873 research outputs found

    An Improved Private Mechanism for Small Databases

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    We study the problem of answering a workload of linear queries Q\mathcal{Q}, on a database of size at most n=o(āˆ£Qāˆ£)n = o(|\mathcal{Q}|) drawn from a universe U\mathcal{U} under the constraint of (approximate) differential privacy. Nikolov, Talwar, and Zhang~\cite{NTZ} proposed an efficient mechanism that, for any given Q\mathcal{Q} and nn, answers the queries with average error that is at most a factor polynomial in logā”āˆ£Qāˆ£\log |\mathcal{Q}| and logā”āˆ£Uāˆ£\log |\mathcal{U}| worse than the best possible. Here we improve on this guarantee and give a mechanism whose competitiveness ratio is at most polynomial in logā”n\log n and logā”āˆ£Uāˆ£\log |\mathcal{U}|, and has no dependence on āˆ£Qāˆ£|\mathcal{Q}|. Our mechanism is based on the projection mechanism of Nikolov, Talwar, and Zhang, but in place of an ad-hoc noise distribution, we use a distribution which is in a sense optimal for the projection mechanism, and analyze it using convex duality and the restricted invertibility principle.Comment: To appear in ICALP 2015, Track

    Tightness of the maximum likelihood semidefinite relaxation for angular synchronization

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    Maximum likelihood estimation problems are, in general, intractable optimization problems. As a result, it is common to approximate the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) using convex relaxations. In some cases, the relaxation is tight: it recovers the true MLE. Most tightness proofs only apply to situations where the MLE exactly recovers a planted solution (known to the analyst). It is then sufficient to establish that the optimality conditions hold at the planted signal. In this paper, we study an estimation problem (angular synchronization) for which the MLE is not a simple function of the planted solution, yet for which the convex relaxation is tight. To establish tightness in this context, the proof is less direct because the point at which to verify optimality conditions is not known explicitly. Angular synchronization consists in estimating a collection of nn phases, given noisy measurements of the pairwise relative phases. The MLE for angular synchronization is the solution of a (hard) non-bipartite Grothendieck problem over the complex numbers. We consider a stochastic model for the data: a planted signal (that is, a ground truth set of phases) is corrupted with non-adversarial random noise. Even though the MLE does not coincide with the planted signal, we show that the classical semidefinite relaxation for it is tight, with high probability. This holds even for high levels of noise.Comment: 2 figure

    A Tensor Analogy of Yuan's Theorem of the Alternative and Polynomial Optimization with Sign structure

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    Yuan's theorem of the alternative is an important theoretical tool in optimization, which provides a checkable certificate for the infeasibility of a strict inequality system involving two homogeneous quadratic functions. In this paper, we provide a tractable extension of Yuan's theorem of the alternative to the symmetric tensor setting. As an application, we establish that the optimal value of a class of nonconvex polynomial optimization problems with suitable sign structure (or more explicitly, with essentially non-positive coefficients) can be computed by a related convex conic programming problem, and the optimal solution of these nonconvex polynomial optimization problems can be recovered from the corresponding solution of the convex conic programming problem. Moreover, we obtain that this class of nonconvex polynomial optimization problems enjoy exact sum-of-squares relaxation, and so, can be solved via a single semidefinite programming problem.Comment: acceted by Journal of Optimization Theory and its application, UNSW preprint, 22 page

    A Riemannian low-rank method for optimization over semidefinite matrices with block-diagonal constraints

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    We propose a new algorithm to solve optimization problems of the form minā”f(X)\min f(X) for a smooth function ff under the constraints that XX is positive semidefinite and the diagonal blocks of XX are small identity matrices. Such problems often arise as the result of relaxing a rank constraint (lifting). In particular, many estimation tasks involving phases, rotations, orthonormal bases or permutations fit in this framework, and so do certain relaxations of combinatorial problems such as Max-Cut. The proposed algorithm exploits the facts that (1) such formulations admit low-rank solutions, and (2) their rank-restricted versions are smooth optimization problems on a Riemannian manifold. Combining insights from both the Riemannian and the convex geometries of the problem, we characterize when second-order critical points of the smooth problem reveal KKT points of the semidefinite problem. We compare against state of the art, mature software and find that, on certain interesting problem instances, what we call the staircase method is orders of magnitude faster, is more accurate and scales better. Code is available.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figure

    Perron vector optimization applied to search engines

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    In the last years, Google's PageRank optimization problems have been extensively studied. In that case, the ranking is given by the invariant measure of a stochastic matrix. In this paper, we consider the more general situation in which the ranking is determined by the Perron eigenvector of a nonnegative, but not necessarily stochastic, matrix, in order to cover Kleinberg's HITS algorithm. We also give some results for Tomlin's HOTS algorithm. The problem consists then in finding an optimal outlink strategy subject to design constraints and for a given search engine. We study the relaxed versions of these problems, which means that we should accept weighted hyperlinks. We provide an efficient algorithm for the computation of the matrix of partial derivatives of the criterion, that uses the low rank property of this matrix. We give a scalable algorithm that couples gradient and power iterations and gives a local minimum of the Perron vector optimization problem. We prove convergence by considering it as an approximate gradient method. We then show that optimal linkage stategies of HITS and HOTS optimization problems verify a threshold property. We report numerical results on fragments of the real web graph for these search engine optimization problems.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure
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