36,273 research outputs found

    Automatic detection, tracking and counting of birds in marine video content

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    Robust automatic detection of moving objects in a marine context is a multi-faceted problem due to the complexity of the observed scene. The dynamic nature of the sea caused by waves, boat wakes, and weather conditions poses huge challenges for the development of a stable background model. Moreover, camera motion, reflections, lightning and illumination changes may contribute to false detections. Dynamic background subtraction (DBGS) is widely considered as a solution to tackle this issue in the scope of vessel detection for maritime traffic analysis. In this paper, the DBGS techniques suggested for ships are investigated and optimized for the monitoring and tracking of birds in marine video content. In addition to background subtraction, foreground candidates are filtered by a classifier based on their feature descriptors in order to remove non-bird objects. Different types of classifiers have been evaluated and results on a ground truth labeled dataset of challenging video fragments show similar levels of precision and recall of about 95% for the best performing classifier. The remaining foreground items are counted and birds are tracked along the video sequence using spatio-temporal motion prediction. This allows marine scientists to study the presence and behavior of birds

    Automatic camera selection for activity monitoring in a multi-camera system for tennis

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    In professional tennis training matches, the coach needs to be able to view play from the most appropriate angle in order to monitor players' activities. In this paper, we describe and evaluate a system for automatic camera selection from a network of synchronised cameras within a tennis sporting arena. This work combines synchronised video streams from multiple cameras into a single summary video suitable for critical review by both tennis players and coaches. Using an overhead camera view, our system automatically determines the 2D tennis-court calibration resulting in a mapping that relates a player's position in the overhead camera to their position and size in another camera view in the network. This allows the system to determine the appearance of a player in each of the other cameras and thereby choose the best view for each player via a novel technique. The video summaries are evaluated in end-user studies and shown to provide an efficient means of multi-stream visualisation for tennis player activity monitoring

    MRF-based background initialisation for improved foreground detection in cluttered surveillance videos

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    Robust foreground object segmentation via background modelling is a difficult problem in cluttered environments, where obtaining a clear view of the background to model is almost impossible. In this paper, we propose a method capable of robustly estimating the background and detecting regions of interest in such environments. In particular, we propose to extend the background initialisation component of a recent patch-based foreground detection algorithm with an elaborate technique based on Markov Random Fields, where the optimal labelling solution is computed using iterated conditional modes. Rather than relying purely on local temporal statistics, the proposed technique takes into account the spatial continuity of the entire background. Experiments with several tracking algorithms on the CAVIAR dataset indicate that the proposed method leads to considerable improvements in object tracking accuracy, when compared to methods based on Gaussian mixture models and feature histograms

    Attention and Anticipation in Fast Visual-Inertial Navigation

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    We study a Visual-Inertial Navigation (VIN) problem in which a robot needs to estimate its state using an on-board camera and an inertial sensor, without any prior knowledge of the external environment. We consider the case in which the robot can allocate limited resources to VIN, due to tight computational constraints. Therefore, we answer the following question: under limited resources, what are the most relevant visual cues to maximize the performance of visual-inertial navigation? Our approach has four key ingredients. First, it is task-driven, in that the selection of the visual cues is guided by a metric quantifying the VIN performance. Second, it exploits the notion of anticipation, since it uses a simplified model for forward-simulation of robot dynamics, predicting the utility of a set of visual cues over a future time horizon. Third, it is efficient and easy to implement, since it leads to a greedy algorithm for the selection of the most relevant visual cues. Fourth, it provides formal performance guarantees: we leverage submodularity to prove that the greedy selection cannot be far from the optimal (combinatorial) selection. Simulations and real experiments on agile drones show that our approach ensures state-of-the-art VIN performance while maintaining a lean processing time. In the easy scenarios, our approach outperforms appearance-based feature selection in terms of localization errors. In the most challenging scenarios, it enables accurate visual-inertial navigation while appearance-based feature selection fails to track robot's motion during aggressive maneuvers.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Autonomic State Management for Optimistic Simulation Platforms

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    We present the design and implementation of an autonomic state manager (ASM) tailored for integration within optimistic parallel discrete event simulation (PDES) environments based on the C programming language and the executable and linkable format (ELF), and developed for execution on x8664 architectures. With ASM, the state of any logical process (LP), namely the individual (concurrent) simulation unit being part of the simulation model, is allowed to be scattered on dynamically allocated memory chunks managed via standard API (e.g., malloc/free). Also, the application programmer is not required to provide any serialization/deserialization module in order to take a checkpoint of the LP state, or to restore it in case a causality error occurs during the optimistic run, or to provide indications on which portions of the state are updated by event processing, so to allow incremental checkpointing. All these tasks are handled by ASM in a fully transparent manner via (A) runtime identification (with chunk-level granularity) of the memory map associated with the LP state, and (B) runtime tracking of the memory updates occurring within chunks belonging to the dynamic memory map. The co-existence of the incremental and non-incremental log/restore modes is achieved via dual versions of the same application code, transparently generated by ASM via compile/link time facilities. Also, the dynamic selection of the best suited log/restore mode is actuated by ASM on the basis of an innovative modeling/optimization approach which takes into account stability of each operating mode with respect to variations of the model/environmental execution parameters

    CNN for Very Fast Ground Segmentation in Velodyne LiDAR Data

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    This paper presents a novel method for ground segmentation in Velodyne point clouds. We propose an encoding of sparse 3D data from the Velodyne sensor suitable for training a convolutional neural network (CNN). This general purpose approach is used for segmentation of the sparse point cloud into ground and non-ground points. The LiDAR data are represented as a multi-channel 2D signal where the horizontal axis corresponds to the rotation angle and the vertical axis the indexes channels (i.e. laser beams). Multiple topologies of relatively shallow CNNs (i.e. 3-5 convolutional layers) are trained and evaluated using a manually annotated dataset we prepared. The results show significant improvement of performance over the state-of-the-art method by Zhang et al. in terms of speed and also minor improvements in terms of accuracy.Comment: ICRA 2018 submissio