2 research outputs found

    Searching a Tree with Permanently Noisy Advice

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    We consider a search problem on trees using unreliable guiding instructions. Specifically, an agent starts a search at the root of a tree aiming to find a treasure hidden at one of the nodes by an adversary. Each visited node holds information, called advice, regarding the most promising neighbor to continue the search. However, the memory holding this information may be unreliable. Modeling this scenario, we focus on a probabilistic setting. That is, the advice at a node is a pointer to one of its neighbors. With probability q each node is faulty, independently of other nodes, in which case its advice points at an arbitrary neighbor, chosen uniformly at random. Otherwise, the node is sound and points at the correct neighbor. Crucially, the advice is permanent, in the sense that querying a node several times would yield the same answer. We evaluate efficiency by two measures: The move complexity denotes the expected number of edge traversals, and the query complexity denotes the expected number of queries. Let Delta denote the maximal degree. Roughly speaking, the main message of this paper is that a phase transition occurs when the noise parameter q is roughly 1/sqrt{Delta}. More precisely, we prove that above the threshold, every search algorithm has query complexity (and move complexity) which is both exponential in the depth d of the treasure and polynomial in the number of nodes n. Conversely, below the threshold, there exists an algorithm with move complexity O(d sqrt{Delta}), and an algorithm with query complexity O(sqrt{Delta}log Delta log^2 n). Moreover, for the case of regular trees, we obtain an algorithm with query complexity O(sqrt{Delta}log n log log n). For q that is below but close to the threshold, the bound for the move complexity is tight, and the bounds for the query complexity are not far from the lower bound of Omega(sqrt{Delta}log_Delta n). In addition, we also consider a semi-adversarial variant, in which an adversary chooses the direction of advice at faulty nodes. For this variant, the threshold for efficient moving algorithms happens when the noise parameter is roughly 1/Delta. Above this threshold a simple protocol that follows each advice with a fixed probability already achieves optimal move complexity

    Optimal Strategies Against a Liar

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    AbstractWe consider the following scenario: There are two individuals, say Q (Questioner) and R (Responder), involved in a search game. Player R chooses a number, say x, from the set S={1,…,M}. Player Q has to find out x by asking questions of type: “which one of the sets A1,A2,…,Aq, does x belong to?”, where the sets A1,…,Aq constitute a partition of S. Player R answers “i” to indicate that the number x belongs to Ai. We are interested in the least number of questions player Q has to ask in order to be always able to correctly guess the number x, provided that R can lie at most e times. The case e=0 obviously reduces to the classical q-ary search, and the necessary number of questions is [logqM]. The case q=2 and e⩾1 has been widely studied, and it is generally referred to as Ulam's game. In this paper we consider the general case of arbitrary q⩾2. Under the assumption that player R is allowed to lie at most twice throughout the game, we determine the minimum number of questions Q needs to ask in order to successfully search for x in a set of cardinality M=qi, for any i⩾1. As a corollary, we obtain a counterexample to a recently proposed conjecture of Aigner, for the case of an arbitrary number of lies. We also exactly solve the problem when player R is allowed to lie a fixed but otherwise arbitrary number of times e, and M=qi, with i not too large with respect to q. For the general case of arbitrary M, we give fairly tight upper and lower bounds on the number of the necessary questions