66 research outputs found

    Optimal design of switched reluctance motors

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    The fundamental theory of the switched reluctance motor is presented with a number of new equations. It is used to show how the practical development of a design calculation should proceed, and this leads to a discussion of physical characteristics required to achieve satisfactory performance and to reduce acoustic noise. The paper makes a few generic observations on the characteristics of successful products that use switched reluctance motors. It is written at a basic engineering level and makes no attempt to apply sophisticated optimization theory

    Torque control of switched reluctance motors

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    This paper presents the performance of an instantaneous torque control method. The simulation and experimental results illustrate the capability of Switched Reluctance Motors (SRM) being used in the motor drive industry. Based on experimental data, the advantages of this control method and its disadvantages in practical implementation were studied. The model used in the simulation is the linear magnetic model which has the 12/8 structure, the same structure as the experimental switched reluctance motor

    Enhancing energy efficiency of maneuvering diesel locomotives by the application of energy storage devices

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    Сучасний маневровий рухомий склад повинен створюватися на базі сучасних і перспективних технологій транспортного машинобудування. Однією з таких технологій є гібридна система тягового електроприводу, в якій при обміні енергією між контактною мережею і тяговими двигунами беруть участь накопичувачі енергії. Метою цієї статті є ознайомлення зі своїм баченням концепції перспективного маневрового локомотива з бортовим інерційним накопичувачем енергії як одним з ефективних засобів енергозбереження. Структура і технічні характеристики такого рухомого складу прийняті за результатами аналізу параметрів сучасних поїздів Європи. Дана праця присвячена розробці математичної моделі роботи маневрового тепловозу ЧМЕ3. Проведено дослідження, що направлені на вивчення можливості застосування гібридної силової установки на маневровому тепловозі як із базовими ДПС, так і з тяговими вентильно-індукторними двигунами (ВІД). Для цього було зроблено наступне: – запропоновано функціональну схему гібридного локомотива; – проведені розрахунки дизель-генераторної установки та побудована її імітаційна модель; – розроблені функціональні схеми та імітаційні моделі накопичувачів енергії; – ідентифіковані параметри ВІД та складена його імітаційна модель; – розроблена імітаційна модель роботи гібридного тепловозу з можливим використанням в якості приводного ДПС або ВІД.Modern shunting rolling stock should be created on the basis of modern and promising technologies of transport engineering. One of such technologies is a hybrid traction electric drive system, in which energy storage takes part in the exchange of energy between the contact network and traction motors. The purpose of this article is to familiarize yourself with your vision of the concept of a promising shunting locomotive with an onboard inertial energy storage as one of the effective means of energy conservation. The structure and technical characteristics of such rolling stock are taken according to the analysis of the parameters of modern European trains. This work is devoted to the development of a mathematical model of the work of the shunting locomotive of CHME3. Studies have been conducted to investigate the possibility of using a hybrid powerplant on a shunting locomotive with both basic DPS and traction valve induction motors. The following was done for this purpose: – functional diagram of hybrid locomotive is proposed; – the calculations of the diesel generator set were carried out and itssimulation model was constructed; – functional circuits and simulation models of energy storage have been developed; – the parameters of the species are identified and its simulation model is made; – a simulation model of operation of a hybrid locomotive with possible use as a driving DPS or traction valve induction motors has been developed

    Study of end effects on the performance of the linear switched reluctance motor

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the end effects in a double-sided linear switched reluctance motor (LSRM). Switched reluctance motors (SRM) and by extension their linear counterpart, LSRM, have been widely studied using two-dimensional finite element analysis (2D FEA). End effects are not included in 2D FEA, even though these effects considerably increase unaligned inductance. This paper describes a procedure that takes into account the end effects in flux linkage, inductance and force profiles on LSRM. It is based on 2D FEA corrected by the inclusion of end-winding inductance and several empirical coefficients. The results of this approach closely coincide with experimental measurements.Postprint (published version

    Magnetic circuit znalysis of a linear switched reluctance motor

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    In this paper a magnetic circuit analysis has been developed to obtain flux linkage/current characteristics in aligned and unaligned positions for a Linear Switched Reluctance Motor. The model is based on lumped parameters and it takes into account the leakage pole flux and the end effects. The lumped parameter magnetic analysis proposed can be a useful tool for designing Linear Switched Reluctance Machines. The procedure has been verified using two dimensional finite element analysis and experimental measurements.Postprint (published version

    Optimization of the force characteristic of rotary motion type of electromagnetic actuator based on finite element analysis

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    The needs for non-invasive technique in breast cancer detection could enhance and preserve the future of medical field in Malaysia as well as countries around the world. Breast cancer has become the main concern nowadays not only for women but for man as well. In overall, the risk of women getting breast cancer is higher than man due to the denser tissue of breast in women compare to man. Beside the unawareness for the disease, the reason which contributes to this increasing number of breast cancer reported is also due to the limitations arising from modalities such as MRI, Mammography, ultrasound and other modalities. An alternative to current technologies should be improved for early detection and treatment which causes no physical harm to patients if possible. Thus, non-invasive and better technology in detecting breast cancer is very much needed in the current market. This paper will be discussing the insights of Magnetic Induction Tomography techniques in breast cancer detection

    Optimal Design of Switched Reluctance Motor Using Genetic Algorithm

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    Switched reluctance motor (SRM) is gaining more interest in both research and industry. Its simple structure without windings or permanent magnets on the rotor makes the motor robust and reliable with reduced manufacturing cost. The SRM also provides high starting torque and high efficiency over a wide range of speeds, which is strongly desired for electric vehicles’ applications. However, these advantages of switched reluctance motors come with some challenges. Torque ripples, low power density, and temperature rise are common questions about SRM. This paper utilizes multi-objective optimization of SRM design to get most of the SRM desired characteristics with minimization of the machine’s common drawbacks. The optimization process has considered twelve variables and five objective functions. These functions include average torque, efficiency, iron weight, torque-ripples, and maximum temperature rise. The electromagnetic analysis of each candidate is performed by the finite elements method (FEA). The performance indices of SRM are calculated based on FEA analysis results via calculations that compensate for accuracy and computation time. The multi-objective genetic algorithm technique (MOGA) combines the objective functions into a single objective function. Verifying the optimal design comprises generating the efficiency map, torque profile, and dynamic simulation of the motor. This paper mainly focuses on the design and optimization of SRM to fulfill the general requirements of electric vehicle applications

    Optimal Design of Switched Reluctance Motor Using Genetic Algorithm

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    Switched reluctance motor (SRM) is gaining more interest in both research and industry. Its simple structure without windings or permanent magnets on the rotor makes the motor robust and reliable with reduced manufacturing cost. The SRM also provides high starting torque and high efficiency over a wide range of speeds, which is strongly desired for electric vehicles’ applications. However, these advantages of switched reluctance motors come with some challenges. Torque ripples, low power density, and temperature rise are common questions about SRM. This paper utilizes multi-objective optimization of SRM design to get most of the SRM desired characteristics with minimization of the machine’s common drawbacks. The optimization process has considered twelve variables and five objective functions. These functions include average torque, efficiency, iron weight, torque-ripples, and maximum temperature rise. The electromagnetic analysis of each candidate is performed by the finite elements method (FEA). The performance indices of SRM are calculated based on FEA analysis results via calculations that compensate for accuracy and computation time. The multi-objective genetic algorithm technique (MOGA) combines the objective functions into a single objective function. Verifying the optimal design comprises generating the efficiency map, torque profile, and dynamic simulation of the motor. This paper mainly focuses on the design and optimization of SRM to fulfill the general requirements of electric vehicle applications