44,542 research outputs found

    Graph Spectral Image Processing

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    Recent advent of graph signal processing (GSP) has spurred intensive studies of signals that live naturally on irregular data kernels described by graphs (e.g., social networks, wireless sensor networks). Though a digital image contains pixels that reside on a regularly sampled 2D grid, if one can design an appropriate underlying graph connecting pixels with weights that reflect the image structure, then one can interpret the image (or image patch) as a signal on a graph, and apply GSP tools for processing and analysis of the signal in graph spectral domain. In this article, we overview recent graph spectral techniques in GSP specifically for image / video processing. The topics covered include image compression, image restoration, image filtering and image segmentation

    Application of active controls technology to aircraft bide smoothing systems

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    A critical review of past efforts in the design and testing of ride smoothing and gust alleviation systems is presented. Design trade offs involving sensor types, choice of feedback loops, human comfort, and aircraft handling-qualities criteria are discussed. Synthesis of a system designed to employ direct-lift and side-force producing surfaces is reported. Two STOL aircraft and an executive transport are considered. Theoretically predicted system performance is compared with hybrid simulation and flight test data. Pilot opinion rating, pilot workload, and passenger comfort rating data for the basic and augmented aircraft are included

    Power Smoothing Control of a Grid-Connected Marine Current Turbine System Using Supercapacitors

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    Les variations de la vitesse des courants marins induisent généralement de grandes fluctuations de la puissance produite par une hydrolienne. La houle est considérée comme principale source de variation à très court terme des vitesses de courants. Une stratégie MPPT conventionnelle nécessiterait dans ces conditions d’accélérer ou de décélérer fréquemment la turbine entraînant ainsi de fortes fluctuations de la puissance générée. Cet article se propose alors d’étudier le lissage de la puissance produite par une hydrolienne équipée d’une génératrice synchrone à aimants permanents à laquelle sera associé un banc de supercondensateurs. Le système sera commandé au moyen de stratégies de contrôle appropriées. Pour ce faire un algorithme de MPPT modifié associé à une stratégie de filtrage est proposé. Il utilisera plus particulièrement l’inertie du système pour atténuer les fluctuations de la puissance. Le système de stockage supercapacitif est ensuite utilisé pour lisser les fluctuations résiduelles. Des simulations sur une hydrolienne à entraînement direct de 1.5 MW connectée au réseau montrent que l’association de la stratégie de contrôle proposée à un stockage supercapacitif permet d’injecter une puissance relativement lisse au réseau en présence de perturbations liées à la houle.Variations of marine current speed can lead to strong fluctuations in the power extracted by a marine current turbine (MCT). During short-time period, swell effect is the main cause for the current speed variations. Conventional tip speed ratio Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm will require the MCT to accelerate or to decelerate frequently under swell effect, which can cause severe fluctuations in the generator power. This paper focuses on power smoothing control of a PMSG-Based MCT system. A modified MPPT algorithm with filter strategy is proposed in generator-side control to use the system inertia for smoothing the fluctuation of generator power. When the current speed is over rated value, the power limitation control will be applied. In the second step, Supercapacitor (SC) Energy Storage System (ESS) is added to compensate the residual power fluctuations. Simulations of a 1.5 MW directdriven grid-connected MCT system are carried out. The results demonstrate that the association of the generator-side filter strategy with the SC ESS system achieves a smoothed power injected to the grid in case of swell disturbances

    Longitudinal flying qualities criteria for single-pilot instrument flight operations

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    Modern estimation and control theory, flight testing, and statistical analysis were used to deduce flying qualities criteria for General Aviation Single Pilot Instrument Flight Rule (SPIFR) operations. The principal concern is that unsatisfactory aircraft dynamic response combined with high navigation/communication workload can produce problems of safety and efficiency. To alleviate these problems. The relative importance of these factors must be determined. This objective was achieved by flying SPIFR tasks with different aircraft dynamic configurations and assessing the effects of such variations under these conditions. The experimental results yielded quantitative indicators of pilot's performance and workload, and for each of them, multivariate regression was applied to evaluate several candidate flying qualities criteria

    Rational-operator-based depth-from-defocus approach to scene reconstruction

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    This paper presents a rational-operator-based approach to depth from defocus (DfD) for the reconstruction of three-dimensional scenes from two-dimensional images, which enables fast DfD computation that is independent of scene textures. Two variants of the approach, one using the Gaussian rational operators (ROs) that are based on the Gaussian point spread function (PSF) and the second based on the generalized Gaussian PSF, are considered. A novel DfD correction method is also presented to further improve the performance of the approach. Experimental results are considered for real scenes and show that both approaches outperform existing RO-based methods

    A new method for improved standardisation in three-dimensional computed tomography cephalometry

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    Interest for three-dimensional computed tomography cephalometry has risen over the last two decades. Current methods commonly rely on the examiner to manually point-pick the landmarks and/or orientate the skull. In this study, a new approach is presented, in which landmarks are calculated after selection of the landmark region on a triangular model and in which the skull is automatically orientated in a standardised way. Two examiners each performed five analyses on three skull models. Landmark reproducibility was tested by calculating the standard deviation for each observer and the difference between the mean values of both observers. The variation can be limited to 0.1 mm for most landmarks. However, some landmarks perform less well and require further investigation. With the proposed reference system, a symmetrical orientation of the skulls is obtained. The presented methods contribute to standardisation in cephalometry and could therefore allow improved comparison of patient data

    A new control technique for active power filters using a combined genetic algorithm/conventional analysis

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    In this paper, the computational problems associated with the optimization techniques used to evaluate the switching patterns for controlling variable-characteristics active power filters are presented and critically analyzed. Genetic algorithms (GAs) are introduced in this paper to generate a fast and accurate initial starting point in the highly nonlinear optimization space of mathematical optimization techniques. GAs tend to speed up the initialization process by a factor of 13. A combined GA/conventional technique is also proposed and implemented to reduce the associated computational burden associated with the control and, consequently, increasing the speed of response of this class of active filters. Comparisons of these techniques are discussed and presented in conjunction with simulation and practical results for the filter operation
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