671,761 research outputs found

    A Continuous Review Inventory Model with Advance Policy Change and Obsolescence

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    In this paper, we consider a continuous review inventory system of a slow moving item for which the demand rate drops to a lower level at a pre-determined time. Inventory system is controlled according to one-for-one replenishment policy with fixed lead time. Adaptation to the lower demand rate is achieved by changing the control policy in advance and letting the demand take away the excess stocks. We showed that the timing of the control policy change primarily determines the tradeoff between backordering penalties and obsolescence costs. We propose an approximate solution for the optimal time to shift to the new control policy minimizing the expected total cost during the transient period. We found that the advance policy change results in significant cost savings and our model yields near optimal expected total costs.inventory control;obsolescence;spare parts;excess stock;installed base;advance policy changes

    Network Competition and Network Regulation

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    The competitive structure of the telecommunication sector is changing all over the world. Competition is being introduced in the long-distance segments while the local markets remain in general under the control of a (group of) regulated monopolies. This paper tries to find the optimal regulation in the monopoly sector and the optimal access price, taking into account the effects of the competition between networks, any access price plays a role in that it allows the regulator to indirectly control prices in the unregulated segment. We show that, there is no loss of generality in making the access pcices for originating or terminating a call equal. Moreover, under complete information, if networks are poor substitutes, the optimal access price is lower than the marginal cost of access. Under asymmetric information, two effects work in opposite directions. On the one hand, access price is reduced with respect to marginal cost to induce a reduction in final price. On the other hand, access price is increased with respect to marginal cost to give incentives to reveal information.telecommunication sector; regulated monopolies

    Time-varying Weights in Multi-Objective Optimal Control for Flexible Wing Aircraft

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    A multi-objective optimal control technique is modified to accommodate changing cost function weights and is used to control a flexible wing aircraft model. Variation of the weights is used to adjust the relative importance of each objective according to either a prescribed function of time or of the state. Several techniques for obtaining a practical approximation to the optimal control solution are presented, and stability of a specific weight structure with the optimal controller is demonstrated. Functionality of the multi-objective control design with weight variation is demonstrated in simulation of a flexible wing transport aircraft and is shown to improve performance over the fixed weight version both at a constant flight condition and across changing flight conditions

    Hybrid control for low-regular nonlinear systems: application to an embedded control for an electric vehicle

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    This note presents an embedded automatic control strategy for a low consumption vehicle equipped with an "on/off" engine. The main difficulties are the hybrid nature of the dynamics, the non smoothness of the dynamics of each mode, the uncertain environment, the fast changing dynamics, and low cost/ low consumption constraints for the control device. Human drivers of such vehicles frequently use an oscillating strategy, letting the velocity evolve between fixed lower and upper bounds. We present a general justification of this very simple and efficient strategy, that happens to be optimal for autonomous dynamics, robust and easily adaptable for real-time control strategy. Effective implementation in a competition prototype involved in low-consumption races shows that automatic velocity control achieves performances comparable with the results of trained human drivers. Major advantages of automatic control are improved robustness and safety. The total average power consumption for the control device is less than 10 mW

    Guaranteed-Cost Controls of Minimal Variation: A Numerical Algorithm Based on Control Parameterization

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    The optimal control literature is dominated by standard problems in which the system cost functional is expressed in the well-known Bolza form. Such Bolza cost functionals consist of two terms: a Mayer term (which depends solely on the final state reached by the system) and a Lagrange integral term (which depends on the state and control values over the entire time horizon). One limitation with the standard Bolza cost functional is that it does not consider the cost of control changes. Such costs should certainly be considered when designing practical control strategies, as changing the control signal will invariably cause wear and tear on the system's acutators. Accordingly, in this paper, we propose a new optimal control formulation that balances system performance with control variation. The problem is to minimize the total variation of the control signal subject to a guaranteed-cost constraint that ensures an acceptable level of system performance (as measured by a standard Bolza cost functional). We first apply the control parameterization method to approximate this problem by a non-smooth dynamic optimization problem involving a finite number of decision variables. We then devise a novel transformation procedure for converting this non-smooth dynamic optimization problem into a smooth problem that can be solved using gradient-based optimization techniques. The paper concludes with numerical examples in fisheries and container crane control