7 research outputs found

    The role of Walsh structure and ordinal linkage in the optimisation of pseudo-Boolean functions under monotonicity invariance.

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    Optimisation heuristics rely on implicit or explicit assumptions about the structure of the black-box fitness function they optimise. A review of the literature shows that understanding of structure and linkage is helpful to the design and analysis of heuristics. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the role that problem structure plays in heuristic optimisation. Many heuristics use ordinal operators; which are those that are invariant under monotonic transformations of the fitness function. In this thesis we develop a classification of pseudo-Boolean functions based on rank-invariance. This approach classifies functions which are monotonic transformations of one another as equivalent, and so partitions an infinite set of functions into a finite set of classes. Reasoning about heuristics composed of ordinal operators is, by construction, invariant over these classes. We perform a complete analysis of 2-bit and 3-bit pseudo-Boolean functions. We use Walsh analysis to define concepts of necessary, unnecessary, and conditionally necessary interactions, and of Walsh families. This helps to make precise some existing ideas in the literature such as benign interactions. Many algorithms are invariant under the classes we define, which allows us to examine the difficulty of pseudo-Boolean functions in terms of function classes. We analyse a range of ordinal selection operators for an EDA. Using a concept of directed ordinal linkage, we define precedence networks and precedence profiles to represent key algorithmic steps and their interdependency in terms of problem structure. The precedence profiles provide a measure of problem difficulty. This corresponds to problem difficulty and algorithmic steps for optimisation. This work develops insight into the relationship between function structure and problem difficulty for optimisation, which may be used to direct the development of novel algorithms. Concepts of structure are also used to construct easy and hard problems for a hill-climber

    Using Prior Knowledge and Learning from Experience in Estimation of Distribution Algorithms

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    Estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) are stochastic optimization techniques that explore the space of potential solutions by building and sampling explicit probabilistic models of promising candidate solutions. One of the primary advantages of EDAs over many other stochastic optimization techniques is that after each run they leave behind a sequence of probabilistic models describing useful decompositions of the problem. This sequence of models can be seen as a roadmap of how the EDA solves the problem. While this roadmap holds a great deal of information about the problem, until recently this information has largely been ignored. My thesis is that it is possible to exploit this information to speed up problem solving in EDAs in a principled way. The main contribution of this dissertation will be to show that there are multiple ways to exploit this problem-specific knowledge. Most importantly, it can be done in a principled way such that these methods lead to substantial speedups without requiring parameter tuning or hand-inspection of models

    TEDA: A Targeted Estimation of Distribution Algorithm

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    This thesis discusses the development and performance of a novel evolutionary algorithm, the Targeted Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (TEDA). TEDA takes the concept of targeting, an idea that has previously been shown to be effective as part of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) called Fitness Directed Crossover (FDC), and introduces it into a novel hybrid algorithm that transitions from a GA to an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA). Targeting is a process for solving optimisation problems where there is a concept of control points, genes that can be said to be active, and where the total number of control points found within a solution is as important as where they are located. When generating a new solution an algorithm that uses targeting must first of all choose the number of control points to set in the new solution before choosing which to set. The hybrid approach is designed to take advantage of the ability of EDAs to exploit patterns within the population to effectively locate the global optimum while avoiding the tendency of EDAs to prematurely converge. This is achieved by initially using a GA to effectively explore the search space before transitioning into an EDA as the population converges on the region of the global optimum. As targeting places an extra restriction on the solutions produced by specifying their size, combining it with the hybrid approach allows TEDA to produce solutions that are of an optimal size and of a higher quality than would be found using a GA alone without risking a loss of diversity. TEDA is tested on three different problem domains. These are optimal control of cancer chemotherapy, network routing and Feature Subset Selection (FSS). Of these problems, TEDA showed consistent advantage over standard EAs in the routing problem and demonstrated that it is able to find good solutions faster than untargeted EAs and non evolutionary approaches at the FSS problem. It did not demonstrate any advantage over other approaches when applied to chemotherapy. The FSS domain demonstrated that in large and noisy problems TEDA’s targeting derived ability to reduce the size of the search space significantly increased the speed with which good solutions could be found. The routing domain demonstrated that, where the ideal number of control points is deceptive, both targeting and the exploitative capabilities of an EDA are needed, making TEDA a more effective approach than both untargeted approaches and FDC. Additionally, in none of the problems was TEDA seen to perform significantly worse than any alternative approaches

    Directed Intervention Crossover Approaches in Genetic Algorithms with Application to Optimal Control Problems

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    Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are a search heuristic modeled on the processes of evolution. They have been used to solve optimisation problems in a wide variety of fields. When applied to the optimisation of intervention schedules for optimal control problems, such as cancer chemotherapy treatment scheduling, GAs have been shown to require more fitness function evaluations than other search heuristics to find fit solutions. This thesis presents extensions to the GA crossover process, termed directed intervention crossover techniques, that greatly reduce the number of fitness function evaluations required to find fit solutions, thus increasing the effectiveness of GAs for problems of this type. The directed intervention crossover techniques use intervention scheduling information from parent solutions to direct the offspring produced in the GA crossover process towards more promising areas of a search space. By counting the number of interventions present in parents and adjusting the number of interventions for offspring schedules around it, this allows for highly fit solutions to be found in less fitness function evaluations. The validity of these novel approaches are illustrated through comparison with conventional GA crossover approaches for optimisation of intervention schedules of bio-control application in mushroom farming and cancer chemotherapy treatment. These involve optimally scheduling the application of a bio-control agent to combat pests in mushroom farming and optimising the timing and dosage strength of cancer chemotherapy treatments to maximise their effectiveness. This work demonstrates that significant advantages are gained in terms of both fitness function evaluations required and fitness scores found using the proposed approaches when compared with traditional GA crossover approaches for the production of optimal control schedules

    Directed intervention crossover approaches in genetic algorithms with application to optimal control problems

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    Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are a search heuristic modeled on the processes of evolution. They have been used to solve optimisation problems in a wide variety of fields. When applied to the optimisation of intervention schedules for optimal control problems, such as cancer chemotherapy treatment scheduling, GAs have been shown to require more fitness function evaluations than other search heuristics to find fit solutions. This thesis presents extensions to the GA crossover process, termed directed intervention crossover techniques, that greatly reduce the number of fitness function evaluations required to find fit solutions, thus increasing the effectiveness of GAs for problems of this type. The directed intervention crossover techniques use intervention scheduling information from parent solutions to direct the offspring produced in the GA crossover process towards more promising areas of a search space. By counting the number of interventions present in parents and adjusting the number of interventions for offspring schedules around it, this allows for highly fit solutions to be found in less fitness function evaluations. The validity of these novel approaches are illustrated through comparison with conventional GA crossover approaches for optimisation of intervention schedules of bio-control application in mushroom farming and cancer chemotherapy treatment. These involve optimally scheduling the application of a bio-control agent to combat pests in mushroom farming and optimising the timing and dosage strength of cancer chemotherapy treatments to maximise their effectiveness. This work demonstrates that significant advantages are gained in terms of both fitness function evaluations required and fitness scores found using the proposed approaches when compared with traditional GA crossover approaches for the production of optimal control schedules.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo