68,697 research outputs found

    Pandora's Box Problem with Order Constraints

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    The Pandora's Box Problem, originally formalized by Weitzman in 1979, models selection from set of random, alternative options, when evaluation is costly. This includes, for example, the problem of hiring a skilled worker, where only one hire can be made, but the evaluation of each candidate is an expensive procedure. Weitzman showed that the Pandora's Box Problem admits an elegant, simple solution, where the options are considered in decreasing order of reservation value,i.e., the value that reduces to zero the expected marginal gain for opening the box. We study for the first time this problem when order - or precedence - constraints are imposed between the boxes. We show that, despite the difficulty of defining reservation values for the boxes which take into account both in-depth and in-breath exploration of the various options, greedy optimal strategies exist and can be efficiently computed for tree-like order constraints. We also prove that finding approximately optimal adaptive search strategies is NP-hard when certain matroid constraints are used to further restrict the set of boxes which may be opened, or when the order constraints are given as reachability constraints on a DAG. We complement the above result by giving approximate adaptive search strategies based on a connection between optimal adaptive strategies and non-adaptive strategies with bounded adaptivity gap for a carefully relaxed version of the problem

    Budgeted Reinforcement Learning in Continuous State Space

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    A Budgeted Markov Decision Process (BMDP) is an extension of a Markov Decision Process to critical applications requiring safety constraints. It relies on a notion of risk implemented in the shape of a cost signal constrained to lie below an - adjustable - threshold. So far, BMDPs could only be solved in the case of finite state spaces with known dynamics. This work extends the state-of-the-art to continuous spaces environments and unknown dynamics. We show that the solution to a BMDP is a fixed point of a novel Budgeted Bellman Optimality operator. This observation allows us to introduce natural extensions of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms to address large-scale BMDPs. We validate our approach on two simulated applications: spoken dialogue and autonomous driving.Comment: N. Carrara and E. Leurent have equally contribute

    Feature Engineering for Predictive Modeling using Reinforcement Learning

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    Feature engineering is a crucial step in the process of predictive modeling. It involves the transformation of given feature space, typically using mathematical functions, with the objective of reducing the modeling error for a given target. However, there is no well-defined basis for performing effective feature engineering. It involves domain knowledge, intuition, and most of all, a lengthy process of trial and error. The human attention involved in overseeing this process significantly influences the cost of model generation. We present a new framework to automate feature engineering. It is based on performance driven exploration of a transformation graph, which systematically and compactly enumerates the space of given options. A highly efficient exploration strategy is derived through reinforcement learning on past examples

    Efficient Hill Climber for Constrained Pseudo-Boolean Optimization Problems

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    Efficient hill climbers have been recently proposed for single- and multi-objective pseudo-Boolean optimization problems. For kk-bounded pseudo-Boolean functions where each variable appears in at most a constant number of subfunctions, it has been theoretically proven that the neighborhood of a solution can be explored in constant time. These hill climbers, combined with a high-level exploration strategy, have shown to improve state of the art methods in experimental studies and open the door to the so-called Gray Box Optimization, where part, but not all, of the details of the objective functions are used to better explore the search space. One important limitation of all the previous proposals is that they can only be applied to unconstrained pseudo-Boolean optimization problems. In this work, we address the constrained case for multi-objective kk-bounded pseudo-Boolean optimization problems. We find that adding constraints to the pseudo-Boolean problem has a linear computational cost in the hill climber.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
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