4 research outputs found

    Talbot-Lau x-ray phase-contrast setup for fast scanning of large samples

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    Abstract Compared to conventional attenuation x-ray radiographic imaging, the x-ray Talbot-Lau technique provides further information about the scattering and the refractive properties of the object in the beam path. Hence, this additional information should improve the diagnostic process concerning medical applications and non-destructive testing. Nevertheless, until now, due to grating fabrication process, Talbot-Lau imaging suffers from small grating sizes (70 mm diameter). This leads to long acquisition times for imaging large objects. Stitching the gratings is one solution. Another one consists of scanning Talbot-Lau setups. In this publication, we present a compact and very fast scanning setup which enables imaging of large samples. With this setup a maximal scanning velocity of 71.7 mm/s is possible. A resolution of 4.1 lines/mm can be achieved. No complex alignment procedures are necessary while the field of view comprises 17.5 × 150 cm2. An improved reconstruction algorithm concerning the scanning approach, which increases robustness with respect to mechanical instabilities, has been developed and is presented. The resolution of the setup in dependence of the scanning velocity is evaluated. The setup imaging qualities are demonstrated using a human knee ex-vivo as an example for a high absorbing human sample

    Optimization Based Evaluation of Grating Interferometric Phase Stepping Series and Analysis of Mechanical Setup Instabilities

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    The diffraction contrast modalities accessible by X-ray grating interferometers are not imaged directly but have to be inferred from sine-like signal variations occurring in a series of images acquired at varying relative positions of the interferometer’s gratings. The absolute spatial translations involved in the acquisition of these phase stepping series usually lie in the range of only a few hundred nanometers, wherefore positioning errors as small as 10 nm will already translate into signal uncertainties of 1–10% in the final images if not accounted for. Classically, the relative grating positions in the phase stepping series are considered input parameters to the analysis and are, for the Fast Fourier Transform that is typically employed, required to be equidistantly distributed over multiples of the gratings’ period. In the following, a fast converging optimization scheme is presented simultaneously determining the phase stepping curves’ parameters as well as the actually performed motions of the stepped grating, including also erroneous rotational motions which are commonly neglected. While the correction of solely the translational errors along the stepping direction is found to be sufficient with regard to the reduction of image artifacts, the possibility to also detect minute rotations about all axes proves to be a valuable tool for system calibration and monitoring. The simplicity of the provided algorithm, in particular when only considering translational errors, makes it well suitable as a standard evaluation procedure also for large image series