11 research outputs found

    Efficient Synchronization Primitives for GPUs

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    In this paper, we revisit the design of synchronization primitives---specifically barriers, mutexes, and semaphores---and how they apply to the GPU. Previous implementations are insufficient due to the discrepancies in hardware and programming model of the GPU and CPU. We create new implementations in CUDA and analyze the performance of spinning on the GPU, as well as a method of sleeping on the GPU, by running a set of memory-system benchmarks on two of the most common GPUs in use, the Tesla- and Fermi-class GPUs from NVIDIA. From our results we define higher-level principles that are valid for generic many-core processors, the most important of which is to limit the number of atomic accesses required for a synchronization operation because atomic accesses are slower than regular memory accesses. We use the results of the benchmarks to critique existing synchronization algorithms and guide our new implementations, and then define an abstraction of GPUs to classify any GPU based on the behavior of the memory system. We use this abstraction to create suitable implementations of the primitives specifically targeting the GPU, and analyze the performance of these algorithms on Tesla and Fermi. We then predict performance on future GPUs based on characteristics of the abstraction. We also examine the roles of spin waiting and sleep waiting in each primitive and how their performance varies based on the machine abstraction, then give a set of guidelines for when each strategy is useful based on the characteristics of the GPU and expected contention.Comment: 13 pages with appendix, several figures, plans to submit to CompSci conference in early 201

    Enhancing Resource Management through Prediction-based Policies

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    Task-based programming models are emerging as a promising alternative to make the most of multi-/many-core systems. These programming models rely on runtime systems, and their goal is to improve application performance by properly scheduling application tasks to cores. Additionally, these runtime systems offer policies to cope with application phases that lack in parallelism to fill all cores. However, these policies are usually static and favor either performance or energy efficiency. In this paper, we have extended a task-based runtime system with a lightweight monitoring and prediction infrastructure that dynamically predicts the optimal number of cores required for each application phase, thus improving both performance and energy efficiency. Through the execution of several benchmarks in multi-/many-core systems, we show that our prediction-based policies have competitive performance while improving energy efficiency when compared to state of the art policies.Comment: Postprint submitted and published at Euro-Par2020: International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Springer) (https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-57675-2_31

    A New Look at the Roles of Spinning and Blocking

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    Database engines face growing scalability challenges as core counts exponentially increase each processor generation, and the efficiency of synchronization primitives used to protect internal data structures is a crucial factor in overall database performance. The trade-offs between different implementation approaches for these primitives shift significantly with increasing degrees of available hardware parallelism. Blocking synchronization, which has long been the favored approach in database systems, becomes increasingly unattractive as growing core counts expose its bottlenecks. Spinning implementations improve peak system throughput by a factor of 2x or more for 64 hardware contexts, but suffer from poor performance under load. In this paper we analyze the shifting trade-off between spinning and blocking synchronization, and observe that the trade-off can be simplified by isolating the load control aspects of contention management and treating the two problems separately: spinning-based contention management and blocking-based load control. We then present a proof of concept implementation that, for high concurrency, matches or exceeds the performance of both user-level spinlocks and the pthread mutex under a wide range of load factors

    Least space-time first scheduling algorithm : scheduling complex tasks with hard deadline on parallel machines

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    Both time constraints and logical correctness are essential to real-time systems and failure to specify and observe a time constraint may result in disaster. Two orthogonal issues arise in the design and analysis of real-time systems: one is the specification of the system, and the semantic model describing the properties of real-time programs; the other is the scheduling and allocation of resources that may be shared by real-time program modules. The problem of scheduling tasks with precedence and timing constraints onto a set of processors in a way that minimizes maximum tardiness is here considered. A new scheduling heuristic, Least Space Time First (LSTF), is proposed for this NP-Complete problem. Basic properties of LSTF are explored; for example, it is shown that (1) LSTF dominates Earliest-Deadline-First (EDF) for scheduling a set of tasks on a single processor (i.e., if a set of tasks are schedulable under EDF, they are also schedulable under LSTF); and (2) LSTF is more effective than EDF for scheduling a set of independent simple tasks on multiple processors. Within an idealized framework, theoretical bounds on maximum tardiness for scheduling algorithms in general, and tighter bounds for LSTF in particular, are proven for worst case behavior. Furthermore, simulation benchmarks are developed, comparing the performance of LSTF with other scheduling disciplines for average case behavior. Several techniques are introduced to integrate overhead (for example, scheduler and context switch) and more realistic assumptions (such as inter-processor communication cost) in various execution models. A workload generator and symbolic simulator have been implemented for comparing the performance of LSTF (and a variant -- LSTF+) with that of several standard scheduling algorithms. LSTF\u27s execution model, basic theories, and overhead considerations have been defined and developed. Based upon the evidence, it is proposed that LSTF is a good and practical scheduling algorithm for building predictable, analyzable, and reliable complex real-time systems. There remain some open issues to be explored, such as relaxing some current restrictions, discovering more properties and theorems of LSTF under different models, etc. We strongly believe that LSTF can be a practical scheduling algorithm in the near future

    Decoupling contention management from scheduling

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    Decoupling contention management from scheduling

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    Many parallel applications exhibit unpredictable communication between threads, leading to contention for shared objects. The choice of contention management strategy impacts strongly the performance and scalability of these applications: spinning provides maximum performance but wastes significant processor resources, while blocking-based approaches conserve processor resources but introduce high overheads on the critical path of computation. Under situations of high or changing load, the operating system complicates matters further with arbitrary scheduling decisions which often preempt lock holders, leading to long serialization delays until the preempted thread resumes execution. We observe that contention management is orthogonal to the problems of scheduling and load management and propose to decouple them so each may be solved independently and effectively. To this end, we propose a load control mechanism which manages the number of active threads in the system separately from any contention which may exist. By isolating contention management from damaging interactions with the OS scheduler, we combine the efficiency of spinning with the robustness of blocking. The proposed load control mechanism results in stable, high performance for both lightly and heavily loaded systems, requires no special privileges or modifications at the OS level, and can be implemented as a library which benefits existing code

    High performance cloud computing on multicore computers

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    The cloud has become a major computing platform, with virtualization being a key to allow applications to run and share the resources in the cloud. A wide spectrum of applications need to process large amounts of data at high speeds in the cloud, e.g., analyzing customer data to find out purchase behavior, processing location data to determine geographical trends, or mining social media data to assess brand sentiment. To achieve high performance, these applications create and use multiple threads running on multicore processors. However, existing virtualization technology cannot support the efficient execution of such applications on virtual machines, making them suffer poor and unstable performance in the cloud. Targeting multi-threaded applications, the dissertation analyzes and diagnoses their performance issues on virtual machines, and designs practical solutions to improve their performance. The dissertation makes the following contributions. First, the dissertation conducts extensive experiments with standard multicore applications, in order to evaluate the performance overhead on virtualization systems and diagnose the causing factors. Second, focusing on one main source of the performance overhead, excessive spinning, the dissertation designs and evaluates a holistic solution to make effective utilization of the hardware virtualization support in processors to reduce excessive spinning with low cost. Third, focusing on application scalability, which is the most important performance feature for multi-threaded applications, the dissertation models application scalability in virtual machines and analyzes how application scalability changes with virtualization and resource sharing. Based on the modeling and analysis, the dissertation identifies key application features and system factors that have impacts on application scalability, and reveals possible approaches for improving scalability. Forth, the dissertation explores one approach to improving application scalability by making fully utilization of virtual resources of each virtual machine. The general idea is to match the workload distribution among the virtual CPUs in a virtual machine and the virtual CPU resource of the virtual machine manager

    Improving the Performance of User-level Runtime Systems for Concurrent Applications

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    Concurrency is an essential part of many modern large-scale software systems. Applications must handle millions of simultaneous requests from millions of connected devices. Handling such a large number of concurrent requests requires runtime systems that efficiently man- age concurrency and communication among tasks in an application across multiple cores. Existing low-level programming techniques provide scalable solutions with low overhead, but require non-linear control flow. Alternative approaches to concurrent programming, such as Erlang and Go, support linear control flow by mapping multiple user-level execution entities across multiple kernel threads (M:N threading). However, these systems provide comprehensive execution environments that make it difficult to assess the performance impact of user-level runtimes in isolation. This thesis presents a nimble M:N user-level threading runtime that closes this con- ceptual gap and provides a software infrastructure to precisely study the performance impact of user-level threading. Multiple design alternatives are presented and evaluated for scheduling, I/O multiplexing, and synchronization components of the runtime. The performance of the runtime is evaluated in comparison to event-driven software, system- level threading, and other user-level threading runtimes. An experimental evaluation is conducted using benchmark programs, as well as the popular Memcached application. The user-level runtime supports high levels of concurrency without sacrificing application performance. In addition, the user-level scheduling problem is studied in the context of an existing actor runtime that maps multiple actors to multiple kernel-level threads. In particular, two locality-aware work-stealing schedulers are proposed and evaluated. It is shown that locality-aware scheduling can significantly improve the performance of a class of applications with a high level of concurrency. In general, the performance and resource utilization of large-scale concurrent applications depends on the level of concurrency that can be expressed by the programming model. This fundamental effect is studied by refining and customizing existing concurrency models

    Towards Scalable Synchronization on Multi-Cores

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    The shift of commodity hardware from single- to multi-core processors in the early 2000s compelled software developers to take advantage of the available parallelism of multi-cores. Unfortunately, only few---so-called embarrassingly parallel---applications can leverage this available parallelism in a straightforward manner. The remaining---non-embarrassingly parallel---applications require that their processes coordinate their possibly interleaved executions to ensure overall correctness---they require synchronization. Synchronization is achieved by constraining or even prohibiting parallel execution. Thus, per Amdahl's law, synchronization limits software scalability. In this dissertation, we explore how to minimize the effects of synchronization on software scalability. We show that scalability of synchronization is mainly a property of the underlying hardware. This means that synchronization directly hampers the cross-platform performance portability of concurrent software. Nevertheless, we can achieve portability without sacrificing performance, by creating design patterns and abstractions, which implicitly leverage hardware details without exposing them to software developers. We first perform an exhaustive analysis of the performance behavior of synchronization on several modern platforms. This analysis clearly shows that the performance and scalability of synchronization are highly dependent on the characteristics of the underlying platform. We then focus on lock-based synchronization and analyze the energy/performance trade-offs of various waiting techniques. We show that the performance and the energy efficiency of locks go hand in hand on modern x86 multi-cores. This correlation is again due to the characteristics of the hardware that does not provide practical tools for reducing the power consumption of locks without sacrificing throughput. We then propose two approaches for developing portable and scalable concurrent software, hence hiding the limitations that the underlying multi-cores impose. First, we introduce OPTIK, a new practical design pattern for designing and implementing fast and scalable concurrent data structures. We illustrate the power of our OPTIK pattern by devising five new algorithms and by optimizing four state-of-the-art algorithms for linked lists, skip lists, hash tables, and queues. Second, we introduce MCTOP, a multi-core topology abstraction which includes low-level information, such as memory bandwidths. MCTOP enables developers to accurately and portably define high-level optimization policies. We illustrate several such policies through four examples, including automated backoff schemes for locks, and illustrate the performance and portability of these policies on five platforms