has been modified in this thesis. We have also shown experimental results proving one query plan among the all other as computationally better one. These computations are in terms of elapsed time. We have carried out experiments for di®erent data sets of varying sizes from 100 to 1000 tuples in each relation. These results are taken as average of some possible iterative execution of each query plan. Finally, we incorporate the above improved merits into a new unnesting algorithm

    Execution strategies for SQL subqueries

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    Optimizing SQL subqueries has been an active area in database research and the database industry throughout the last decades. Pre-vious work has already identified some approaches to efficiently execute relational subqueries. For satisfactory performance, proper choice of subquery execution strategies becomes even more essen-tial today with the increase in decision support systems and auto-matically generated SQL, e.g., with ad-hoc reporting tools. This goes hand in hand with increasing query complexity and growing data volumes – which all pose challenges for an industrial-strength query optimizer. This current paper explores the basic building blocks that Microsoft SQL Server utilizes to optimize and execute relational subqueries. We start with indispensable prerequisites such as detection and removal of correlations for subqueries. We identify a full spectrum of fundamental subquery execution strategies such as forward and reverse lookup as well as set-based approaches, explain the different execution strategies for subqueries implemented in SQL Server, and relate them to the current state of the art. To the best of our knowl-edge, several strategies discussed in this paper have not been pub-lished before. An experimental evaluation complements the paper. It quantifies the performance characteristics of the different approaches and shows that indeed alternative execution strategies are needed in different circumstances, which make a cost-based query optimizer indispen-sable for adequate query performance