3 research outputs found

    An adaptive autopilot design for an uninhabited surface vehicle

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    An adaptive autopilot design for an uninhabited surface vehicle Andy SK Annamalai The work described herein concerns the development of an innovative approach to the design of autopilot for uninhabited surface vehicles. In order to fulfil the requirements of autonomous missions, uninhabited surface vehicles must be able to operate with a minimum of external intervention. Existing strategies are limited by their dependence on a fixed model of the vessel. Thus, any change in plant dynamics has a non-trivial, deleterious effect on performance. This thesis presents an approach based on an adaptive model predictive control that is capable of retaining full functionality even in the face of sudden changes in dynamics. In the first part of this work recent developments in the field of uninhabited surface vehicles and trends in marine control are discussed. Historical developments and different strategies for model predictive control as applicable to surface vehicles are also explored. This thesis also presents innovative work done to improve the hardware on existing Springer uninhabited surface vehicle to serve as an effective test and research platform. Advanced controllers such as a model predictive controller are reliant on the accuracy of the model to accomplish the missions successfully. Hence, different techniques to obtain the model of Springer are investigated. Data obtained from experiments at Roadford Reservoir, United Kingdom are utilised to derive a generalised model of Springer by employing an innovative hybrid modelling technique that incorporates the different forward speeds and variable payload on-board the vehicle. Waypoint line of sight guidance provides the reference trajectory essential to complete missions successfully. The performances of traditional autopilots such as proportional integral and derivative controllers when applied to Springer are analysed. Autopilots based on modern controllers such as linear quadratic Gaussian and its innovative variants are integrated with the navigation and guidance systems on-board Springer. The modified linear quadratic Gaussian is obtained by combining various state estimators based on the Interval Kalman filter and the weighted Interval Kalman filter. Change in system dynamics is a challenge faced by uninhabited surface vehicles that result in erroneous autopilot behaviour. To overcome this challenge different adaptive algorithms are analysed and an innovative, adaptive autopilot based on model predictive control is designed. The acronym ‘aMPC’ is coined to refer to adaptive model predictive control that is obtained by combining the advances made to weighted least squares during this research and is used in conjunction with model predictive control. Successful experimentation is undertaken to validate the performance and autonomous mission capabilities of the adaptive autopilot despite change in system dynamics.EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

    Algorithms for molecular geometry problems

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    Orientador: Carlile Campos LavorDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação CientíficaResumo: Neste trabalho, analisamos dois algoritmos da literatura para o "Molecular Distance Geometry Problem" (MDGP) e propomos um novo algoritmo que mantém a qualidade das soluções obtidas pelos dois anteriores e apresenta ganhos em termos de eficiência computacional. O MDGP consiste em determinar as posições dos átomos de uma molécula, no espaço tridimensional, a partir de um conjunto de distâncias entre eles. Quando todas as distâncias são conhecidas, o problema pode ser resolvido em tempo polinomial. Caso contrário, é um problema NP-difícilAbstract: In this work, we analyse two algorithms from the bibliography to solve the so-called "Molecular Distance Geometry Problem" (MDGP). Then, we propose a new algorithm that keeps the quality on the solutions obtained by both the previous ones and shows gains regarding computacional efficiency. The MDGP consists on the determination of positions of atoms in a molecule, on the tridimensional space, from a set containing distances among them. When all the distances are known, the problem might be solved in polynomial time. Otherwise, it is an NP-hard problemMestradoMatemática da ComputaçãoMestre em Matemática Aplicad

    Avaliação de indicadores de desempenho na análise de importância de segmentos de uma rede viária

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    A identificação dos segmentos críticos da rede viária é um conhecimento básico que todo planejador de transportes deve ter sobre a rede viária. É inevitável a ocorrência de incidentes e eventos de redução da capacidade nos elementos da rede. O efeito de acidentes e obstruções em segmentos críticos da rede ocasionam impactos que prejudicam o desempenho da rede. Este estudo foi desenvolvido com o apoio do modelo de alocação de tráfego do software VISUM (versão 2015) e propõe um método para determinar a importância de cada segmento da rede viária, a identificação de segmentos críticos da rede e a avaliação de sua obstrução de forma estática e dinâmica. Para isso, são utilizados diversos indicadores de desempenho da rede viária. O método foi aplicado na região do Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul, utilizando os dados de tráfego fornecidos pela CONCEPA TRIUNFO, DAER e DNIT. A determinação da importância de cada segmento decorreu da avaliação do impacto na rede causado pela obstrução do próprio segmento. Através do método proposto neste estudo foi possível identificar o segmento crítico da rede viária estudada e, de forma qualitativa, verificar a extensão da obstrução desse segmento nas análises estática e dinâmica Verificou-se que o indicador diferença do total de tempo despendido na rede é o indicador que mais apresenta crescimento com o incremento da demanda, não apresenta alterações de priorização dos segmentos frente a variações de intensidade e sentido da demanda. Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que o segmento crítico da rede pertence a BR-101 entre os municípios de Osório e Terra de Areia. O método de hierarquização proposto independe do sentido e da intensidade da demanda, e está sujeito a mais de uma métrica para avaliar o segmento crítico. Estes resultados podem subsidiar o planejamento de transportes, identificando trechos críticos da rede viária que necessitam de mais atenção dos gestores e apontando medidas de operação no caso de eventos disruptivos nos trechos críticos.Identifying the most important link of the network is essential knowledge that the transport planners should have over the network. Incidents and events of capacity reduction in network elements are inevitable. The effect of accidents and obstructions on critical network links causes impacts that hamper network performance. This study was developed with support of VISUM (version 2015) traffic assignment model software with proposes a method to determinate each network link importance level, to identify the critical link and to measure the critical link blockage impact on network. For this, several road network performance indicators are used. The method was applied in the North Coast region of Rio Grande do Sul, using traffic data provided by CONCEPA TRIUNFO, DAER and DNIT. The link level importance in define from the own link impact due its obstruction. The proposed method identified the most critical link of the studied network and verified the qualitative impact of its obstruction extent in the static and dynamic assignment analyses It was verified that the measure total spent time difference in the network is the most sensible measure that growth with a demand increase, this measure does not present changes the link importance rank against variations of intensity and direction of demand flow changes. The results of this study show that the critical link of the network belongs to the BR-101 highway between the municipalities of Osório and Terra de Areia. The proposed hierarchical method developed with several metrics measures fond the critical link in an independent demand direction and intensity analysis. The findings may support transport planners to identify the most critical arc of a network. To better implement resources of road management and repairs. Also identify where the operation measures may be implanted in face a disruptive event on a critical link