489 research outputs found

    Improved QPR Power Controller With Harmonic Compensator For Wind Grid-Connected Inverter

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    The grid-connected inverter plays an important role in wind turbine grid-connected power generation system. The performance of inverter control strategy directly affects the grid-connected current quality. For quasi-proportional resonant(QPR) control, the output signal step of controller exists owing to the input signal step, and the grid current will be distorted by the low-frequency noise in the input signal. In order to solve these problems, the performance of quasi-PR control should be improved, so a method of constructing quasi-PR controller with two degrees of freedom is adopted, by which the improved controller can effectively suppress the influence of the step and low-frequency noise in the input signal on the grid-connected current. The improved controller is simulated on MATLAB, and the results show that the applied method can effectively improve the property of the existing problems of quasi-QPR controller and the quality of grid-connected current. Keywords: Grid-connected inverter, Harmonic compensator, Matlab/Simulation, 2-DOF,QPR. DOI: 10.7176/CTI/8-0

    Flexible operation of grid-interfacing converters in distribution networks : bottom-up solutions to voltage quality enhancement

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    Due to the emerging application of distributed generation (DG), large numbers of DG systems are expected to deliver electricity into the distribution network in the near future. For the most part these systems are not ready for riding through grid disturbances and cannot mitigate unwanted influences on the grid. On the one hand, with the increasing use of sensitive and critical equipment by customers, the electricity network is required to serve high voltage quality. On the other hand, more and more unbalanced and nonlinear equipment, including DG units, is negatively affecting the power quality of distribution networks. To adapt to the future distribution network, the tendency for grid-interfacing converters will be to integrate voltage quality enhancement with DG functionality. In this thesis, the flexible operation of grid-interfacing converters in distribution networks is investigated for the purpose of voltage quality enhancement at both the grid and user sides. The research is carried out in a bottom-up fashion, from the low-level power electronics control, through the realization of individual system functionality, finally arriving at system-level concepts and implementation. Being essential to the control of grid-interfacing converters, both stationaryframe techniques for voltage detection and synchronization in disturbed grids, and asymmetrical current regulation are investigated. Firstly, a group of high performance filters for the detection of fundamental symmetrical sequences and harmonics under various grid conditions is proposed. The robustness of the proposed filters to small grid-frequency variation and their adaptability to large frequency change are discussed. Secondly, multiple reference frame current regulation is explored for dealing with unbalanced grid conditions. As a complement to the existing proportional resonant (PR) controllers, sequence-decoupled resonant (SDR) controllers are proposed for regulating individual symmetric sequences. Based on the modeling of a four-leg grid-connected system in different reference frames, three types of controllers, i.e. PI, PR, and proportional plus SDR controllers are compared. Grid-interactive control of distributed power generation, i.e. voltage unbalance compensation, grid-fault ride-through control and flexible power transfer, as well as the modeling of harmonic interaction, are all investigated. The in-depth study and analysis of these grid interactions show the grid-support possibilities and potential negative impact on the grid of inverter-based DG units, beyond their primary goal of power delivery. In order to achieve a co-operative voltage unbalance compensation based on distributed DG systems, two control schemes, namely voltage unbalance factor based control and negative-sequence admittance control, are proposed. The negativesequence voltages at the grid connection point can be compensated and mitigated by regulating the negative-sequence currents flowing between the grid and DG converters. Flexible active and reactive power control during unbalanced voltage dips is proposed that enables DG systems to enhance grid-fault ride-through capability and to adapt to various requirements for grid voltage support. By changing adaptable weighting factors, the compensation of oscillating power and the regulation of grid currents can be easily implemented. Two joint strategies for the simultaneous control of active and reactive power are derived, which maintain the adaptive controllability that can cope with multiple constraints in practical applications. The contribution of zero-sequence currents to active power control is also analyzed as a complement to the proposed control, which is based on positive- and negative-sequence components. Harmonic interaction between DG inverters and the grid is modeled and analyzed with an impedance-based approach. In order to mitigate the harmonic distortion in a polluted grid, it is proposed to specify output impedance limits as a design constraint for DG inverters. Results obtained from modeling, analysis, and simulations of a distribution network with aggregated DG inverters, show that the proposed method is a simple and effective way for estimating harmonic quasi-resonance problems. By integrating these proposed control strategies in a modified conventional series-parallel structure, we arrived at a group of grid-interfacing system topologies that is suitable for DG applications, voltage quality improvement, and flexible power transfer. A concrete laboratory system details the proposed concepts and specifies the practical problems related to control design. The introduction of multi-level control objectives illustrates that the proposed system can ride through voltage disturbances, can enhance the grid locally, and can continue the power transfer to and from the grid while high voltage quality is maintained for the local loads within the system module. A dual-converter laboratory set-up was built, with which the proposed concepts and practical implementation have been fully demonstrated

    Grid integration of renewable power generation

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    This thesis considers the use of three-phase voltage and current source inverters as interfacing units for renewable power, specifically photovoltaic (PV) into the ac grid. This thesis presented two modulation strategies that offer the possibility of operating PV inverters in grid and islanding modes, with reduced switching losses. The first modulation strategy is for the voltage source inverter (VSI), and exploits 3rd harmonic injection with selective harmonic elimination (SHE) to improve performance at low and high modulation indices, where the traditional SHE implementation experiences difficulties due to pulse dropping. The simulations and experimentation presented show that the proposed SHE allows grid PV inverters to be operated with less than a 1kHz effective switching frequency per device. This is vital in power generation, especially in medium and high power applications. Pulse dropping is avoided as the proposed modified SHE spreads the switching angles over 90°, in addition increasing the modulation index. The second proposed modulation strategy, called direct regular sampled pulse width modulation (DRSPWM), is for the current source inverter (CSI). It exploits a combination of forced and natural commutation imposed by the co-existence of an insulated gate bipolar transistor in series with a diode in a three phase current source inverter, to determine device dwell times and switching sequence selection. The DRSPWM strategy reduces switching frequency per device in a CSI by suspending each phase for 60°, similar to VSI dead-band, thus low switching losses are expected. Other benefits include simple digital platform implementation and more flexible switching sequence selection and pulse placement than with space vector modulation. The validity of the DRSPWM is confirmed using simulations and experimentation. This thesis also presents a new dc current offset compensation technique used to facilitate islanding or grid operation of inverter based distributed generation, with a reduced number of interfacing transformers. The proposed technique will enable transformerless operation of all inverters within the solar farm, and uses only one power transformer at the point of common coupling. The validity of the presented modulation strategies and dc current offset compensation technique are substantiated using simulations and experimentation.This thesis considers the use of three-phase voltage and current source inverters as interfacing units for renewable power, specifically photovoltaic (PV) into the ac grid. This thesis presented two modulation strategies that offer the possibility of operating PV inverters in grid and islanding modes, with reduced switching losses. The first modulation strategy is for the voltage source inverter (VSI), and exploits 3rd harmonic injection with selective harmonic elimination (SHE) to improve performance at low and high modulation indices, where the traditional SHE implementation experiences difficulties due to pulse dropping. The simulations and experimentation presented show that the proposed SHE allows grid PV inverters to be operated with less than a 1kHz effective switching frequency per device. This is vital in power generation, especially in medium and high power applications. Pulse dropping is avoided as the proposed modified SHE spreads the switching angles over 90°, in addition increasing the modulation index. The second proposed modulation strategy, called direct regular sampled pulse width modulation (DRSPWM), is for the current source inverter (CSI). It exploits a combination of forced and natural commutation imposed by the co-existence of an insulated gate bipolar transistor in series with a diode in a three phase current source inverter, to determine device dwell times and switching sequence selection. The DRSPWM strategy reduces switching frequency per device in a CSI by suspending each phase for 60°, similar to VSI dead-band, thus low switching losses are expected. Other benefits include simple digital platform implementation and more flexible switching sequence selection and pulse placement than with space vector modulation. The validity of the DRSPWM is confirmed using simulations and experimentation. This thesis also presents a new dc current offset compensation technique used to facilitate islanding or grid operation of inverter based distributed generation, with a reduced number of interfacing transformers. The proposed technique will enable transformerless operation of all inverters within the solar farm, and uses only one power transformer at the point of common coupling. The validity of the presented modulation strategies and dc current offset compensation technique are substantiated using simulations and experimentation

    Mitigation of power quality issues due to high penetration of renewable energy sources in electric grid systems using three-phase APF/STATCOM technologies: a review.

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    This study summarizes an analytical review on the comparison of three-phase static compensator (STATCOM) and active power filter (APF) inverter topologies and their control schemes using industrial standards and advanced high-power configurations. Transformerless and reduced switch count topologies are the leading technologies in power electronics that aim to reduce system cost and offer the additional benefits of small volumetric size, lightweight and compact structure, and high reliability. A detailed comparison of the topologies, control strategies and implementation structures of grid-connected high-power converters is presented. However, reducing the number of power semiconductor devices, sensors, and control circuits requires complex control strategies. This study focuses on different topological devices, namely, passive filters, shunt and hybrid filters, and STATCOMs, which are typically used for power quality improvement. Additionally, appropriate control schemes, such as sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) and space vector PWM techniques, are selected. According to recent developments in shunt APF/STATCOM inverters, simulation and experimental results prove the effectiveness of APF/STATCOM systems for harmonic mitigation based on the defined limit in IEEE-519

    Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Systems

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    Power Converters in Power Electronics

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    In recent years, power converters have played an important role in power electronics technology for different applications, such as renewable energy systems, electric vehicles, pulsed power generation, and biomedical sciences. Power converters, in the realm of power electronics, are becoming essential for generating electrical power energy in various ways. This Special Issue focuses on the development of novel power converter topologies in power electronics. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Z-source converters; multilevel power converter topologies; switched-capacitor-based power converters; power converters for battery management systems; power converters in wireless power transfer techniques; the reliability of power conversion systems; and modulation techniques for advanced power converters

    Reliable Grid Condition Detection and Control of Single-Phase Distributed Power Generation Systems

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