13,150 research outputs found

    Energy-aware Sparse Sensing of Spatial-temporally Correlated Random Fields

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    This dissertation focuses on the development of theories and practices of energy aware sparse sensing schemes of random fields that are correlated in the space and/or time domains. The objective of sparse sensing is to reduce the number of sensing samples in the space and/or time domains, thus reduce the energy consumption and complexity of the sensing system. Both centralized and decentralized sensing schemes are considered in this dissertation. Firstly we study the problem of energy efficient Level set estimation (LSE) of random fields correlated in time and/or space under a total power constraint. We consider uniform sampling schemes of a sensing system with a single sensor and a linear sensor network with sensors distributed uniformly on a line where sensors employ a fixed sampling rate to minimize the LSE error probability in the long term. The exact analytical cost functions and their respective upper bounds of these sampling schemes are developed by using an optimum thresholding-based LSE algorithm. The design parameters of these sampling schemes are optimized by minimizing their respective cost functions. With the analytical results, we can identify the optimum sampling period and/or node distance that can minimize the LSE error probability. Secondly we propose active sparse sensing schemes with LSE of a spatial-temporally correlated random field by using a limited number of spatially distributed sensors. In these schemes a central controller is designed to dynamically select a limited number of sensing locations according to the information revealed from past measurements,and the objective is to minimize the expected level set estimation error.The expected estimation error probability is explicitly expressed as a function of the selected sensing locations, and the results are used to formulate the optimal sensing location selection problem as a combinatorial problem. Two low complexity greedy algorithms are developed by using analytical upper bounds of the expected estimation error probability. Lastly we study the distributed estimations of a spatially correlated random field with decentralized wireless sensor networks (WSNs). We propose a distributed iterative estimation algorithm that defines the procedures for both information propagation and local estimation in each iteration. The key parameters of the algorithm, including an edge weight matrix and a sample weight matrix, are designed by following the asymptotically optimum criteria. It is shown that the asymptotically optimum performance can be achieved by distributively projecting the measurement samples into a subspace related to the covariance matrices of data and noise samples

    One-bit Distributed Sensing and Coding for Field Estimation in Sensor Networks

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    This paper formulates and studies a general distributed field reconstruction problem using a dense network of noisy one-bit randomized scalar quantizers in the presence of additive observation noise of unknown distribution. A constructive quantization, coding, and field reconstruction scheme is developed and an upper-bound to the associated mean squared error (MSE) at any point and any snapshot is derived in terms of the local spatio-temporal smoothness properties of the underlying field. It is shown that when the noise, sensor placement pattern, and the sensor schedule satisfy certain weak technical requirements, it is possible to drive the MSE to zero with increasing sensor density at points of field continuity while ensuring that the per-sensor bitrate and sensing-related network overhead rate simultaneously go to zero. The proposed scheme achieves the order-optimal MSE versus sensor density scaling behavior for the class of spatially constant spatio-temporal fields.Comment: Fixed typos, otherwise same as V2. 27 pages (in one column review format), 4 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. Current version is updated for journal submission: revised author list, modified formulation and framework. Previous version appeared in Proceedings of Allerton Conference On Communication, Control, and Computing 200

    Distributed Detection and Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this article we consider the problems of distributed detection and estimation in wireless sensor networks. In the first part, we provide a general framework aimed to show how an efficient design of a sensor network requires a joint organization of in-network processing and communication. Then, we recall the basic features of consensus algorithm, which is a basic tool to reach globally optimal decisions through a distributed approach. The main part of the paper starts addressing the distributed estimation problem. We show first an entirely decentralized approach, where observations and estimations are performed without the intervention of a fusion center. Then, we consider the case where the estimation is performed at a fusion center, showing how to allocate quantization bits and transmit powers in the links between the nodes and the fusion center, in order to accommodate the requirement on the maximum estimation variance, under a constraint on the global transmit power. We extend the approach to the detection problem. Also in this case, we consider the distributed approach, where every node can achieve a globally optimal decision, and the case where the decision is taken at a central node. In the latter case, we show how to allocate coding bits and transmit power in order to maximize the detection probability, under constraints on the false alarm rate and the global transmit power. Then, we generalize consensus algorithms illustrating a distributed procedure that converges to the projection of the observation vector onto a signal subspace. We then address the issue of energy consumption in sensor networks, thus showing how to optimize the network topology in order to minimize the energy necessary to achieve a global consensus. Finally, we address the problem of matching the topology of the network to the graph describing the statistical dependencies among the observed variables.Comment: 92 pages, 24 figures. To appear in E-Reference Signal Processing, R. Chellapa and S. Theodoridis, Eds., Elsevier, 201

    Distortion-Tolerant Communications with Correlated Information

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    This dissertation is devoted to the development of distortion-tolerant communication techniques by exploiting the spatial and/or temporal correlation in a broad range of wireless communication systems under various system configurations. Signals observed in wireless communication systems are often correlated in the spatial and/or temporal domains, and the correlation can be used to facilitate system designs and to improve system performance. First, the optimum node density, i.e., the optimum number of nodes in a unit area, is identified by utilizing the spatial data correlation in the one- and two-dimensional wireless sensor networks (WSNs), under the constraint of fixed power per unit area. The WSNs distortion is quantized as the mean square error between the original and the reconstructed signals. Then we extend the analysis into WSNs with spatial-temporally correlated data. The optimum sampling in the space and time domains is derived. The analytical optimum results can provide insights and guidelines on the design of practical WSNs. Second, distributed source coding schemes are developed by exploiting the data correlation in a wireless network with spatially distributed sources. A new symmetric distributed joint source-channel coding scheme (DJSCC) is proposed by utilizing the spatial source correlation. Then the DJSCC code is applied to spatial-temporally correlated sources. The temporal correlated data is modeled as the Markov chain. Correspondingly, two decoding algorithms are proposed. The first multi-codeword message passing algorithm (MCMP) is designed for spatially correlated memoryless sources. In the second algorithm, a hidden Markov decoding process is added to the MCMP decoder to effectively exploit the data correlation in both the space and time domains. Third, we develop distortion-tolerant high mobility wireless communication systems by considering correlated channel state information (CSI) in the time domain, and study the optimum designs with imperfect CSI. The pilot-assisted channel estimation mean square error is expressed as a closed-form expression of various system parameters through asymptotic analysis. Based on the statistical properties of the channel estimation error, we quantify the impacts of imperfect CSI on system performance by developing the analytical symbol error rate and a spectral efficiency lower bound of the communication system

    Spatio-temporal bivariate statistical models for atmospheric trace-gas inversion

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    Atmospheric trace-gas inversion refers to any technique used to predict spatial and temporal fluxes using mole-fraction measurements and atmospheric simulations obtained from computer models. Studies to date are most often of a data-assimilation flavour, which implicitly consider univariate statistical models with the flux as the variate of interest. This univariate approach typically assumes that the flux field is either a spatially correlated Gaussian process or a spatially uncorrelated non-Gaussian process with prior expectation fixed using flux inventories (e.g., NAEI or EDGAR in Europe). Here, we extend this approach in three ways. First, we develop a bivariate model for the mole-fraction field and the flux field. The bivariate approach allows optimal prediction of both the flux field and the mole-fraction field, and it leads to significant computational savings over the univariate approach. Second, we employ a lognormal spatial process for the flux field that captures both the lognormal characteristics of the flux field (when appropriate) and its spatial dependence. Third, we propose a new, geostatistical approach to incorporate the flux inventories in our updates, such that the posterior spatial distribution of the flux field is predominantly data-driven. The approach is illustrated on a case study of methane (CH4_4) emissions in the United Kingdom and Ireland.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figure

    Multi-View Video Packet Scheduling

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    In multiview applications, multiple cameras acquire the same scene from different viewpoints and generally produce correlated video streams. This results in large amounts of highly redundant data. In order to save resources, it is critical to handle properly this correlation during encoding and transmission of the multiview data. In this work, we propose a correlation-aware packet scheduling algorithm for multi-camera networks, where information from all cameras are transmitted over a bottleneck channel to clients that reconstruct the multiview images. The scheduling algorithm relies on a new rate-distortion model that captures the importance of each view in the scene reconstruction. We propose a problem formulation for the optimization of the packet scheduling policies, which adapt to variations in the scene content. Then, we design a low complexity scheduling algorithm based on a trellis search that selects the subset of candidate packets to be transmitted towards effective multiview reconstruction at clients. Extensive simulation results confirm the gain of our scheduling algorithm when inter-source correlation information is used in the scheduler, compared to scheduling policies with no information about the correlation or non-adaptive scheduling policies. We finally show that increasing the optimization horizon in the packet scheduling algorithm improves the transmission performance, especially in scenarios where the level of correlation rapidly varies with time

    Bayesian joint models with INLA exploring marine mobile predator-prey and competitor species habitat overlap

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    EPSRC grant Ecowatt 2050 EP/K012851/1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank the associate editor and the anonymous reviewers for their useful and constructive suggestions which led to a considerable improvement of the manuscript. The authors would also like to thank the following people/organizations for making large datasets available for use in this paper: Mark Lewis (Joint Nature Conservation Committee), Philip Hammond (Scottish Oceans Institute, University of St. Andrews), Susan Lusseau (Marine Scotland Science), Darren Stevens (The Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science, PML), and Yuri Artioli (Plymouth Marine Laboratory). This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EcoWatt250; EPSRC EP/K012851/1).Peer reviewedPublisher PD