8 research outputs found

    Quantum Stopwatch: How To Store Time in a Quantum Memory

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    Quantum mechanics imposes a fundamental tradeoff between the accuracy of time measurements and the size of the systems used as clocks. When the measurements of different time intervals are combined, the errors due to the finite clock size accumulate, resulting in an overall inaccuracy that grows with the complexity of the setup. Here we introduce a method that in principle eludes the accumulation of errors by coherently transferring information from a quantum clock to a quantum memory of the smallest possible size. Our method could be used to measure the total duration of a sequence of events with enhanced accuracy, and to reduce the amount of quantum communication needed to stabilize clocks in a quantum network.Comment: 10 + 5 pages, 3 figure

    Compression for quantum population coding

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    We study the compression of n quantum systems, each prepared in the same state belonging to a given parametric family of quantum states. For a family of states with f independent parameters, we devise an asymptotically faithful protocol that requires a hybrid memory of size (f/2)log(n), including both quantum and classical bits. Our construction uses a quantum version of local asymptotic normality and, as an intermediate step, solves the problem of compressing displaced thermal states of n identically prepared modes. In both cases, we show that (f/2)log(n) is the minimum amount of memory needed to achieve asymptotic faithfulness. In addition, we analyze how much of the memory needs to be quantum. We find that the ratio between quantum and classical bits can be made arbitrarily small, but cannot reach zero: unless all the quantum states in the family commute, no protocol using only classical bits can be faithful, even if it uses an arbitrarily large number of classical bits.Comment: 14 Pages, 4 Figures + Appendi

    An efficient high dimensional quantum Schur transform

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    The Schur transform is a unitary operator that block diagonalizes the action of the symmetric and unitary groups on an nn fold tensor product VnV^{\otimes n} of a vector space VV of dimension dd. Bacon, Chuang and Harrow \cite{BCH07} gave a quantum algorithm for this transform that is polynomial in nn, dd and logϵ1\log\epsilon^{-1}, where ϵ\epsilon is the precision. In a footnote in Harrow's thesis \cite{H05}, a brief description of how to make the algorithm of \cite{BCH07} polynomial in logd\log d is given using the unitary group representation theory (however, this has not been explained in detail anywhere. In this article, we present a quantum algorithm for the Schur transform that is polynomial in nn, logd\log d and logϵ1\log\epsilon^{-1} using a different approach. Specifically, we build this transform using the representation theory of the symmetric group and in this sense our technique can be considered a "dual" algorithm to \cite{BCH07}. A novel feature of our algorithm is that we construct the quantum Fourier transform over the so called \emph{permutation modules}, which could have other applications.Comment: 21 page

    Optimal Compression for Identically Prepared Qubit States

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    accepted for oral presentationWe establish the ultimate limits to the compression of sequences of identically prepared qubits. The limits are determined by Holevo’s information quantity and are attained through use of the optimal universal cloning machine, which finds here a novel application to quantum Shannon theory