1,333 research outputs found

    ENAS-B: Combining ENAS with Bayesian Optimisation for Automatic Design of Optimal CNN Architectures for Breast Lesion Classification from Ultrasound Images

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    Efficient Neural Architecture Search (ENAS) is a recent development in searching for optimal cell structures for Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) design. It has been successfully used in various applications including ultrasound image classification for breast lesions. However, the existing ENAS approach only optimises cell structures rather than the whole CNN architecture nor its trainable hyperparameters. This paper presents a novel framework for automatic design of CNN architectures by combining strengths of ENAS and Bayesian Optimisation in two folds. Firstly, we use ENAS to search for optimal normal and reduction cells. Secondly, with the optimal cells and a suitable hyperparameter search space, we adopt Bayesian Optimisation to find the optimal depth of the network and optimal configuration of the trainable hyperparameters. To test the validity of the proposed framework, a dataset of 1,522 breast lesion ultrasound images is used for the searching and modelling. We then evaluate the robustness of the proposed approach by testing the optimized CNN model on three external datasets consisting of 727 benign and 506 malignant lesion images. We further compare the CNN model with the default ENAS-based CNN model, and then with CNN models based on the state-of-the-art architectures. The results (error rate of no more than 20.6% on internal tests and 17.3% on average of external tests) showed that the proposed framework generates robust and light CNN models

    Accelerated artificial neural networks on FPGA for fault detection in automotive systems

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    Modern vehicles are complex distributed systems with critical real-time electronic controls that have progressively replaced their mechanical/hydraulic counterparts, for performance and cost benefits. The harsh and varying vehicular environment can induce multiple errors in the computational/communication path, with temporary or permanent effects, thus demanding the use of fault-tolerant schemes. Constraints in location, weight, and cost prevent the use of physical redundancy for critical systems in many cases, such as within an internal combustion engine. Alternatively, algorithmic techniques like artificial neural networks (ANNs) can be used to detect errors and apply corrective measures in computation. Though adaptability of ANNs presents advantages for fault-detection and fault-tolerance measures for critical sensors, implementation on automotive grade processors may not serve required hard deadlines and accuracy simultaneously. In this work, we present an ANN-based fault-tolerance system based on hybrid FPGAs and evaluate it using a diesel engine case study. We show that the hybrid platform outperforms an optimised software implementation on an automotive grade ARM Cortex M4 processor in terms of latency and power consumption, also providing better consolidation

    Goal-directed cross-system interactions in brain and deep learning networks

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    Deep neural networks (DNN) have recently emerged as promising models for the mammalian ventral visual stream. However, how ventral stream adapts to various goal-directed influences and coordinates with higher-level brain regions during learning remain poorly understood. By incorporating top-down influences involving attentional cues, linguistic labels and novel category learning into DNN models, the thesis offers an explanation for how the tasks we do shape representations across levels in models and related brain regions including ventral visual stream, HPC and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) via a theoretical modelling approach. The thesis include three main contributions. In the first contribution, I developed a goal-directed attention mechanism which extends general-purpose DNN with the ability to reconfigure itself to better suit the current task goal, much like PFC modulates activity along the ventral stream. In the second contribution, I uncovered how linguistic labelling shapes semantic representation by amending existing DNN to both predict the meaning and the categorical label of an object. Supported by simulation results involving fine-grained and coarse-grained labels, I concluded that differences in label use, whether across languages or levels of expertise, manifest in differences in the semantic representations that support label discrimination. In the third contribution, I aimed to better understand cross-brain mechanisms in a novel learning task by combining insights on labelling and attention obtained from preceding efforts. Integrating DNN with a novel clustering model built off from SUSTAIN, the proposed account captures human category learning behaviour and the underlying neural mechanisms across multiple interacting brain areas involving HPC, vmPFC and the ventral visual stream. By extending models of the ventral stream to incorporate goal-directed cross-system coordination, I hope the thesis can inform understanding of the neurobiology supporting object recognition and category learning which in turn help us advance designs of deep learning models

    Nutritional Value extraction of food exploiting computer vision and near infrared Spectrometry

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    The population growth in the last few decades has led to the development of urban areas, which induced an increased difficulty in finding quality food. The difficulty in finding quality nourishment and a growing offer in the fast-food industry due to the fast pace at which life is lived in big cities has caused increasing obesity and sedentary lifestyle. In 2016 more than 1.9 billion adults aged 18 years and older were overweight[1]. However, this tendency has started to reverse, and with the increasing concern for diseases such as obesity and diabetes, people started return to shopping in farmers mar kets and choosing wisely the locals where they eat, which led to the development of more healthy fast food chains. This new tendency has made new technologies appear that were created to help improve customer choices and facilitate choosing the best food items that have the best quality. This dissertation will analyse the different devices and solutions in the market, such as near-infrared sensors and computer vision. The objective of this dissertation is to build a system that can detect which type of food item we choose and obtain nutritional information. The development begins with researching the different options of small devices that already exist in the market and with which a person can take shopping and assist them by obtaining the nutritional information, such as SCIO or Tellspec. This device cannot detect which type of food is being analysed, so human interaction it is still needed to obtain the best results possible. However, it can return the nutritional information necessary for the first part of this dissertation’s development. Besides being small (palm-handed), these sensors are also cheap and faster compared to equivalent laboratory equipment. The second objective of this dissertation was developed to solve the lack of detection of which type of food is present in the module. To solve this problem and taking into account the objective, it was decided to use computer vision and, more specifically, image recognition and deep machine learning applied in food databases. This dissertation’s main objective is to create a module that can classify and obtain the nutritional information of different types of food. It also serves as a helping hand in the kitchen to control the quality and quantity of the food that the user ingests daily. There will be an exhaustive testing session for the near-infrared sensors using different types of fruits to prove the concept. For the computer vision, it will be applied a deep learning algorithm with supervised training to obtain a high accuracy result

    Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition Using Ultrasonic Sonar Sensors and Deep Learning

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    The space of hand gesture recognition using radar and sonar is dominated mostly by radar applications. In addition, the machine learning algorithms used by these systems are typically based on convolutional neural networks with some applications exploring the use of long short term memory networks. The goal of this study was to build and design a Sonar system that can classify hand gestures using a machine learning approach. Secondly, the study aims to compare convolutional neural networks to long short term memory networks as a means to classify hand gestures using sonar. A Doppler Sonar system was designed and built to be able to sense hand gestures. The Sonar system is a multi-static system containing one transmitter and three receivers. The sonar system can measure the Doppler frequency shifts caused by dynamic hand gestures. Since the system uses three receivers, three different Doppler frequency channels are measured. Three additional differential frequency channels are formed by computing the differences between the frequency of each of the receivers. These six channels are used as inputs to the deep learning models. Two different deep learning algorithms were used to classify the hand gestures; a Doppler biLSTM network [1] and a CNN [2]. Six basic hand gestures, two in each x- y- and z-axis, and two rotational hand gestures are recorded using both left and right hand at different distances. The gestures were also recorded using both left and right hands. Ten-Fold cross-validation is used to evaluate the networks' performance and classification accuracy. The LSTM was able to classify the six basic gestures with an accuracy of at least 96% but with the addition of the two rotational gestures, the accuracy drops to 47%. This result is acceptable since the basic gestures are more commonly used gestures than rotational gestures. The CNN was able to classify all the gestures with an accuracy of at least 98%. Additionally, The LSTM network is also able to classify separate left and right-hand gestures with an accuracy of 80% and The CNN with an accuracy of 83%. The study shows that CNN is the most widely used algorithm for hand gesture recognition as it can consistently classify gestures with various degrees of complexity. The study also shows that the LSTM network can also classify hand gestures with a high degree of accuracy. More experimentation, however, needs to be done in order to increase the complexity of recognisable gestures
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