4,716 research outputs found

    Optimized Solar Photovoltaic Generation in a Real Local Distribution Network

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    Remarkable penetration of renewable energy in electric networks, despite its valuable opportunities, such as power loss reduction and loadability improvements, has raised concerns for system operators. Such huge penetration can lead to a violation of the grid requirements, such as voltage and current limits and reverse power flow. Optimal placement and sizing of Distributed Generation (DG) are one of the best ways to strengthen the efficiency of the power systems. This paper builds a simulation model for the local distribution network based on obtained load profiles, GIS information, solar insolation, feeder and voltage settings, and define the optimization problem of solar PVDG installation to determine the optimal siting and sizing for different penetration levels with different objective functions. The objective functions include voltage profile improvement and energy loss minimization and the considered constraints include the physical distribution network constraints (AC power flow), the PV capacity constraint, and the voltage and reverse power flow constraints.Comment: To be published (Accepted) in: Proceedings of the IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), Washington D.C., USA, 201

    Optimal household energy management and participation in ancillary services with PV production

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    The work presented in this paper deals with a project aiming to increase the value of photovoltaic (PV) solar production for residential application. To contribute to the development of the new functionalities for such system and the efficient control system to optimize its operation, this paper defines the possibility for the proposed system to participate to the ancillary services, particularly in active power service provider. This service of PV-based system for housing application, as it does not exist today, has led to a market design proposition in the distribution system. The mathematical model for calculating the optimal operation of system (sources, load, and the exchange power with the grid) results in a linear mix integer optimization problem where the objective is to maximize the profit obtained by participating to electricity market. The approach is illustrated in an example study case. The PV producer could benefit from its intervention on balancing market or ancillary services market despite of the impact on the profit of several kinds of uncertainty, as the intermittence of PV source.energy management ; ancillary services ; PV production ; household application

    Time-Series Analysis of Photovoltaic Distributed Generation Impacts on a Local Distributed Network

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    Increasing penetration level of photovoltaic (PV) distributed generation (DG) into distribution networks will have many impacts on nominal circuit operating conditions including voltage quality and reverse power flow issues. In U.S. most studies on PVDG impacts on distribution networks are performed for west coast and central states. The objective of this paper is to study the impacts of PVDG integration on local distribution network based on real-world settings for network parameters and time-series analysis. PVDG penetration level is considered to find the hosting capacity of the network without having major issues in terms of voltage quality and reverse power flow. Time-series analyses show that distributed installation of PVDGs on commercial buses has the maximum network energy loss reduction and larger penetration ratios for them. Additionally, the penetration ratio thresholds for which there will be no power quality and reverse power flow issues and optimal allocation of PVDG and penetration levels are identified for different installation scenarios.Comment: To be published (Accepted) in: 12th IEEE PES PowerTech Conference, Manchester, UK, 201

    Power quality and electromagnetic compatibility: special report, session 2

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    The scope of Session 2 (S2) has been defined as follows by the Session Advisory Group and the Technical Committee: Power Quality (PQ), with the more general concept of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and with some related safety problems in electricity distribution systems. Special focus is put on voltage continuity (supply reliability, problem of outages) and voltage quality (voltage level, flicker, unbalance, harmonics). This session will also look at electromagnetic compatibility (mains frequency to 150 kHz), electromagnetic interferences and electric and magnetic fields issues. Also addressed in this session are electrical safety and immunity concerns (lightning issues, step, touch and transferred voltages). The aim of this special report is to present a synthesis of the present concerns in PQ&EMC, based on all selected papers of session 2 and related papers from other sessions, (152 papers in total). The report is divided in the following 4 blocks: Block 1: Electric and Magnetic Fields, EMC, Earthing systems Block 2: Harmonics Block 3: Voltage Variation Block 4: Power Quality Monitoring Two Round Tables will be organised: - Power quality and EMC in the Future Grid (CIGRE/CIRED WG C4.24, RT 13) - Reliability Benchmarking - why we should do it? What should be done in future? (RT 15

    Impact of hybrid renewable energy systems on short circuit levels in distribution networks

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    The effects of the distributed generation can be classified as environmental, technical and economical effects. It is playing a very vital role for improving the voltage profiles in electrical power systems. However, it could have some negative impacts such as operating conflicts for fault clearing and interference with relaying. Distribution system is the link between the utility system and the consumer. It is divided into three categories radial, Loop, and network. Distribution networks are the most commonly used to cover huge number of loads. The power system reliability mainly depends on the smooth operation and continuity of supply of the distribution network. However, this may not always be guaranteed especially with the introduction of distributed generation to the distribution network. This paper will examine the impact of hybrid renewable energy systems (using photovoltaic and doubly fed induction generators) on short circuit level of IEEE 13-bus distribution test system using ETAP software

    Local Control of Reactive Power by Distributed Photovoltaic Generators

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    High penetration levels of distributed photovoltaic (PV) generation on an electrical distribution circuit may severely degrade power quality due to voltage sags and swells caused by rapidly varying PV generation during cloud transients coupled with the slow response of existing utility compensation and regulation equipment. Although not permitted under current standards for interconnection of distributed generation, fast-reacting, VAR-capable PV inverters may provide the necessary reactive power injection or consumption to maintain voltage regulation under difficult transient conditions. As side benefit, the control of reactive power injection at each PV inverter provides an opportunity and a new tool for distribution utilities to optimize the performance of distribution circuits, e.g. by minimizing thermal losses. We suggest a local control scheme that dispatches reactive power from each PV inverter based on local instantaneous measurements of the real and reactive components of the consumed power and the real power generated by the PVs. Using one adjustable parameter per circuit, we balance the requirements on power quality and desire to minimize thermal losses. Numerical analysis of two exemplary systems, with comparable total PV generation albeit a different spatial distribution, show how to adjust the optimization parameter depending on the goal. Overall, this local scheme shows excellent performance; it's capable of guaranteeing acceptable power quality and achieving significant saving in thermal losses in various situations even when the renewable generation in excess of the circuit own load, i.e. feeding power back to the higher-level system.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, submitted to IEEE SmartGridComm 201