353 research outputs found

    A Survey of Physical Layer Security Techniques for 5G Wireless Networks and Challenges Ahead

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    Physical layer security which safeguards data confidentiality based on the information-theoretic approaches has received significant research interest recently. The key idea behind physical layer security is to utilize the intrinsic randomness of the transmission channel to guarantee the security in physical layer. The evolution towards 5G wireless communications poses new challenges for physical layer security research. This paper provides a latest survey of the physical layer security research on various promising 5G technologies, including physical layer security coding, massive multiple-input multiple-output, millimeter wave communications, heterogeneous networks, non-orthogonal multiple access, full duplex technology, etc. Technical challenges which remain unresolved at the time of writing are summarized and the future trends of physical layer security in 5G and beyond are discussed.Comment: To appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication

    Principles of Physical Layer Security in Multiuser Wireless Networks: A Survey

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    This paper provides a comprehensive review of the domain of physical layer security in multiuser wireless networks. The essential premise of physical-layer security is to enable the exchange of confidential messages over a wireless medium in the presence of unauthorized eavesdroppers without relying on higher-layer encryption. This can be achieved primarily in two ways: without the need for a secret key by intelligently designing transmit coding strategies, or by exploiting the wireless communication medium to develop secret keys over public channels. The survey begins with an overview of the foundations dating back to the pioneering work of Shannon and Wyner on information-theoretic security. We then describe the evolution of secure transmission strategies from point-to-point channels to multiple-antenna systems, followed by generalizations to multiuser broadcast, multiple-access, interference, and relay networks. Secret-key generation and establishment protocols based on physical layer mechanisms are subsequently covered. Approaches for secrecy based on channel coding design are then examined, along with a description of inter-disciplinary approaches based on game theory and stochastic geometry. The associated problem of physical-layer message authentication is also introduced briefly. The survey concludes with observations on potential research directions in this area.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, 303 refs. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1303.1609 by other authors. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 201

    Distributed space-time block coding in cooperative relay networks with application in cognitive radio

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    Spatial diversity is an effective technique to combat the effects of severe fading in wireless environments. Recently, cooperative communications has emerged as an attractive communications paradigm that can introduce a new form of spatial diversity which is known as cooperative diversity, that can enhance system reliability without sacrificing the scarce bandwidth resource or consuming more transmit power. It enables single-antenna terminals in a wireless relay network to share their antennas to form a virtual antenna array on the basis of their distributed locations. As such, the same diversity gains as in multi-input multi-output systems can be achieved without requiring multiple-antenna terminals. In this thesis, a new approach to cooperative communications via distributed extended orthogonal space-time block coding (D-EO-STBC) based on limited partial feedback is proposed for cooperative relay networks with three and four relay nodes and then generalized for an arbitrary number of relay nodes. This scheme can achieve full cooperative diversity and full transmission rate in addition to array gain, and it has certain properties that make it alluring for practical systems such as orthogonality, flexibility, low computational complexity and decoding delay, and high robustness to node failure. Versions of the closed-loop D-EO-STBC scheme based on cooperative orthogonal frequency division multiplexing type transmission are also proposed for both flat and frequency-selective fading channels which can overcome imperfect synchronization in the network. As such, this proposed technique can effectively cope with the effects of fading and timing errors. Moreover, to increase the end-to-end data rate, this scheme is extended for two-way relay networks through a three-time slot framework. On the other hand, to substantially reduce the feedback channel overhead, limited feedback approaches based on parameter quantization are proposed. In particular, an optimal one-bit partial feedback approach is proposed for the generalized D-O-STBC scheme to maximize the array gain. To further enhance the end-to-end bit error rate performance of the cooperative relay system, a relay selection scheme based on D-EO-STBC is then proposed. Finally, to highlight the utility of the proposed D-EO-STBC scheme, an application to cognitive radio is studied

    On the Non-Orthogonal Layered Broadcast Codes in Cooperative Wireless Networks

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    A multi-fold increase in spectral efficiency and throughput are envisioned in the fifth generation of cellular networks to meet the requirements of International Telecommunication Union (ITU) IMT-2020 on massive connectivity and tremendous data traffic. This is achieved by evolution in three aspects of current networks. The first aspect is shrinking the cell sizes and deploying dense picocells and femtocells to boost the spectral reuse. The second is to allocate more spectrum resources including millimeter-wave bands. The third is deploying highly efficient communications and multiple access techniques. Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is a promising communication technique that complements the current commercial spectrum access approach to boost the spectral efficiency, where different data streams/users’ data share the same time, frequency and code resource blocks (sub-bands) via superimposition with each other. The receivers decode their own messages by deploying the successive interference cancellation (SIC) decoding rule. It is known that the NOMA coding is superior to conventional orthogonal multiple access (OMA) coding, where the resources are split among the users in either time or frequency domain. The NOMA based coding has been incorporated into other coding techniques including multi-input multi-output (MIMO), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), cognitive radio and cooperative techniques. In cooperative NOMA codes, either dedicated relay stations or stronger users with better channel conditions, act as relay to leverage the spatial diversity and to boost the performance of the other users. The advantage of spatial diversity gain in relay-based NOMA codes, is deployed to extend the coverage area of the network, to mitigate the fading effect of multipath channel and to increase the system throughput, hence improving the system efficiency. In this dissertation we consider the multimedia content delivery and machine type communications over 5G networks, where scalable content and low complexity encoders is of interest. We propose cross-layer design for transmission of successive refinement (SR) source code interplayed with non-orthogonal layered broadcast code for deployment in several cooperative network architectures. Firstly, we consider a multi-relay coding scheme where a source node is assisted by a half-duplex multi-relay non-orthogonal amplify-forward (NAF) network to communicate with a destination node. Assuming the channel state information (CSI) is not available at the source node, the achievable layered diversity multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) curve is derived. Then, by taking distortion exponent (DE) as the figure of merit, several achievable lower bounds are proved, and the optimal expected distortion performance under high signal to noise ratio (SNR) approximation is explicitly obtained. It is shown that the proposed coding can achieve the multi-input single-output (MISO) upper bound under certain regions of bandwidth ratios, by which the optimal performance in these regions can be explicitly characterized. Further the non-orthogonal layered coding scheme is extended to a multi-hop MIMO decode-forward (DF) relay network where a set of DE lower bounds is derived. Secondly, we propose a layered cooperative multi-user scheme based on non-orthogonal amplify-forward (NAF) relaying and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) codes, aiming to achieve multi-user uplink transmissions with low complexity and low signaling overhead, particularly applicable to the machine type communications (MTC) and internet of things (IoT) systems. By assuming no CSI available at the transmitting nodes, the proposed layered codes make the transmission rate of each user adaptive to the channel realization. We derive the close-form analytical results on outage probability and the DMT curve of the proposed layered NAF codes in the asymptotic regime of high SNR, and optimize the end-to-end performance in terms of the exponential decay rate of expected distortion. Thirdly, we consider a single relay network and study the non-orthogonal layered scheme in the general SNR regime. A layered relaying scheme based on compress-forward (CF) is introduced, where optimization of end to end performance in terms of expected distortion is conducted to jointly determine network parameters. We further derive the explicit analytical optimal solution with two layers in the absence of channel knowledge. Finally, we consider the problem of multicast of multi-resolution layered messages over downlink of a cellular system with the assumption of CSI is not available at the base station (BS). Without loss generality, spatially random users are divided into two groups, where the near group users with better channel conditions decode for both layers, while the users in the second group decode for base layer only. Once the BS launches a multicast message, the first group users who successfully decoded the message, deploy a distributed cooperating scheme to assist the transmission to the other users. The cooperative scheme is naive but we will prove it can effectively enhance the network capacity. Closed form outage probability is explicitly derived for the two groups of users. Further it is shown that diversity order equal to the number of users in the near group is achievable, hence the coding gain of the proposed distributed scheme fully compensate the lack of CSI at the BS in terms of diversity order

    Modified quasi-orthogonal space-time block coding in distributed wireless networks

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    Cooperative networks have developed as a useful technique that can achieve the same advantage as multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) wireless systems such as spatial diversity, whilst resolving the difficulties of co-located multiple antennas at individual nodes and avoiding the effect of path-loss and shadowing. Spatial diversity in cooperative networks is known as cooperative diversity, and can enhance system reliability without sacrificing the scarce bandwidth resource or consuming more transmit power. It enables single-antenna terminals in a wireless relay network to share their antennas to form a virtual antenna array on the basis of their distributed locations. However, there remain technical challenges to maximize the benefit of cooperative communications, e.g. data rate, asynchronous transmission and outage. In this thesis, therefore, firstly, a modified distributed quasi-orthogonal space-time block coding (M-D-QO-STBC) scheme with increased code gain distance (CGD) for one-way and two-way amplify-and-forward wireless relay networks is proposed. This modified code is designed from set partitioning a larger codebook formed from two quasi-orthogonal space time block codes with different signal rotations then the subcodes are combined and pruned to arrive at the modified codebook with the desired rate in order to increase the CGD. Moreover, for higher rate codes the code distance is maximized by using a genetic algorithm to search for the optimum rotation matrix. This scheme has very good performance and significant coding gain over existing codes such as the open-loop and closed-loop QO-STBC schemes. In addition, the topic of outage probability analysis in the context of multi-relay selection from NN available relay nodes for one-way amplify-and-forward cooperative relay networks is considered together with the best relay selection, the NthN^{th} relay selection and best four relay selection in two-way amplify-and-forward cooperative relay networks. The relay selection is performed either on the basis of a max-min strategy or one based on maximizing exact end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio. Furthermore, in this thesis, robust schemes for cooperative relays based on the M-D-QO-STBC scheme for both one-way and two-way asynchronous cooperative relay networks are considered to overcome the issue of a synchronism in wireless cooperative relay networks. In particular, an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) data structure is employed with cyclic prefix (CP) insertion at the source in the one-way cooperative relay network and at the two terminal nodes in the two-way cooperative network to combat the effects of time asynchronism. As such, this technique can effectively cope with the effects of timing errors. Finally, outage probability performance of a proposed amplify-and-forward cooperative cognitive relay network is evaluated and the cognitive relays are assumed to exploit an overlay approach. A closed form expression for the outage probability for multi-relay selection cooperation over Rayleigh frequency flat fading channels is derived for perfect and imperfect spectrum acquisitions. Furthermore, the M-QO-STBC scheme is also proposed for use in wireless cognitive relay networks. MATLAB and Maple software based simulations are employed throughout the thesis to support the analytical results and assess the performance of new algorithms and methods

    Distributed transmission schemes for wireless communication networks

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    In this thesis new techniques are presented to achieve performance enhancement in wireless cooperative networks. In particular, techniques to improve transmission rate and maximise end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio are described. An offset transmission scheme with full interference cancellation for a wireless cooperative network with frequency flat links and four relays is introduced. This method can asymptotically, as the size of the symbol block increases, achieve maximum transmission rate together with full cooperative diversity provided the destination node has multiple antennas. A novel full inter-relay interference cancellation method that also achieves asymptotically maximum rate and full cooperative diversity is then designed for which the destination node only requires a single antenna. Two- and four-relay selection schemes for wireless cooperative amplify and forward type networks are then studied in order to overcome the degradation of end-to-end bit error rate performance in single-relay selection networks when there are feedback errors in the relay to destination node links. Outage probability analysis for a four-relay selection scheme without interference is undertaken. Outage probability analysis of a full rate distributed transmission scheme with inter-relay interference is also studied for best single- and two-relay selection networks. The advantage of multi-relay selection when no interference occurs and when adjacent cell interference is present at the relay nodes is then shown theoretically. Simulation results for outage probability analysis are included which support the theoretical expressions. Finally, outage probability analysis of a cognitive amplify and forward type relay network with cooperation between certain secondary users, chosen by best single-, two- and four-relay selection is presented. The cognitive amplify and forward relays are assumed to exploit an underlay approach, which requires adherence to an interference constraint on the primary user. The relay selection scheme is performed either with a max−min strategy or one based on maximising exact end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio. The outage probability analyses are again confirmed by numerical evaluations

    Improving performance of far users in cognitive radio: Exploiting NOMA and wireless power transfer

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    In this paper, we examine non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and relay selection strategy to benefit extra advantage from traditional cognitive radio (CR) relaying systems. The most important requirement to prolong lifetime of such network is employing energy harvesting in the relay to address network with limited power constraint. In particular, we study such energy harvesting CR-NOMA using amplify-and-forward (AF) scheme to improve performance far NOMA users. To further address such problem, two schemes are investigated in term of number of selected relays. To further examine system performance, the outage performance needs to be studied for such wireless powered CR-NOMA network over Rayleigh channels. The accurate expressions for the outage probability are derived to perform outage comparison of primary network and secondary network. The analytical results show clearly that position of these nodes, transmit signal to noise ratio (SNR) and power allocation coefficients result in varying outage performance. As main observation, performance gap between primary and secondary destination is decided by both power allocation factors and selection mode of single relay or multiple relays. Numerical studies were conducted to verify our derivations.Web of Science1211art. no. 220

    Distributed space time block coding and application in cooperative cognitive relay networks

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    The design and analysis of various distributed space time block coding schemes for cooperative relay networks is considered in this thesis. Rayleigh frequency flat and selective fading channels are assumed to model the links in the networks, and interference suppression techniques together with an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) type transmission approach are employed to mitigate synchronization errors at the destination node induced by the different delays through the relay nodes. Closed-loop space time block coding is first considered in the context of decode-and-forward (regenerative) networks. In particular, quasi orthogonal and extended orthogonal coding techniques are employed for transmission from four relay nodes and parallel interference cancellation detection is exploited to mitigate synchronization errors. Availability of a direct link between the source and destination nodes is studied. Outer coding is then added to gain further improvement in end-to-end performance and amplify-and-forward (non regenerative) type networks together with distributed space time coding are considered to reduce relay node complexity. A novel detection scheme is then proposed for decode-and-forward and amplify-and-forward networks with closed-loop extended orthogonal coding and closed-loop quasi-orthogonal coding which reduce the computational complexity of the parallel interference cancellation. The near-optimum detector is presented for relay nodes with single or dual antennas. End-to-end bit error rate simulations confirm the potential of the approach and its ability to mitigate synchronization errors