123 research outputs found

    Tracking control of redundant mobile manipulator: An RNN based metaheuristic approach

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    In this paper, we propose a topology of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based on a metaheuristic optimization algorithm for the tracking control of mobile-manipulator while enforcing nonholonomic constraints. Traditional approaches for tracking control of mobile robots usually require the computation of Jacobian-inverse or linearization of its mathematical model. The proposed algorithm uses a nature-inspired optimization approach to directly solve the nonlinear optimization problem without any further transformation. First, we formulate the tracking control as a constrained optimization problem. The optimization problem is formulated on position-level to avoid the computationally expensive Jacobian-inversion. The nonholonomic limitation is ensured by adding equality constraints to the formulated optimization problem. We then present the Beetle Antennae Olfactory Recurrent Neural Network (BAORNN) algorithm to solve the optimization problem efficiently using very few mathematical operations. We present a theoretical analysis of the proposed algorithm and show that its computational cost is linear with respect to the degree of freedoms (DOFs), i.e., O(m). Additionally, we also prove its stability and convergence. Extensive simulation results are prepared using a simulated model of IIWA14, a 7-DOF industrial-manipulator, mounted on a differentially driven cart. Comparison results with particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm are also presented to prove the accuracy and numerical efficiency of the proposed controller. The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is several times (around 75 in the worst case) faster in execution as compared to PSO, and suitable for real-time implementation. The tracking results for three different trajectories; circular, rectangular, and rhodonea paths are presented

    Automated Hierarchical, Forward-Chaining Temporal Planner for Planetary Robots Exploring Unknown Environments

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    The transition of mobile robots from a controlled environment towards the real-world represents a major leap in terms of complexity coming primarily from three different factors: partial observability, nondeterminism and dynamic events. To cope with them, robots must achieve some intelligence behaviours to be cost and operationally effective. Two particularly interesting examples of highly complex robotic scenarios are Mars rover missions and the Darpa Robotic Challenge (DRC). In spite of the important differences they present in terms of constraints and requirements, they both have adopted certain level of autonomy to overcome some specific problems. For instance, Mars rovers have been endowed with multiple systems to enable autonomous payload operations and consequently increase science return. In the case of DRC, most teams have autonomous footstep planning or arm trajectory calculation. Even though some specific problems can be addressed with dedicated tools, the general problem remains unsolved: to deploy on-board a reliable reasoning system able to operate robots without human intervention even in complex environments. This is precisely the goal of an automated mission planner. The scientific community has provided plenty of planners able to provide very fast solutions for classical problems, typically characterized by the lack of time and resources representation. Moreover, there are also a handful of applied planners with higher levels of expressiveness at the price of lowest performance. However, a fast, expressive and robust planner has never been used in complex robotic missions. These three properties represent the main drivers for the outcomes of the thesis. To bridge the gap between classical and applied planning, a novel formalism named Hierarchical TimeLine Networks (HTLN) combining Timeline and HTN planning has been proposed. HTLN has been implemented on a mission planner named QuijoteExpress, the first forward-chaining timeline planner to the best of our knowledge. The main idea is to benefit from the great performance of forward-chaining search to resolve temporal problems on the state-space. In addition, QuijoteExpress includes search enhancements such as parallel planning by division of the problem in sub-problems or advanced heuristics management. Regarding expressiveness, the planner incorporates HTN techniques that allow to define hierarchical models and solutions. Finally, plan robustness in uncertain scenarios has been addressed by means of sufficient plans that allow to leave parts of valid plans undefined. To test the planner, a novel lightweight, timeline and ROS-based executive named SanchoExpress has been designed to translate the plans into actions understandable by the different robot subsystems. The entire approach has been tested in two realistic and complementary domains. A cooperative multirover Mars mission and an urban search and rescue mission. The results were extremely positive and opens new promising ways in the field of automated planning applied to robotics

    OROS: onlin operation and orchestration of collaborative robots using 5G

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    © 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThe 5G mobile networks extend the capability for supporting collaborative robot operations in outdoor scenarios. However, the restricted battery life of robots still poses a major obstacle to their effective implementation and utilization in real scenarios. One of the most challenging situations is the execution of mission-critical tasks that require the use of various onboard sensors to perform simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) of unexplored environments. Given the time-sensitive nature of these tasks, completing them in the shortest possible time is of the highest importance. In this paper, we analyze the benefits of 5G-enabled collaborative robots by enhancing the intelligence of the robot operation through joint orchestration of Robot Operating System (ROS) and 5G resources for energysaving goals, addressing the problem from both offline and online manners. We propose OROS, a novel orchestration approach that minimizes mission-critical task completion times as well as overall energy consumption of 5G-connected robots by jointly optimizing robotic navigation and sensing together with infrastructure resources. We validate our 5G-enabled collaborative framework by means of Matlab/Simulink, ROS software and Gazebo simulator. Our results show an improvement between 3.65in exploration task by exploiting 5G orchestration features for battery savings when using 3 robots.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    CrazyChoir: Flying Swarms of Crazyflie Quadrotors in ROS 2

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    This paper introduces CrazyChoir, a modular Python framework based on the Robot Operating System (ROS) 2. The toolbox provides a comprehensive set of functionalities to simulate and run experiments on teams of cooperating Crazyflie nano-quadrotors. Specifically, it allows users to perform realistic simulations over robotic simulators as, e.g., Webots and includes bindings of the firmware control and planning functions. The toolbox also provides libraries to perform radio communication with Crazyflie directly inside ROS 2 scripts. The package can be thus used to design, implement and test planning strategies and control schemes for a Crazyflie nano-quadrotor. Moreover, the modular structure of CrazyChoir allows users to easily implement online distributed optimization and control schemes over multiple quadrotors. The CrazyChoir package is validated via simulations and experiments on a swarm of Crazyflies for formation control, pickup-and-delivery vehicle routing and trajectory tracking tasks. CrazyChoir is available at https://github.com/OPT4SMART/crazychoir
