19 research outputs found

    Optimal Query Complexity for Reconstructing Hypergraphs

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    In this paper we consider the problem of reconstructing a hidden weighted hypergraph of constant rank using additive queries. We prove the following: Let GG be a weighted hidden hypergraph of constant rank with n vertices and mm hyperedges. For any mm there exists a non-adaptive algorithm that finds the edges of the graph and their weights using O(mlognlogm) O(\frac{m\log n}{\log m}) additive queries. This solves the open problem in [S. Choi, J. H. Kim. Optimal Query Complexity Bounds for Finding Graphs. {\em STOC}, 749--758,~2008]. When the weights of the hypergraph are integers that are less than O(poly(nd/m))O(poly(n^d/m)) where dd is the rank of the hypergraph (and therefore for unweighted hypergraphs) there exists a non-adaptive algorithm that finds the edges of the graph and their weights using O(mlogndmlogm). O(\frac{m\log \frac{n^d}{m}}{\log m}). additive queries. Using the information theoretic bound the above query complexities are tight

    Graph Reconstruction with a Betweenness Oracle

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    Graph reconstruction algorithms seek to learn a hidden graph by repeatedly querying a black-box oracle for information about the graph structure. Perhaps the most well studied and applied version of the problem uses a distance oracle, which can report the shortest path distance between any pair of nodes. We introduce and study the betweenness oracle, where bet(a, m, z) is true iff m lies on a shortest path between a and z. This oracle is strictly weaker than a distance oracle, in the sense that a betweenness query can be simulated by a constant number of distance queries, but not vice versa. Despite this, we are able to develop betweenness reconstruction algorithms that match the current state of the art for distance reconstruction, and even improve it for certain types of graphs. We obtain the following algorithms: (1) Reconstruction of general graphs in O(n^2) queries, (2) Reconstruction of degree-bounded graphs in ~O(n^{3/2}) queries, (3) Reconstruction of geodetic degree-bounded graphs in ~O(n) queries In addition to being a fundamental graph theoretic problem with some natural applications, our new results shed light on some avenues for progress in the distance reconstruction problem

    Graph reconstruction with a betweenness oracle

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    Computing Exact Minimum Cuts Without Knowing the Graph

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    We give query-efficient algorithms for the global min-cut and the s-t cut problem in unweighted, undirected graphs. Our oracle model is inspired by the submodular function minimization problem: on query S subset V, the oracle returns the size of the cut between S and V S. We provide algorithms computing an exact minimum ss-tt cut in GG with ~{O}(n^{5/3}) queries, and computing an exact global minimum cut of G with only ~{O}(n) queries (while learning the graph requires ~{Theta}(n^2) queries)

    Topology Discovery of Sparse Random Graphs With Few Participants

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    We consider the task of topology discovery of sparse random graphs using end-to-end random measurements (e.g., delay) between a subset of nodes, referred to as the participants. The rest of the nodes are hidden, and do not provide any information for topology discovery. We consider topology discovery under two routing models: (a) the participants exchange messages along the shortest paths and obtain end-to-end measurements, and (b) additionally, the participants exchange messages along the second shortest path. For scenario (a), our proposed algorithm results in a sub-linear edit-distance guarantee using a sub-linear number of uniformly selected participants. For scenario (b), we obtain a much stronger result, and show that we can achieve consistent reconstruction when a sub-linear number of uniformly selected nodes participate. This implies that accurate discovery of sparse random graphs is tractable using an extremely small number of participants. We finally obtain a lower bound on the number of participants required by any algorithm to reconstruct the original random graph up to a given edit distance. We also demonstrate that while consistent discovery is tractable for sparse random graphs using a small number of participants, in general, there are graphs which cannot be discovered by any algorithm even with a significant number of participants, and with the availability of end-to-end information along all the paths between the participants.Comment: A shorter version appears in ACM SIGMETRICS 2011. This version is scheduled to appear in J. on Random Structures and Algorithm

    Learning Spanning Forests Optimally using CUT Queries in Weighted Undirected Graphs

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    In this paper we describe a randomized algorithm which returns a maximal spanning forest of an unknown {\em weighted} undirected graph making O(n)O(n) CUT\mathsf{CUT} queries in expectation. For weighted graphs, this is optimal due to a result in [Auza and Lee, 2021] which shows an Ω(n)\Omega(n) lower bound for zero-error randomized algorithms. %To our knowledge, it is the only regime of this problem where we have upper and lower bounds tight up to constants. These questions have been extensively studied in the past few years, especially due to the problem's connections to symmetric submodular function minimization. We also describe a simple polynomial time deterministic algorithm that makes O(nlognloglogn)O(\frac{n\log n}{\log\log n}) queries on undirected unweighted graphs and returns a maximal spanning forest, thereby (slightly) improving upon the state-of-the-art

    Learning-Augmented Query Policies for Minimum Spanning Tree with Uncertainty

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    We study how to utilize (possibly erroneous) predictions in a model for computing under uncertainty in which an algorithm can query unknown data. Our aim is to minimize the number of queries needed to solve the minimum spanning tree problem, a fundamental combinatorial optimization problem that has been central also to the research area of explorable uncertainty. For all integral ? ? 2, we present algorithms that are ?-robust and (1+1/?)-consistent, meaning that they use at most ?OPT queries if the predictions are arbitrarily wrong and at most (1+1/?)OPT queries if the predictions are correct, where OPT is the optimal number of queries for the given instance. Moreover, we show that this trade-off is best possible. Furthermore, we argue that a suitably defined hop distance is a useful measure for the amount of prediction error and design algorithms with performance guarantees that degrade smoothly with the hop distance. We also show that the predictions are PAC-learnable in our model. Our results demonstrate that untrusted predictions can circumvent the known lower bound of 2, without any degradation of the worst-case ratio. To obtain our results, we provide new structural insights for the minimum spanning tree problem that might be useful in the context of query-based algorithms regardless of predictions. In particular, we generalize the concept of witness sets - the key to lower-bounding the optimum - by proposing novel global witness set structures and completely new ways of adaptively using those

    Graph Connectivity and Single Element Recovery via Linear and OR Queries

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    We study the problem of finding a spanning forest in an undirected, nn-vertex multi-graph under two basic query models. One is the Linear query model which are linear measurements on the incidence vector induced by the edges; the other is the weaker OR query model which only reveals whether a given subset of plausible edges is empty or not. At the heart of our study lies a fundamental problem which we call the {\em single element recovery} problem: given a non-negative real vector xx in NN dimension, return a single element xj>0x_j > 0 from the support. Queries can be made in rounds, and our goals is to understand the trade-offs between the query complexity and the rounds of adaptivity needed to solve these problems, for both deterministic and randomized algorithms. These questions have connections and ramifications to multiple areas such as sketching, streaming, graph reconstruction, and compressed sensing. Our main results are: * For the single element recovery problem, it is easy to obtain a deterministic, rr-round algorithm which makes (N1/r1)(N^{1/r}-1)-queries per-round. We prove that this is tight: any rr-round deterministic algorithm must make (N1/r1)\geq (N^{1/r} - 1) linear queries in some round. In contrast, a 11-round O(log2N)O(\log^2 N)-query randomized algorithm which succeeds 99% of the time is known to exist. * We design a deterministic O(r)O(r)-round, O~(n1+1/r)\tilde{O}(n^{1+1/r})-OR query algorithm for graph connectivity. We complement this with an Ω~(n1+1/r)\tilde{\Omega}(n^{1 + 1/r})-lower bound for any rr-round deterministic algorithm in the OR-model. * We design a randomized, 22-round algorithm for the graph connectivity problem which makes O~(n)\tilde{O}(n)-OR queries. In contrast, we prove that any 11-round algorithm (possibly randomized) requires Ω~(n2)\tilde{\Omega}(n^2)-OR queries

    Graph Reconstruction via Distance Oracles

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    We study the problem of reconstructing a hidden graph given access to a distance oracle. We design randomized algorithms for the following problems: reconstruction of a degree bounded graph with query complexity O~(n3/2)\tilde{O}(n^{3/2}); reconstruction of a degree bounded outerplanar graph with query complexity O~(n)\tilde{O}(n); and near-optimal approximate reconstruction of a general graph