816 research outputs found

    Algorithms for Hierarchical and Semi-Partitioned Parallel Scheduling

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    We propose a model for scheduling jobs in a parallel machine setting that takes into account the cost of migrations by assuming that the processing time of a job may depend on the specific set of machines among which the job is migrated. For the makespan minimization objective, the model generalizes classical scheduling problems such as unrelated parallel machine scheduling, as well as novel ones such as semi-partitioned and clustered scheduling. In the case of a hierarchical family of machines, we derive a compact integer linear programming formulation of the problem and leverage its fractional relaxation to obtain a polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm. Extensions that incorporate memory capacity constraints are also discussed

    Greed Works -- Online Algorithms For Unrelated Machine Stochastic Scheduling

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    This paper establishes performance guarantees for online algorithms that schedule stochastic, nonpreemptive jobs on unrelated machines to minimize the expected total weighted completion time. Prior work on unrelated machine scheduling with stochastic jobs was restricted to the offline case, and required linear or convex programming relaxations for the assignment of jobs to machines. The algorithms introduced in this paper are purely combinatorial. The performance bounds are of the same order of magnitude as those of earlier work, and depend linearly on an upper bound on the squared coefficient of variation of the jobs' processing times. Specifically for deterministic processing times, without and with release times, the competitive ratios are 4 and 7.216, respectively. As to the technical contribution, the paper shows how dual fitting techniques can be used for stochastic and nonpreemptive scheduling problems.Comment: Preliminary version appeared in IPCO 201

    ILP-based approaches to partitioning recurrent workloads upon heterogeneous multiprocessors

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    The problem of partitioning systems of independent constrained-deadline sporadic tasks upon heterogeneous multiprocessor platforms is considered. Several different integer linear program (ILP) formulations of this problem, offering different tradeoffs between effectiveness (as quantified by speedup bound) and running time efficiency, are presented

    Throughput Maximization in Multiprocessor Speed-Scaling

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    We are given a set of nn jobs that have to be executed on a set of mm speed-scalable machines that can vary their speeds dynamically using the energy model introduced in [Yao et al., FOCS'95]. Every job jj is characterized by its release date rjr_j, its deadline djd_j, its processing volume pi,jp_{i,j} if jj is executed on machine ii and its weight wjw_j. We are also given a budget of energy EE and our objective is to maximize the weighted throughput, i.e. the total weight of jobs that are completed between their respective release dates and deadlines. We propose a polynomial-time approximation algorithm where the preemption of the jobs is allowed but not their migration. Our algorithm uses a primal-dual approach on a linearized version of a convex program with linear constraints. Furthermore, we present two optimal algorithms for the non-preemptive case where the number of machines is bounded by a fixed constant. More specifically, we consider: {\em (a)} the case of identical processing volumes, i.e. pi,j=pp_{i,j}=p for every ii and jj, for which we present a polynomial-time algorithm for the unweighted version, which becomes a pseudopolynomial-time algorithm for the weighted throughput version, and {\em (b)} the case of agreeable instances, i.e. for which ri≤rjr_i \le r_j if and only if di≤djd_i \le d_j, for which we present a pseudopolynomial-time algorithm. Both algorithms are based on a discretization of the problem and the use of dynamic programming

    Scheduling MapReduce Jobs under Multi-Round Precedences

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    We consider non-preemptive scheduling of MapReduce jobs with multiple tasks in the practical scenario where each job requires several map-reduce rounds. We seek to minimize the average weighted completion time and consider scheduling on identical and unrelated parallel processors. For identical processors, we present LP-based O(1)-approximation algorithms. For unrelated processors, the approximation ratio naturally depends on the maximum number of rounds of any job. Since the number of rounds per job in typical MapReduce algorithms is a small constant, our scheduling algorithms achieve a small approximation ratio in practice. For the single-round case, we substantially improve on previously best known approximation guarantees for both identical and unrelated processors. Moreover, we conduct an experimental analysis and compare the performance of our algorithms against a fast heuristic and a lower bound on the optimal solution, thus demonstrating their promising practical performance

    Scheduling Algorithms for Procrastinators

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    This paper presents scheduling algorithms for procrastinators, where the speed that a procrastinator executes a job increases as the due date approaches. We give optimal off-line scheduling policies for linearly increasing speed functions. We then explain the computational/numerical issues involved in implementing this policy. We next explore the online setting, showing that there exist adversaries that force any online scheduling policy to miss due dates. This impossibility result motivates the problem of minimizing the maximum interval stretch of any job; the interval stretch of a job is the job's flow time divided by the job's due date minus release time. We show that several common scheduling strategies, including the "hit-the-highest-nail" strategy beloved by procrastinators, have arbitrarily large maximum interval stretch. Then we give the "thrashing" scheduling policy and show that it is a \Theta(1) approximation algorithm for the maximum interval stretch.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Optimal Algorithms for Scheduling under Time-of-Use Tariffs

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    We consider a natural generalization of classical scheduling problems in which using a time unit for processing a job causes some time-dependent cost which must be paid in addition to the standard scheduling cost. We study the scheduling objectives of minimizing the makespan and the sum of (weighted) completion times. It is not difficult to derive a polynomial-time algorithm for preemptive scheduling to minimize the makespan on unrelated machines. The problem of minimizing the total (weighted) completion time is considerably harder, even on a single machine. We present a polynomial-time algorithm that computes for any given sequence of jobs an optimal schedule, i.e., the optimal set of time-slots to be used for scheduling jobs according to the given sequence. This result is based on dynamic programming using a subtle analysis of the structure of optimal solutions and a potential function argument. With this algorithm, we solve the unweighted problem optimally in polynomial time. For the more general problem, in which jobs may have individual weights, we develop a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) based on a dual scheduling approach introduced for scheduling on a machine of varying speed. As the weighted problem is strongly NP-hard, our PTAS is the best possible approximation we can hope for.Comment: 17 pages; A preliminary version of this paper with a subset of results appeared in the Proceedings of MFCS 201

    Non-clairvoyant Scheduling Games

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    In a scheduling game, each player owns a job and chooses a machine to execute it. While the social cost is the maximal load over all machines (makespan), the cost (disutility) of each player is the completion time of its own job. In the game, players may follow selfish strategies to optimize their cost and therefore their behaviors do not necessarily lead the game to an equilibrium. Even in the case there is an equilibrium, its makespan might be much larger than the social optimum, and this inefficiency is measured by the price of anarchy -- the worst ratio between the makespan of an equilibrium and the optimum. Coordination mechanisms aim to reduce the price of anarchy by designing scheduling policies that specify how jobs assigned to a same machine are to be scheduled. Typically these policies define the schedule according to the processing times as announced by the jobs. One could wonder if there are policies that do not require this knowledge, and still provide a good price of anarchy. This would make the processing times be private information and avoid the problem of truthfulness. In this paper we study these so-called non-clairvoyant policies. In particular, we study the RANDOM policy that schedules the jobs in a random order without preemption, and the EQUI policy that schedules the jobs in parallel using time-multiplexing, assigning each job an equal fraction of CPU time

    New complexity results for parallel identical machine scheduling problems with preemption, release dates and regular criteria

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    In this paper, we are interested in parallel identical machine scheduling problems with preemption and release dates in case of a regular criterion to be minimized. We show that solutions having a permutation flow shop structure are dominant if there exists an optimal solution with completion times scheduled in the same order as the release dates, or if there is no release date. We also prove that, for a subclass of these problems, the completion times of all jobs can be ordered in an optimal solution. Using these two results, we provide new results on polynomially solvable problems and hence refine the boundary between P and NP for these problems
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